汽车主减速器及差速器说明书毕业设计 下载本文

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学生姓名: 学号: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师:

2012年 6月








BJ2022 car single stage and the structure of the main reducer

differential design and strength analysis


Automobil reduction final drive and differential is one of the best impossible parts in automobile gearing. It can chang speed and driving tuist within a big scope .

The problem of this design is BJ2022 car differential unit ,it’ s properly in common use . The design of scheme, the better design and improvement of structure ,the design and calibration of gear and gear shiftes , and the select of bearings , and also the design explain the construction of differential action .

The ting of the scheme desierment main deside. The drive ratio of gear,according to orginal design parameter and constrasting the same type reduction final drive ang differential assay . It realize planet gear in the design of structure . It put to use alteration better gears transmission in the design of gear , and compare the root

contact tired strength of some important gears and the face twirl tired strength . It eraphaize pay attention to the place of gears. Compare the strength of the biggest load dangraes section. It require structure simple and accord with demand in select of bearings .

The Lord reducer to improve the car driving and differential stability and its through sex , is one of the focal points of automotive design. Key words : Drive axle,Main reducer,Differential,Axle


第一章 绪论........................................................ 1

1.1 选题的背景与意义 ........................................... 1 1.2 研究的基本内容 ............................................. 1

1.2.1 主减速器的作用........................................ 1 1.2.2 主减速器的工作原理.................................... 2 1.2.3 国内主减速器的状况.................................... 2 1.2.4 国内与国外差距........................................ 2 1.3 课题研究内容 ............................................... 3 第二章 主减速器的设计.............................................. 4

2.1 主减速器概述 ............................................... 4 2.2 主减速器方案的选择 ......................................... 4 2.3 主减速器主从动齿轮的支承方案 ............................... 4

2.31 主动双曲面锥齿轮....................................... 4 2.32 从动双曲面锥齿轮....................................... 5 2.4 基本参数的选择与计算载荷的确定 ............................. 5

2.41 齿轮计算载荷的确定..................................... 5 2.42 主减速器齿轮基本参数的选择............................. 8 2.43 主减速器准双曲面圆锥齿轮的集合计算.................... 11 2.44 主减速器锥齿轮强度计算................................ 14 2.45 主减速器齿轮的材料及热处理............................ 17

第三章 差速器的设计............................................... 19