Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool教案3(人教新目标Goforit七年级下册) 下载本文

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(The 1st period Section A 1a-1c) Teaching aims(教学目标) 1.谈论日常作息时间。 2.询问、表达时间。 3.学会用频度副词usually Language points(语言点) 1.要求掌握以下句式: (1)-What time is it?(将3b中的语言点前移) -It's… (2)-What time do you usually…? -I/we usually… 2. 要求掌握以下词汇: (1)名词:time, shower (2)动词短语:go to school, get up, take a shower, (3)副词:usually o'clock (4)疑问代词:what time Key points(重点): 一般现在时的特殊疑问句,即掌握: “What time do you usually…?I/We usually…”这个句型 Teaching difficulties(难点): 助动词do在一般现在时的特殊疑问句中的用法。 Teaching steps (教学步骤): 1.Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) 此游戏类似于体育课的(1)欣赏世界名曲《钟表店》,学生交流收集到的时间谚语。 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? (2)Game: T:(指着自己)one “报数”,但要求遇到2的倍数时,起立。 目的:通过此活动,然后指着直排的一个学生 S1:two (T helps S1,并提示起立) S2:(教师再指着第二个学生) three S3:four (T helps S3, 并提示起立) 培养学生的反应能力与复习巩固数字。 S4:five S5:six (一般情况下,此学生就会自动报出,如果没反应,提示其它学生提供帮助) … S60:60 2、Presentation(呈现新知识) T:(拿出一个自制的钟表,此钟指针会转动) I have a nice clock. Do you want to have a look? Ss: Yes. 教师指着此钟:What time is it now? Ss:It's……(T help Ss) T:(教师转动指针)What time is it now? Ss: It's…(教师启发) (教师板书:What time is it ? It's …) T: Follow me :“What time is it? It's…” Read it in groups. T:(教师转动指针并引导组之间对话) Ss: What time is it? Ss: It's… (操练三四次) 3、Drill(操练) T:Ok. The whole class, please write down time on the paper. Are you ready ? Ss: Yes T: Well. Practise it in pairs. What time is it? It’s… T:act (三四组) 4、Consolidation(巩固) Play a game and practise more on the pattern“What time is it? It’s…” T:(每大组选一个代表,分别用What time is it ?向教师发 问,教师便用以下句子启发): You can ① have breakfast 复习以前的短语 ② have lunch 复习以前的短语 ③ have supper 复习以前的短语 ④ go to bed … 复习以前的短语 注:在这活动中看哪个组的代表猜出的时 ⑤ get up (做动作) 为下面单词呈现作铺垫 间与教师设定的时间 ⑥ go to school(做动作 ) 为下面单词呈现作铺垫 ⑦ take a shower(做动作) 为下面单词呈现作铺垫 S1:It's… S2:It’s… S3: It’s… S4: It’s… 5、Presentation(呈现新知识) T:(总结上述游戏)Now let's look at the clock .(将时钟调整到六点钟) What time is it? Ss: It's six o'clock (将原设定的时间写在纸条上,并在叫学生猜之前给在座的其他学生看)最相近,此话动类似于“幸运52”游戏。