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人教版小学五年级英语上册课文翻译 (旧版)

1 第一单元A部分Let’s learn young年轻的 funny 幽默风趣的 tall 高的 strong 强壮的 kind和蔼的,亲切的 old 年老的 short 矮的 thin瘦的 Who is your ate teacher? 你们的美术老师是谁胡老师。 What’s he like? 他长得什么样子 He is short and thin. 他又矮又瘦。

Let’s talk

Who is your math teacher? 你的数学老师是谁 Mr. Zhao. 赵老师。

What is he like? 他长得什么样子

He is short and thin. He is very kind. 他又瘦又矮。他非常和蔼可亲。 Read and write

I have three new teachers. 我有三位新的老师。 Who are they? 他们是谁

A science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. 一位科学老师一位美术


Who is your English teacher? 你们的英语老师是谁

Mr. Carter. He is from Canada. 卡特老师。他来自加拿大。 What’s he like? 他长得什么样子

He is tall and strong. He is very funny.他又高又壮。他很有趣。 I know. He is my father. 我知道。他是我的爸爸。 Really?! 真的吗?! B部分Let’s learn

Principal 校长 kind 和蔼可亲的 university student 大学生 young年轻的 Strict 严格的 smart 聪明的 funny 有趣的 active活跃的 Who is your principal? 你们的校长是谁 Miss. Lin. 林老师。

Is she young? 她年轻吗

No, she is old. She is very kind. 不她年纪大了。她很和善。

Let’s talk

Who is that young lady? 那位年轻的女士是谁 She is our principal. 她是我们的校长。 Is she strict? 她严厉吗是的她是。 Is she active? 她活泼吗不她不活泼。她很文静。

Read and write

I have a new math teacher. Her class is so much fun. 我有一位新的数学老师。她的课非常有趣。 Really? What’s she like? 真的吗她长得什么样子

She is young and pretty. She is a university student. 她年轻漂亮。她是个大学生。 Is she quite? 她文静吗不她不文静。她很活泼。 Is she strict? 她严厉吗


2 Yes, she is, but she is very kind. 是的她严厉。但她很和善。 Cool. 太好了。 Good to know Who is that man? 那个人是谁

He is our new principal. His name is Liu Guoqiang.他是我们的新校长,他叫刘国强。Hello, Mr. Guoqiang你好国强先生。

No, please call me Guoqiang or Mr. Liu. 不请叫我国强成或刘先生。 Oh, I see. 噢。我明白了。 第二单元Let’s learn

What day is it today? 今天是星期几今天星期一。 What do we have on Mondays? 我们星期一有什么课 Let me see. We have…..让我想想。我们有…… Let’s talk What day is it today? 今天是星期几

It’s Wednesday. 今天星期三。

What do we have on Wednesdays? 我们星期三有什么课

We have English, science, computer and PE. I like Wednesdays. 我们有英语、科技、电脑和体育。我喜欢星期三。

Read and write What day is it today? 今天星期几今天星期三。

Hmm, we have Chinese, art and math on Wednesdays. 嗯。我们星期三有语文、美术和数学。

Wait! Tomorrow is Thursday. What do you have on Thursdays? 等一下明天是星期四。你们星期四有什么课

Oops! We have English, math and science on Thursdays. 哎呀我们星期四有英语、数学和科技。

B部分Let’s learn do homework 做作业 watch TV 看电视 read a book 读书 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日

What do you do on Saturdays? 你星期六干什么

I often do my homework. 我经常写作业。

Let’s talk

What do you do on Saturdays? 你星期六干什么

I often write homework, read books and watch TV. 我经常写作业、看书或者看电视。

What do you do on Sundays? 你星期日干什么 I often play ping-pang. 我经常打乒乓球。

That’s great! 真棒

Read and write It’s eight o’clock. It’s time to get up.八点钟了该起床了。 What day is it today, Aunt Cathy? 凯茜姑姑今天是星期几呀

It’s Saturday. What do you do on Saturdays? 今天是星期六。你星期六都干什么呢 I watch TV on Saturdays. I love Saturdays. 我星期六经常看电视。我喜欢星期六。Yes, and….噢还有呢

3 Yeah, I play computer games. 噢对了我还玩电脑游戏。 And? 还有呢my homework. 我还得写作业。 That’s right! 这就对了What about you, Aunt Cathy? 那你呢凯茜姑姑 I do my homework, too.我也得做我的作业。 What? 什么

