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随着身边外国朋友越来越多,你一定会发现,他们发短信好爱用缩写!btw,just fyi, aka,g2g...omg心好累有没有。北美君帮你整理了a到z常用英语缩写,从此远离google翻译,不怕老美短信轰炸!yw,1432 a:
abt =about
asl = age/sex/location
afaic = as far as i’m concerned afaik = as far as i know aisi = as i see it
aka = also known as
ambw = all my best wishes aots = all of the sudden
asap = as soon as possible ar = action required ax = across
atst = at the same time ayce = all you can eat
aysos = are you stupid or something b:
b4 = before b/c = because
b4n = bye for now
bamf = bad ass mother f***er bbiab = be back in a bit bbiaf = be back in a few bbl = be back later bbn = bye bye now bf = boyfriend
bfn = bye for now biz = business
bm = byte me
bmota = byte me on the ass bnf = big name fan br = bathroom
brb = be right back brt = be right there at
btsoom = beats the sh out of me btw = by the way
btwbo = be there with bells on bwdik = but what do i know? bwo = black, white or other c:
cam = web camera
ciao = goodbye (in italian) cid = consider it done cio = check it out
csl = can’t stop laughing ctc = choaking the chicken cu = see you
cul/cyl/cul8r = see you later cwyl = chat with you later cya = cover your ass d:
dbeyr = don’t believe everything you read deti = don’t even think it dgt = don’t go there
dhyb = don’t hold your breath diik = damned if i known
dkdc = don’t know don’t care dl = download
dltm = don’t lie to me e:
eg = evil grin
eom = end of message f:
f2f/ftf = face to face
faq = frequently asked question fe = for example/fatal error foaf = friend of a friend ftl = faster than light
fttb = for the time being
fud = (spreading) fear, uncertainty, and disinformation fwiw = for what it’s worth fya = for your amusement fyi = for your information
fym = for your misinformation g:
g2g = got to go g8t/gr8 = great gal = get a life gf = girlfriend
gg = good game/gotta go gl = good luck
gmta = great minds think alike grrrr = growling
gsoas = go sit on a snake gtg = got to go
gtgb = got to go, bye gtgp = got to go pee gth = go to hell
gtsy = glad to see ya h:
hago = have a good one hak = hugs and kisses hd = hold
hmu = hit me up
hhok = ha ha, only kidding
hiooc = help! i’m out of coffee howz = how is
hth = hope this (that) helps i:
iac = in any case iae = in any event ibtd = i beg to differ ic = i see/in character idgaf = i don’t give a f idgi = i don’t get it idk = i don’t know
idts = i don’t think so ifab = i found a bug
iggp = i gotta go pee
iiio = intel inside, idiot outside
iimad = if it makes an(y) difference iirc = if i remember correctly iiwm = if it were me imo = in my opinion
inmp = it’s not my problem inpo = in no particular order iow = in other words iss = i said so
iyss = if you say so j:
j/c = just checking j/k = just kidding!
j/w = just wondering k:
k/kk = ok/ok, ok kfy = kiss for you
kiss = keep it simple stupid kit = keep in touch kma = kiss my ass kx = kiss l:
l8r = later
ld = long distance
lmao = laughing my ass off lmk = let me know
lol = laughing out loud/lots of luck(love) ltic = laughing ’til i cry ltns = long time no see
lylas = love you like a sister m:
m8t = mate
mhoty = my hat’s off to you mm = market maker
morf = male or female?
myob = mind your own business n:
n = and/know/now
naz = name, address, zip (also means nasdaq) nbd = no big deal nm = never mind
nmp = not my problem
noyb = none of your business np = no problem nrg = energy
nrn = no reply necessary o:
obtw = oh, by the way oic = oh, i see
oicu = oh, i see you
omdb = over my dead body omg = oh my god/oh my gosh
ootb = out of the box/out of the blue oot = out of stock ot = off topic
otrh = on the other hand otw = otherwise
oz = stands for australia p:
pic = picture
pa = parent alert pif = paid in full
pimp = peeing in my pants pita = pain in the ass
pm = personal message pls/plz = please po = piss off
pov = point of view ppl = people
pro = professional
ps = by the way/photoshop pw = password q:
qt = cutie/quiet r:
r u da = are you there?
r d = research development rc = remote control