内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/15 22:56:53星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
rgds = regards rn = right now
rt = rewteet/real talk rus = are you serious? rx = regards s
s2u = same to you sb = stand by sc = stay cool sec = second
sit= stay in touch sm1 = someone soz/sry = sorry str8 = straight
sup = what’s up? sys = see you soon t:
t2go = time to go
tbc = to be continued tbd = to be determined tah = take a hike
tdtm = talk dirty to me tfn = thanks for nothin’ thx/tx/thks = thanks
tia = thanks in advance tm = trust me
tmi = too much information ttul/ttyl = talk to you later
twhab = this won’t hurt a bit ty = thank you txt = text
tyvm = thank you very much u:
u = you ur = your
u r = you are u8 = you ate ? v:
vc = venture capital
vip = very important person
vm = voice mail
vfm = values for money vg = very good
vgn = vegan/vegetarian w:
wai = what an idiot wb = welcome back
wca = who cares anyway wdys = what did you say? wdyt = what do you think? we = whatever wot/wut = what
wrt = with respect to/with regard to wru = where are you wrm = warm
wtf = what the f wtg = way to go!
wyw = wish you well wuz = was
wu = what’s up wx = weather w8 = wait w/ = with
w/o = without w/e = weekend wan2 = want to x:
x = it means times x u = kiss you
xoxo = hugs and kisses xqzt = exquisite y:
y = why ya = you
ya = yet another
ydkm = you don’t know me yep/yup = yes yf= wife
ygbk = you gotta be kiddin’ ynk = you never know
yolo = you only live once yoyo = you’re on your own yr = yeah, right
ytb = you’re the best yw = you are welcome 符号和数字:
! = i have a comment *$ = starbucks
**// = wink wink, nudge nudge 10q = thank you 1174 = nude club 121 = one to one 143 = i love you
1432 = i love you too 182 = i hate you
1dfaul = wonderful
2b or not 2b = to be or not to be 20 = location 2d4 = to die for 2day = today 2nite = tonight 2qt = too cute 2u2 = to you too
24/7 = 24 hours, as in all time 303 = mom
411 = information 420 = marijuana 4e = forever
459 = i love you 4q = fuck you 4nr = foreigner
511 = too much information 53x = sex
8 = it means ate, also refer to oral sex 8t = it
3 = heart
::poof:: = i am gone ?^ = hook up?
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中国驾照在美国各州使用细则;在美国考驾照的注意事项及考官英语指令含义,如何在美国考教师,考医生驾照,美国的商务签证? 点阅读原文进入华人生活社区:分享求助,征婚交友,招聘求职,房屋租赁,商机需求,无须注册,直接免费发布: ↓↓↓
全球兴起了一股新的热潮——手机上的热潮!因为sms又快又便宜而且有意思,因此短信变得和电话一样普及。这而有一些使用sms短信上的建议,或short message service,用英语收发短信。 发短信给我!
英语有的拼写体系非常的复杂,并且拼出一个单词需要很长的时间。因此,很多人就开始缩写这些单词。这样省钱省时,但如果人们如果不熟悉现在的时尚朝向,同时也可能让让人大惑不解。而且,要掌握短信英语必须先掌握英语。 sms俚语可以分成两种:首字母或缩写。 首字母缩写
nations)。在短信中,首字母是常用的短语。此外,单独的字母也可能取代听起来类 的单词。看看这些例子: oic -oh i see。
brb -be right back… bfn -bye for now
lol -laughing out loud
asap -as soon as possible btw -by the way…
fyi -for your information… jk -just kidding
ttyl -talk to you later 缩写
sms的缩写和一般的 dont 或者 theyre 的缩写不一样,但是意图是一样的:去掉不必要的部分同时保持意思明确。元音常被去除,但仍能辨别出单词一般发音。数字8有时代表eight的音,因此later 变成了l8r。数字4也常用于替代for 就象2取代to。看这些sms的缩写:
plz - please
thx - thanks cya - see you l8r - later k - ok u - you r - are
b4 - before
2morro - tomorrow
显而易见,这样写可能会变得复杂,你应该在试图缩写短信之前先掌握好英语。如果使用过多的缩写会使你的sms让读者疑惑不解或让你在客户面前显得非常的不专业。 你能保守秘密吗?
sms肯定非常方便的,但应该只用于休闲的对话并且一定要记得你发短信的对象。你不该向老板发短信!此外,短信很容易被储存或取回,甚至发错给了别人-因此如果不当心的话,你就可能陷入尴尬的处境!下次要发非常私人的短信的话记得在在按“发送”之前仔细想想否则你可以将发给你爱人的短信发到你老板的手机上! 摘自/read/201004/101836.shtml
2 = to/too
2b or not 2b = to be or not to be 4 = for
4ever = forever
asl = age/sex/location
afaic = as far as i’m concerned afaik = as far as i know
afk = away from keyboard
aiamu = and i’m a monkey’s uncle aisi = as i see it
aka = also known as
ambw = all my best wishes
anfawfows = and now for a word word from our web sponsor aots = all of the sudden
asafp = as soon as friggin possible asap = as soon as possible atst = at the same time
awgthtgtta = are we going to have to go through this again
awgthtgttsa = are we going to have to go through this sh again