I do housework! 我干家务

Mother’s day is the second Sunday in May.母亲节在五月的第二个星期日。

Father’s day is the third Sunday in June. 父亲节是六月的第三个星期日。

In America, Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. 在美国感恩节是十一月份的第四个星期四。

In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is the second Tuesday in October.去加拿大感恩节是十月份的第二个星期一。 第三单元

A部分Let’s learn Pork 猪肉 tofu豆腐 mutton 羊肉 potato土豆 cabbage卷心菜 tomato西红柿 eggplant 茄子 green beans 青豆鱼 What would you like for lunch? 你午饭想吃什么

I’d like some tomatoes and mutton. 我想吃一些西红柿和羊肉。

Let’s talk

I'm hungry. What do you have for lunch today? 我饿了。你今天午饭吃什么 I have eggplant and tomatoes. What about you?我吃茄子和西红柿。你呢 I have onions and green beans.我吃洋葱和青豆。

Read and write What do you have for lunch on Mondays?你星期一午饭吃什么呀We have tomatoes , tofu and fish. Here's our school menu. 我们吃西红柿、、豆腐和鱼。这是我们学校的菜谱。

Great. What do you want to have for dinner, Amy? 太棒了。你晚饭想吃什么 埃米I'd like potatoes and green bees. I'm hungry, Mom.我想吃土豆和青豆。我饿了妈妈。 Oh! Mew Mew is hungry, too. 噢咪咪也饿了 B部分Let’s learn Salty 咸的甜的酸的好吃的新鲜的健康的 It's tasty. It's my favourite. 真好吃。这是我最喜欢的。 Let’s talk

What's your favourite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么


Me too. It's tasty.我也是。它特别好吃。 I like grapes. 我喜欢葡萄。 I don't like grapes. They're sour. 我不喜欢葡萄它们太酸了。 Read and write

What's your favourite fruit, Monkey? 你最喜欢的水果是什么呀 小猴

I like apples. They're sweet. 我喜欢苹果。它们很甜。

I like fruit, but I don't like grapes. They're sour. Bananas are my favourite.

They're tasty. 我喜欢水果。但是我不喜欢葡萄因为它们太酸了。香蕉是我最喜欢的水果它们特别好吃。

4 I like carrot juice. It's fresh and healthy. What about you, Zoom? 我喜欢欢胡萝卜汁。它们很新鲜而且对健康有益。你呢祖姆

I like beef. But I'm heavy now. I have to eat vegetables. 我喜欢牛肉。但是我现在太重了。我不得不多吃点儿蔬菜。

Traditional Chinese food for good wishes. 给予良好祝福的传统的中国食物。 Sweet dumplings元宵 zonzi 粽子 mooncakes月饼 dumplings饺子 第四单元A部分Let’s learn

Clean the floor 扫地 cook the meals 做饭 clean the bedroom打扫卧室 water the flowers浇花 empty the trash 倒垃圾 I am a helpful man. I can....我是一个有用的人我会扫地…… Let’s talk

Are you helpful at home. Chen Jie? 陈洁你在家干活儿吗


What can you do? 你会做什么

I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals.我会扫地。我会做饭。

Great! You're helpful.真棒你真能干 Read and write

Mother Goat is ill. 山羊妈妈生病了。 We can help her. 我们会帮助她。 What can you do? 你能干什么呀? I can sweep the floor. 我会扫地。 I can cook the meals. 我会做饭。

I can clean the window我会擦窗户。

What can you do, Zoom? 你会干什么呀祖姆 I can water the flowers. 我会浇花 OK. Just do it. 好吧那开始干吧

Thank you! You're helpful. 谢谢你们。你们真能干

B部分Let’s learn

Wash the clothes洗衣服 set the table 摆餐具 make the bed 铺床 Do the dishes 洗碗碟 put away the clothes收拾衣服 Can you do housework, Chen Jie? 你会做家务吗是的我会。 Let’s talk

Can you set the table, Chen Jie? 你会摆餐具吗陈洁

Yes, I can. I can do the dishes, too.是的


Can you wash the clothes? 你会洗衣服吗

No, I can't. But I'd like to have a try.不我不会但是我愿意试一一试 Read and write Robot, can you make the bed? 机器人你会整理床铺吗 I

can't. 对不起我不会。

Robot, can you set the table? 机器人你会摆餐具吗 5 No, I can't. 不我不会。 What can you do? 你会做什么呀 I can play chess.我会下棋。

