老外发短信时常用的英文缩写 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/16 1:30:15星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

aysos = are you stupid or something b:

b4 = before

b4n = bye for now

bbfbbm = body by fisher, brains by mattel bbiab = be back in a bit bbiaf = be back in a few bbl = be back later bbn = bye bye now bcnu = be seein’ you bf = boyfriend

bfd = big fing deal bfn = bye for now

bhof = bald headed old fart bif = basis in fact

bitd = back in the day biz = business bm = byte me

bmota = byte me on the ass bnf = big name fan

bohica = bend over here it comes again br = bathroom

brb = be right back brt = be right there bs = big smile bt = byte this

btdt = been there done that

btsoom = beats the sh out of me btw = by the way

btwbo = be there with bells on bwdik = but what do i know? bwo = black, white or other c:

cam = web camera

ciao = goodbye (in italian) cid = consider it done cio = check it out

cis = compuserve information service cmf = count my fingers

cof$ = church of scientology

craft = can’t remember a fing thing

craws = can’t remember anything worth a sh csl = can’t stop laughing ctc = choaking the chicken cu = see you

cul/cyl/cul8r = see you later cwyl = chat with you later cya = cover your ass d:

dbeyr = don’t believe everything you read dd = due diligence

ddd = direct distance dial deti = don’t even think it dgt = don’t go there

dhyb = don’t hold your breath diik = damned if i known

dilligad = do i look like i give a d\\amn dilligas = do i look like i give a sh dkdc = don’t know don’t care dl = download

dltm = don’t lie to me

dqydj = don’t quit you’re day job drib = don’t read if busy ds = dunce smiley

dystsott = did you see the size of that thing e:

eg = evil grin

eom = end of message

eso = equipment smarter than operator f:

f2f/ftf = face to face

faq = frequently asked question

fbks = failure between keyboard and seat fe = for example/fatal error

ff pn = fresh fields and pastures new foaf = friend of a friend

ftasb = faster than a speeding bullet ft = faint

ftl = faster than light

fttb = for the time being

fubar = fed up beyond all recognition fubb = fed up beyond belief

fud = (spreading) fear, uncertainty, and disinformation fwiw = for what it’s worth fya = for your amusement fyi = for your information

fym = for your misinformation g:

g2g = got to go g8t/gr8 = great gal = get a life

gdgd = good,good gf = girlfriend

gg = good game/gotta go

gigo = garbage in, garbage out giwist = gee, i wish i’d said that gl = good luck

glyasdi = god loves you and so do i gmta = great minds think alike

gnblfy = got nothing but love for you gr d = grinning running and ducking grrrr = growling

gsoas = go sit on a snake gtg = got to go

gtgb = got to go, bye gtgp = got to go pee gth = go to hell

gtsy = glad to see ya

gypo = get your pants offbe a queen. h:

hago = have a good one hak = hugs and kisses hb = hurry back hd = hold

hho1/2k = ha ha, only half kidding hhok = ha ha, only kidding

hiooc = help! i’m out of coffee howz = how is

hth = hope this (that) helps hua = heads up ace

huya = head up you’re a i:

iac = in any case iae = in any event

ianac = i am not a crook ianal = i am not a lawyer

ibt = in between technology ibtd = i beg to differ ic = i see/in character idgaf = i don’t give a f idgi = i don’t get it idk = i don’t know

idky = i don’t know you idst = i didn’t say that idts = i don’t think so ifab = i found a bug ifu = i fed up

iggp = i gotta go pee

iiio = intel inside, idiot outside

iimad = if it makes an(y) difference iirc = if i remember correctly iiwm = if it were me

iliciscomk = i laughed, i cried, i spat/spilt coffee/crumbs/coke on my keyboard ily = i love you

imho = in my humble opinion

imnsho = in my not so humble opinion imo = in my opinion

inmp = it’s not my problem inpo = in no particular order ioh = i’m outta here iow = in other words irl = in real life iss = i said so

itm = in the money

iykwim = if you know what i mean iyss = if you say so j:

j/c = just checking j/k = just kidding!

j/w = just wondering

jafo = just another fing onlooker k:

k/kk = ok/ok, ok kfy = kiss for you

kiss = keep it simple stupid kit = keep in touch kma = kiss my ass

kwim = know what i mean kx = kiss

kypo = keep your pants on l:

l8r = later

ld = long distance

ldttwa = let’s do the time warp again

llta = lots and lots of thunderous applause lmao = laughing my ass off lmk = let me know

lol = laughing out loud/lots of luck(love) ltic = laughing ’til i cry ltns = long time no see lyl = love ya lots

lylas = love you like a sister m:

m8t = mate

mhoty = my hat’s off to you mm = market maker

morf = male or female?

motd = message of the day

motss = members of the same sex mtfbwy = may the force be with you mwbrl = more will be revealed later myob = mind your own business n:

n = and/know/now

nak = nursing at keyboard

naz = name, address, zip (also means nasdaq) nbd = no big deal

nbif = no basis in fact