中考英语总复习之非谓语动词填空练习题 下载本文

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1.It’s very exciting _____(have) Chinese food.2.It is time ____ (go) home.

3.He sat down and watched Wang Wang ____(play) with a friendly black cat.

4.That made me _______(feel) very happy. 5. We decide _________(play) tennis.

8.My healthy lifestyle helps me _______(get) good grades. 9.Mom wants me _______(get) up at 6:00 and play with it. 10. It’s important _______(sleep) eight hours a night. 11. I’m sorry ________(hear) the bad news

13. He plans ________(have) a very relaxing vacation. 14. I really need _________(relax).

15. How long does it take you _______(get) school from home. 16. Let me________(look) at your map.

17. You are never too young ___________(start) doing things. 18. Don’t forget _______(clean) your bed. 19. People would like ____(do) such jobs.

20. It’s easy for a child __________(wake) up and know where they are.

21. You should tell him __________(get) different clothes. 22. They find it hard _______(think) for themselves when they’re older.

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23. You need time ________(do) things by yourselves. 24. Our teacher asked us __________(stop) what we were doing.

27. I have a pig ________(name) Connie. 28. It’s enough _______(make) her happy.

29. He encourages us ___________(ask) questions in class. 30. This is the best time __________(watch) them.

31. Friends like you make it easier _________(get) along in a new place.

32. I’ll think of you as we watch the Black Sock _______(win) the game.

33. Be careful _______(look) both ways before you cross the street.

34. Why not _________(join) a club __________(practice) your English.

35. I used _________(be) afraid of the dark.

36. His mother could afford ________(pay) for her child’s education.

37. It was necessary _________(talk) with his mother. 38. I should be allowed ________(go) out after dinner. 40. He needs ____________(spend) time on his homework. 41. You can find a good way __________(keep) them happy.

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42. I don’t know what ____________(wear) at present. 43. I’d rather ___(stay) at home and read a book than ___(go) to a party.

44. I’d invite him ____________(have) dinner at my house. 46. They all volunteer their time ___________(help) other people.

48. You’d better _____________(stay) at school now. 50. They go out their way ________(make) me _________(feel) at home.

51. I find it difficult _________________(remember) everything.

52. People can use their computer ___________(talk) to each other.

53. Don’t wait for him _________(come). He’s gone to Beijing.

54. Ads can lead you ____________(buy) something that you don’t need at all.

55. I’m sorry I forgot ____________(bring) it with me. 57. It’s your job __________(wash) the dishes.

58. On farms farmers use animals ________(do) farm work. 59. We’ll do what we can ____________(help) the students in danger.

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