Great! Can you use a computer? 太棒了你会用电脑吗

Yes, I can. I'm a computer. 是的我会。我就是一台电脑。

第五单元A部分Let’s learn Curtain 窗帘 closet衣柜 air-conditioner 空调mirror 镜子 end table床头柜 trash bin垃圾筐 Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗

Yes, it is. Come and look at my new curtains. 是的它是。来看一看我的新窗帘。Let’s talk

I have my own room now. 我现在有自己的房间了。 Really? What's it like? 真的吗它是什么样子的

There is a big closet, a new conditioner and blue curtains. 有一个大柜子、一台新空调和一面新镜子。还有蓝色的窗帘。

Read and write

We're rabbits. We have a new flat. It's on third floor. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. I'm a baby rabbit. I have my own room now.

It's small and nice. It's small and nice. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.There are green curtains and two end tables. There is a new conditioner.It's cool. I love my new room very much.我们是兔子。我们有一个新公寓。它在三楼。公寓中有两个起居室。我是一只兔子宝宝。现在我也拥有自己的房间了。它很小但是很漂亮。房间中有一面镜一张床和一个大柜子。有绿色的窗帘和两个床头柜。还有一台新空调。它能带给我凉爽。我非常爱我的新房间。

B部分Let’s learn In 在……里面 on 在……上面 under 在……下面 Behind 在……后面 in front of在……前面 over 在……上方 near在……旁边 Where is the trash bin? 垃圾筐在哪里 It's near the table. 在桌子旁边。

Let’s talk This is my room. There is a bed, a table, a closet and a shelf. There are two end tables near the bed .There is a computer on the desk. Some books are on the shelf. The trash bin is behind the door. What can you see over the bed? It's my picture.这是我的房间。里面有一张床、一张桌子、一个柜子和一个书柜。床附近有两个床头柜。桌子上有一台电脑。书架上有一些书。垃圾筐在门的后面。你在床的上方看到了什么那是我的照片 flat/apartment公寓 cabin小木屋 hotel 旅馆 house 房子 第六单元A部分

Let’s learn sky 天空 cloud 云 flower 花 river小河 grass草 lake湖 forest森林 mountain山脉 path小路

6 There is a forest in the nature park.在自然公园里有一片森林。 Let’s talk

There's a nature park in the city.在城市中有一个自然公园。 Is there a river in the park? 在公园中有小河吗是的有。

Is there a farm? 有农场吗


Read and write

Look! This is my holiday picture. 看这是我的假期拍的照片。 Is it a nature park? 这是一个自然公园吗是的它是。 Is there a forest in the park? 公园里有森林吗是的.

Is there a river? 有。有小河吗不没有。

Is there a lake? 有湖泊吗是的有。 Do you like the park? 你喜欢这个公园吗是的它非常漂亮。 B部分Let’s learn

City 城市 building 建筑物 Village 山村 tree 树 bridge 桥 house房子 road道路

There are many small villages in my village. 我的家乡有许多小房子。 Let’s talk

Are there any bridges in your city? 在你们的村里有一些桥吗 Yes, there are. 是的有一些。

Are there any tall buildings in your village? 在你们的村里有一些高楼吗aren't. 不没有。

Read and write

Sarah: I like my village. There are many rivers and bridges in the village. The water is clean. The air is fresh. 我喜欢我的家乡。在村子里有许多小河和桥。水很清澈。空气很新鲜。

Chen:I like my village, too. There are many mountains near my village. There are no tall buildings. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. I can run on the grass. 我也喜欢我的家乡。在村子的附近有许多高山。但没有高楼。天空很蓝。云朵很白。我还能在草地上奔跑。 Sarah: Are there any pandas in the mountains? 在山里有熊猫吗

Are there any fish in the river? 不没有。小河里有一些鱼

吗是的有。你能够看到很多很多的鱼。 Good to know The panda lives in China. It lives in mountains. It lives in bamboo forests. 熊猫生活在中国。它生活在大山中。它生活在竹林里。 The panda can climb trees. The panda eats bamboos.熊猫会爬树。熊猫吃竹子。 The baby panda is called a cub. It's cute.小熊猫被称作幼仔。它很聪明。 There are only 1000 pandas. They need nature parks. 只有1000只熊猫。他们需要自然公园。