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Functions (票据的功能)P39

As a means of payment;As a credit instrument;As a transferable instrument; As a means of finance.


——持票人在票据到期前为获取现款向银行贴付一定的利息所做的票据转让。 贴现的计算:贴现净值=到期价值-贴现利息 贴现利息D=(V×t×r)/T

V—到期价值 t—贴现日到到期日的天数 r—年贴现率 T—1年的基础天数(360天计)

A draft was issued on July 30th,2008. The par value was ten thousand RMB, the rate of interest per annum was 8%. The tenor was 3 months after sight and the drawee accepted it on August 27th, 2008. The holder discounted the draft at the rate of 10% per annum on September 19th, 2008. How much can the holder receive? P1 到期价值=(10000×8%×120)/360+10000=10266.67元 贴现利息=(10266.67×10%×69)/360=196.78元 贴现净值=10266.67-196.78=10069.89元

Definition of Bill of Exchange P40

A bill of exchange is defined officially as an unconditional order in writing , addressed by one person to another, signed by the first person, requiring the second person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a certain amount of money, to, or to the order of, a specified person or to the bearer.

汇票是由一个人 (drawer)向另一个人(drawee)签发的无条件的书面命令 要求受票人见票时或在未来某一规定的

或可以确定的时间 (tenor) 将一定金额的款项支付给某一特定的人或其指定人,或持票人 (payee)。

Promissory Note: A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person (the maker) to another (the payee or the holder), signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer. P48


Check :A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer to a bank signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer. P50

支票(Cheque or Check)是银行存款户根据协议向银行签发的即期无条件支付命令

? Remittance(顺汇、汇付):the forward direction of payment instruments and the flow direction of funds are the same.

? 顺汇,又称汇付,是指债务人主动将款项交给本国银行,委托银行通过某种结算工具的使用将汇款付给国外债权人或者


? Reverse remittance(逆汇):the two aspects are different. The creditor issues a draft, entrusting his bank to claim payment from his overseas debtor.

? 逆汇是指债权人通过出具票据委托本国银行向国外债务人收取汇票金额的结算方式,因结算工具的流向和资金的流向相


? Remittance Conception :Remittance refers to the transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries through banks. At the request of its customer, a bank transfers a certain sum of money to its overseas branches or correspondent banks and instructs them to pay a named person or corporation domiciled in that country. P64 ? 汇款,也称汇付。它是指银行或其他金融机构(汇出行)应汇款人(付款人)的要求,通过一定的方式将一定的金额交


Remittance Parties P64-65

汇款人(Remitter);汇出行(Remitting Bank);汇入行(Paying Bank); 收款人(Payee or Beneficiary)

Types and the procedure:

Telegraphic Transfer, T/T (电汇汇款) ; Mail Transfer, M/T (信汇汇款) Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft, D/D (票汇汇款)

nostro account往帐 P31

A bank account conducted by a British bank with a foreign bank, usually in the foreign currency.

vostro account来帐

A bank account held by a foreign bank with a British bank, usually in sterling.

Telegraphic Transfer, T/T Characteristics: P68 ? It is a kind of remittance(顺汇).

? It is the fastest type but the charges are also higher.

? In bank remittance, the T/T is in preference to others. It is dealt on the same day and the bank can ?t use the funds under way. ? It is safe and creditable.

?documents against payment, D/P付款交单P88-89 ?documents against acceptance, D/A承兑交单

Collection is an arrangement whereby the goods are shipped and a relevant bill of

exchange is drawn by the seller on the buyer, and/or shipping documents are forwarded to the seller’s bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent bank located in the domicile of the buyer. P85

定义: ——托收,简言之,就是委托收款

出口商开立金融票据或商业单据,委托托收行通过联行或代理行向债务人收取货款的结算方式。 即:债权人(出口人)出具债权凭证(汇票等)委托银行向债务人(进口人)收取货款。

parties to the operation of collections: P86-87 Principal(seller/exporter/drawer/ Consignor)

Remitting(principal’s/seller’s/exporter’s) Bank Collecting Bank Drawee(buyer/importer)Presenting Bank (提示行) Representative in case of need(需要时的代理)

Please draw a demand draft to make remittance by D/D Draft No. 20060613 Amount: HKD32,150.00

Place and date of draft: Tianjin, 8May, 2009 Paying bank: Bank of China, HongKong

Payee: the order of United Trading Company, HongKong Pay against this draft to the debit of our account. Remitting bank: Bank of China, Tianjin

Remitter: China National Light Industrial Products Imp. & Exp. Corp., Tianjin Branch, Tianjin


NO. 20060613

AMOUNT HKD32,150.00 This draft is valid for one 8May, 2009 ,Tianjin year from date of issue

To: Bank of China, HongKong Pay to the order of United Trading Company, HongKong

THE SUM OF HongKong dollars thirty two thousand one hundred and fifty only PAY AGAINST THIS


Please write ―cover instruction‖ for each remittance in the following blanks.

