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50. The story took place in ________ .

A. a country in Europe B. America C. a hotel D. a department


The yo-yo is one of the oldest and most of all toys. The Greeks were playing with around 500 BC. It was a popular children's toy in the Philippines during century, and it was the toy to own in in the early 19th century. Even the of Wales had one!

popular yo-yos

the 16th Britain Prince

The first American yo-yo company was started in 1928. The American yo-yos had a special feature. They could stop at the end of the string and spin(旋转) in one place before moving up again. This was called “sleeping”. It allowed the user to do tricks while the yo-yo was spinning. Soon yo-yo fans of all ages were doing tricks with names like “walk the dog”, “rock the baby” and “around the world”.

During the 1970s, yo-yo companies began making their yo-yos more interesting and exciting. Yo-yos lit up in the dark, they whistled, and they had funny shapes. In 1985, the yo-yo even went into space. It was taken on the space shuttle Discovery to see how it would perform in zero gravity(重力). It would still spin, but without gravity to pull it down, it would not “sleep”.

Over the years, competitions and exhibitions have led more and more people to take ‘yo-yoing' seriously. In 1990, the first international yo-yo convention (大会) was held. In 1993, the American Yo-Yo Association was started. For serious yo-yo fans, there's even a National Yo-Yo Museum in Chico, California.

The best thing about yo-yos, though, is that you don't have to be a genius to figure them out. You just need to keep practicing, and pretty soon you'll be spinning with the best of them. 51. Why is the yo-yo one of the oldest and most popular of all toys?


A. It was played around 500 BC.

B. Philippine children played with it during the 16th century. C. The British have had it for over 200 years. D. All of the above.

52. A special feature of the American yo-yos allows you to _________.

A. figure out how to use your yo-yo B. whistle with your yo-yo C. go around the world with your yo-yo D. do tricks with your yo-yo 53. On the space shuttle Discovery, the yo-yo _________.

A. did not spin B. would spin but didn't “sleep” C. could do lots of tricks D. could not be controlled at all 54. What has made more people interested in yo-yos?

A. The history of yo-yos. B. The special features of yo-yos.

C. More yo-yo competitions and exhibitions. D. The toys for the Royal family. 55. Which of the following is true?

A. American yo-yos could stop and spin at the end of the string. B. The American Yo-Yo Association began in 1928. C. The National Yo-Yo Museum is in the UK.

D. Without practice people can figure out how to use a yo-yo.


下面I栏是五位先生的一些个人信息,II栏是报纸上刊登的广告信息,请为他们挑选合适的广告,并将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。 I栏 II栏 7

56.Tom ,18 years old ,1.9m, good at basketball .Study in No.1 Middle School . 57. Lily, 21years old, 1.7m, graduated from Beijing University .Good at English. Want to be a teacher in middle school. 58. John, a farmer, 41years old .Just lost his job .He received very little school education. 59. Li Lei, 19 years old .His family is very poor .It’s difficult for him to go on his study at school .He needs to make some money when he is free。 60. Lucy is in need of money .She wants to sell her house with the price between 190,000 yuan to 210,000 yuan . A. English teacher wanted .We would like to get an English teacher between 20 to 25 .Contact with us by the following telephone:8121888 .. B. A cleaner is needed by Zhanyi Company . Whether he has received any school education is not important .If you are interested in it, call 1234567 . C. We need a basketball player to play basketball at this weekend .His age is between17to 20 .A middle school student is OK. D. We need a boy to help us with housework on Saturday morning .20 yuan each working hour. E. House wanted .I need to buy a house with the price of about 200,000 yuan .just call at 139280399 .



turning open difficult hospital top with bottles me children simple

Dear editor,

I used to be a doctor in the children’s department of a local (61)__________. Sometimes I treated (治疗) (62) __________who have been poisoned (中毒) by medicine for adult family members. The children can easily (63) __________the bottle that we now use in China.

Some days ago I talked about medicine (64) __________an American. He showed (65) __________a plastic pill bottle that is “Childproof (对儿童安全的)”. The design was so (66) __________that I’m sure our Chinese factories could produce these (67) __________easily. The top of the bottle locks but can be opened by pressing (按、压) down on it while (68) __________. This is (69) __________for most young children to do, though adults can open them without any difficulty.

I’m sure that the expense (消费、费用) of making such a (70) __________would be very low. As a doctor, I’d love to see this done. And most parents would be grateful.

Ⅷ. 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

(A)在下列各句的每个空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该词的首字母或前两个字母已给。 70. ---I’ve lost my handbag with lots of valuable things in it. ---Sorry to hear that. Please d___________ it. ---Oh, it’s black and medium size.

71. Golden Dragon Hotel is pr_____________ the highest building in Ningbo, but I’m not very sure.

73. The boy was too f____________ to move, because he had never seen such a terrible animal. 74. Ningbo Tianyi Square looks very beautiful at night, e___________ with all lights on and the

splashing spring.


75. Please press the red b___________ when it is in danger so that the alarm will work.

(B)根据下列句子及所给汉语注解,写出单词的正确形式。 76. The shop sells ________ (妇女的) handbags.

77. He ________ (清洁) our classroom every morning.

78. There are two _________ (千) students in our school.

79. If everyone makes a contribution to________ (保护) our environment, our world will become

much more beautiful.

80. The student has already _______(归还) the music book to the library.


假如你是杭州市某中学的英国学生Jenny,现在你想给朋友Peter写一封信,谈论杭州与伦敦的异同。信要包括下列内容: 伦敦 汽车靠左行 阴天多 大多数人开车上班 懂汉语的人少 学生学习宽松 杭州 汽车靠右行 晴天多 大多数人骑自行车或坐公交车上班 懂英语的人多 学生学习勤奋 2.词数:80左右;

3.参考词汇:on the left/right side; weather; go to work; speak; study hard;

Dear Peter,

I have been here for half a year. I’d like to tell you something about Hangzhou and London. In our country


Please write to me soon.

Yours, Jenny



Ⅰ、听下面5段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。现在你有10秒钟的时间阅读这五题。 (停顿2秒)


1. M: Lucy ,would you like some apples? W: No, I’d like some oranges, please. 2. M: Excuse me, how much is the T-shirt? W: The red T-shirt? 25 dollars for each. 3. M: Mary, you are taller than me!

W: Yes, Tom. But Susan is much taller than we two. 4. M: Could you tell me what’s wrong?

W: Well, nothing serious. Only a cold. Take the medicine and you’ll feel better. 5. M: Oh! You have a new watch, Mrs Green!

W: You won’t believe it. I bought it three and a half years ago. (停顿6秒)

Ⅱ、听长对话,回答问题。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两小题。 现在你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两题。 (停顿2秒)

M: Hello! This is Tom speaking. Could I speak to Jack, please?

W: Sorry, Jack is out at the moment. This is Mrs Brown. May I help you?

M: That’s very kind of you. Would you please tell Jack we will have a party this Sunday morning? W: Oh, a party on Sunday morning. OK, I’ll tell him as soon as he comes back. M: Thank you, Mrs Brown. Goodbye! W: Bye!

(停顿2秒,再重复一遍) (再停顿10秒)

听下面一段较长对话,回答第8~10三个小题。现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三题 (停顿2秒)

M: Hi, Sam. Did you hear what happened to Peter? W: No, what’s wrong with him? M: His leg was broken.

W: Really? How did it happen?

M: A car hit him while he was riding across the street. W: Oh, my god! That’s really terrible.

M: Yes, he has to stay in hospital for a few weeks. W: Sorry to hear that. I hope he’ll get better soon. (停顿2秒,再重复一遍) (再停顿12秒)
