Unit1Art教案3(人教版选修6) 下载本文

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人教选修6 Unit 1 Art 教案 Teaching aims

Enable students to learn something about the western arts and the Chinese arts, and learn how to describe a painting. Target language

a. Key words and expressions

convince whiletake the place of a great dealscores of focus on attempt

B.Useful sentences

1.There are so many different styles of Western art that it would be impossible to describe all of them in a short text.

2. In the Renaissance, new ideas and values took the place of those that were held in the Middle Ages.

3.People became focused more on humans and less on religion. 4. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene.

5. The style of Western art has changed many times, while Chinese art has changed less often.

6. The painter does not attempt paint objects as we see them with our eyes.

7. In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal. 8. Nowadays, there are scores of modern art styles.

Learning ability goals

Enable the students to learn the different styles of the western arts. Teaching important points

How to make students tell the characteristics, styles of the western arts. Teaching aids

A projector, a tape-recorder and a blackboard Teaching procedures Step1 Brainstorming

T: How much do you know about art? Have you ever been to an art gallery? Do you find your visit interesting? What can you think of when looking at the word “art”? Slide show

Paintings art museums art painters artists art works art galleries The Renaissance Mona Lisa Step2 Pre-reading

T: Today we will learn more about the western art, now please look at the screen. Slide show

1. Have you visited art galleries?

2. What are the names of some famous Western or Chinese artists? 3. The following paintings are all very famous. Can you guess their names and their painters? What styles they belong to?

Step3 Fast reading Slide show

1. Read the text quickly and answer the following questions. 1. What’s the main idea of the text?

2. How many styles are mentioned in the passage and what are their names? Keys:

1. The style of Western art has changed a lot with time going by. 2. Four. They are: The Middle Ages, The Renaissance, Impressionism and Modern art.

2. Listen to the text carefully, fill in the blanks, and pay attention to the time expressions.

1. The style of Western art has changed____________, while Chinese art has changed________.

2. China, unlike Europe, has followed___________________________. 3. This text will describe only a few of the main styles starting ___________________.

4. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to_________ 5. Things had begun to change ________

6._______________________,____________________took the place of those that were held in the Middle Ages.

7. One of the most important discoveries ___________________was how to draw things in perspective.

8. The first person to use perspective in his paintings was_________. 9. ____________________________they were convinced they were looking...

10.____________________, oil paints were also developed,.. 11._____________________,Europe changed a great deal… 12. ________, most people hated this new style of painting. 13._________________________, the impressionists’ paintings were controversial…

14.__________, there are scores of modern art styles…

15. It is interesting to predict what styles of painting there will be_____ Keys:

1. many times less often 2. similar way of life for a very long time. 3. from the 5th century AD 4.represent religious themes 5. by the13th century 6.

7.during this period 8.Masaccio in 1428

9. When people first saw his paintings 10.During the Renaissance 11.In the late 19th century 12.At first

In the Renaissance new ideas and values

13.At the time they were created 14.Nowadays 15.in the future Step 4 Detailed reading

1. Read the passage in details, discuss in groups and fill in the table

Time Periods Background influence on art Characteris-tics Names of Art Main Artists of art Styles Middle Giotto di Bondone Da Vinci Masaccio Michelangelo Laffelo Santi

5th -15th AD The ruling power religion is the The of church leaders main theme Ages 15th-16th AD revaluing focus more civilizations of on human ancient Greece and Rome The Renaissance