1)The paying bank has maintained a USD account with the remitting bank. Suppose an

outward remittance in USD is made, how do you write ―cover instruction‖ for this remittance?

2)The remitting bank has maintained a GBP account with the paying bank. Suppose an

outward remittance in GBP is made, how do you write ―cover instruction‖ for this remittance?

ANSWER:(1)In cover, we have credited your account with us;

(2)In cover, please debit our account with you.

? Answer the following questions:

? Commercial invoice is a kind of title documents. (Y or N) ? Commercial invoice needn’t be signed. (Y or N)

? The issuer of the commercial invoice usually is the and the consignee of the invoice is the .

documentary collection跟单托收:documentary collection means collection

of(1) financial documents accompanied by commercial documents, or (2) commercial documents not accompanied by financial documents. P87

? 按金融单据是否随附金融单据分为两种,一种是金融票据随商业单据的托收;另一种是商业单据不附金融单据的托收。

Debit:借记(账户)从账户里扣钱;Credit:贷记(账户)把钱存到此账户。 L/C finance includes (Finance to the experter) and (Finance to the importer ).

Characteristics of collection: P93 It is based on commercial credit. The capital burden is not balance. It is safer than the remittance.

It can afford financing to the seller or buyer.

The procedure is simple, fast and the charges are not high.


1、托收建立在商业信用基础之上; 2、买卖双方利益不均衡(风险、资金负担两方面分析)

3、和汇款方式相比,托收有较强的安全性 ; 4、一定的融资作用 ; 5、结算手续较为简单、迅速,费用较低。

A letter of credit is a written undertaking by a bank(issuing bank)given to the seller (beneficiary) at the request ,and on the instruction,of the buyer(applicant)to pay at sight or at a determinable future date up to a stated sum of money,within a prescribed time limit and against stipulated documents which complied with the terms and conditions of the credit. P109


A Documentary Credit is a conditional bank written undertaking of payment.

Parties involves in a documentary credit: P111

Applicant (Buyer/importer)开证申请人 Issuing Bank (Opening Bank)开证行 Advising bank (notifying bank)通知行或转递行 Beneficiary (Exporter/Seller)受益人 Negotiation Bank议付行 Confirming bank 保兑行 Reimbursing Bank偿付行 Paying Bank付款行

Commercial invoice: The commercial invoice is the key accounting document

describing the commercial transaction between the buyer and the seller. It is a document giving details of goods, service, price, quantity, settlement terms and shipment.

商业发票是记帐单据,也是卖方凭以向买方提供货物及/或服务价款的价目清单。 P202

Characteristics of letter of credit: P109

–It is a kind of banker’s credit. The issuing bank undertakes primary liabilities for payment;

–The obligation of payment born by the bank is limited and conditional.

–A letter of credit is self-sufficient documents and is independent of the sales contract; –Letter of credit is a pure documentary business, that is, banks deal with documents and not with goods, services or other performances to which the documents relate。



The partiesinvolved in international trade: P2 (1) The buyer who purchases the goods . (2) The seller who provides the goods .

(3) Bank that facilitate the payment of the transaction .

Functions of bill of lading are listed below: P209

? It is a receipt for goods from the shipping company to the exporter.(signed by the

shipping company and given to the shippers).

? It is a document of title. (It can be freely bought and sold just like commodity. In case

the buyer dishonors payment, the seller may sell it to other alternative buyers. )

? It is also evidence of contract for carriage between the exporter and the carrier

(shipping company and shippers).

? As a quasi negotiable document. (It can be used for the buyer to take delivery at the

port of destination.)

?Clean B/L and dirty B/L P211-212

A clean B/L indicates that the goods has been received in apparent good condition and it doesn’t bear such notations as ―Shipper’s load and count‖ (货主装箱、点数). An unclean B/L or dirty B/L carries such unfavorable remarks as ―unclean‖, ―foul‖, ―…packages in damaged condition‖, ―iron strap loose or missing‖, ―there are some breakage in packing‖ etc. It is usually unacceptable to the buyer and banks.


Factoring is the purchase of claims, arising from sales of goods, by a specialized company known as factoring company or factor. P239


Function or contents of factoring:P240-241

Sales ledger administration销售分户账 Collection from debits债款回收 Credit control信用销售控制 Full protection against bad debits坏账担保 Trade finance贸易融资

Clean bill光票:It is a bill without shipping documents attached thereto. P48

Forfeiting is the business of discounting medium- term promissory notes or drafts related to an international trade transaction without recourse to any previous holder of the obligation. The promissory note or draft is guaranteed by an importer’s bank ensuring the holder thereof that the importer will pay it at maturity. P246



Procedure for amendment of the credit : P172

(1) The seller requests