2019年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题:和谐 下载本文

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2018年12月大学英语四级翻译练习题库 英语四级翻译练习题:和谐

和谐源自人的内心。健康的人格,良好的心态,既关乎个人的身心和谐,也关乎社会的和谐稳定。一个内心失调、失衡的人,一个心中充溢着焦躁、郁闷甚至仇恨的人,往往自己会同自己过不去,还会同周围环境过不去,人生是无法和谐得起来的。心平才能气和,内和才能外顺。保持身心和谐,我们要以平和之心思考问题,多一点理性、少一点感性,多一点睿智、少一点混沌,多一点冷静、少一点浮躁,多一点淡然、少一点痴迷,多一点大度、少一点偏执。 参考答案: Harmony

Harmony is derived from the inner heart of

people.Wholesome personality and sound mentality are

concerned not only with the harmony of individuals mind and body,but also with the social harmony and stability.A mentally disturbed and imbalanced person infatuated with anxiety ,oppression or even hatred tends to make things difficult for himself and also finds it difficult to get along with his surroundings,it is impossible to have harmony in his life.Only a calm mind can ensure an even temper;and only the inner harmony can make one get along

smoothly.Therefore,we should think with a calm mind,with more rationality and less sensitivity,more wit and less

confusion,more calmness and less fickleness,more indifference and less obsession,more generosity and less prejudice. 考点分析:

一个内心失调、失衡的人,一个心中充溢着焦躁、郁闷甚至仇恨的人,往往自己会同自己过不去,还会同周围环境过不去,人生是无法和谐得起来的。 分析:

本句很长,如果译成一个句子,会造成英文太过于复杂,所以把同前面的意思衔接不是很紧密的部分“人生是无法和谐得起来的”另起一句。同时注意“同自己过不去”的翻译方法,译成“make things difficult for himself”。
