200个一定要学的英文词根词缀 下载本文

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re-(回来)—— respond

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 36. gen(er) (gn)

词根考古学:意为birth, creation, kind,表示“出生;创造力;种类”,其变形为gn

词汇:malignant, homogeneous, primogeniture, congenial, disingenuous, engender, generally, generous

词缀:mal-(坏的)—— malady

homo-(相同的)—— homogenize primi- (第一的)—— prime 37. graph, gram(scrib/script)

词根考古学:意为to write,表示“写”,同义词根有scrib/script

词汇:autograph, biography, telegram, graphic, bibliography, geography, grammar, grapheme 词缀:auto-(自己的)—— autocrat

bio-(生活)—— biology

tele-(电的;远的)—— telescope

38. gress(grad, gred)

词根考古学:意为to go,表示“去,达到;运转”,其变形为grad, gred 词汇:digress, transgress, retrograde, degrade, centigrade, graduate, aggressive 词缀:di-(分开)—— divorce

trans-(超过,越过)—— transcend retro-(后退)—— retrospect

39. hydr


词汇:anhydrous, hydrate, carbohydrate, hydrant, dehydrate, hydrating, hydrated, hydrogen 词缀:an-(没有)—— anonymous

-ous(···的)—— populous -ate(使,做)—— agitate

40. it

词根考古学:意为to go,表示“走,去”

词汇:exit,transition, seditious, initiative, reiterate, ambitious, itinerant, transit 词缀:ex-(出去)—— expiration

-ion(表动作或状态)—— revolution -ous(···的)—— advantageous

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 41. ject

词根考古学:意为throw, cast, 表示“投掷,扔”

词汇:adjective, conjecture, deject, rejection, subjection, objection, inject, ejection 词缀:ad-(表加强)—— additive

con-(一起)—— condense de-(向下)—— demote

42. join(junct, jug)

词根考古学:意为to join, to bind,表示“加入;结合,链接;约束;捆绑”,其变形为junct, jug

词汇:conjuncture, enjoin, adjoin, disjointed, adjoining, rejoin, subjoin, joint 词缀:con-(一起)—— confluence

en-(使···)—— enlargement ad-(一再)—— adhere

43. jud

词根考古学:意为to judge, 表示“判断”

词汇:judgment, prejudice, judicious, adjudge, prejudge, judicial, adjudicate, judiciary 词缀:-ment(表行为或结果)—— harassment

-ice(表行为或状态)—— malice -ous(···的)—— rigorous

44. jun, juven


词汇:juvenile, juvenilia, juvenescence, rejuvenate, juvenescent, juvenility, rejuvenation, rejuvenescent

词缀:-ile(易于···的)—— mobile

-ia(表总称;状态)—— Utopia

-ence(表状态;结果;程度)—— opulence

45. lect

词根考古学:意为to gather, to choose,表示“收集;选择”

词汇:eclecticism, collect, neglect, selectivity, intellect, negligence, selection, recollect 词缀:ec-(出来)—— eclectic

-ism(主义;行为)—— socialism col-(一起)—— collaborate

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 46. lev

词根考古学:意为to raise, to lighten,表示“举起,提起;使变轻” 词汇:lever, alleviate, relevant, elevate, leverage, levity, levy, levitate 词缀:-er(物品;机器)—— boiler

-ate(使,做) —— attenuate -ant(···的)—— discordant

47. loc(o)

词根考古学:意为to put, place,表示“放置;地方”

词汇:allocate, location, collocate, localism, locality, localize, dislocate, locus 词缀:-ate(使,做)—— populate

-ation(表动作或状态)—— clarification col-(一起)—— collection

48. log(u), locu


词汇:analogy, prologue, monologue, eulogy, epilogue, dialogue, apologize, apologue 词缀:ana-(在旁边;分开)—— 分析

pro-(在前面)—— progress

mono-(单一,一个)—— monotonous

49. luc(lust, lumin)


词汇:lusty, noctilucent, lustrous, lucent, lucid, elucidate, translucent, illustrate 词缀:-y(一般位于形容词或以-r结尾的单词后,表名词)—— jealousy

-ent(···的)—— transient -ous(···的)—— prosperous

50. magn

词根考古学:意为great, 表示“大的”

词汇:magnanimous, magnitude, magnate, magnetism, magnet, magnetic, magnify, magnificent 词缀:-ous(···的)—— delicious

-tude(表状态)—— multitude -ate(···的人)—— graduate

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 51. main, man

词根考古学:意为to flow, to stay,表示“流动;保持”

词汇:permanence, maintain, remain, inmanent, remainder, manor, remnant, emanate 词缀:per-(时钟)—— persistence

-ence(表状态)—— insistence re-(又)—— reappear

52. mand

词根考古学:意为to order, to entrust,表示“命令;信托,委托”

词汇:mandatory, command, countermand, remand, mandate, demand, recommend, mandarin 词缀:-ory(与···相关的)—— cursory

com-(共同)—— comrade

counter-(反对,相对)—— counterpart

53. meter


词汇:parameter, perimeter, diameter, decameter, decimeter, kilometer, centimeter, asymmetry 词缀:para-(在旁边)—— paradigm

peri-(周围;靠近)—— periphery dia-(穿过;二者之间)—— dialogue

54. migr

词根考古学:意为to move,表示“移动”

词汇:migrate, emigrate, emigrant, migratory, migrant, immigrate, transmigrate, migraine 词缀:-ate(做,造成)—— differentiate

e-(出去)—— emit -ant(···的,···的人)—— resistant

55. mini


词汇:minimal, minimize, minority, minify, miniature, minimum, minion, diminish 词缀:-al(···的)—— parental

-ize(使···)—— publicize -ity(表性质)—— absurdity

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 56. mir

词根考古学:意为to wonder,表示“惊奇,怀疑”

词汇:miracle, mirage, mirth, mirror, admire, admiration, mirthless, miry 词缀:-cle(小东西)—— particle

-age(表状态)—— lineage

-th(抽象名词后缀)—— warmth

57. miss

词根考古学:意为to send, 表示“发送,运出”

词汇:remiss, submissive, mission, missionary, commission, dismiss, emissive, omission 词缀:re-(后面)—— retreat

sub-(向下)—— substance -ive(···的)—— affirmative

58. mob, mot, mov

词根考古学:意为to move,表示“移动”

词汇:mobile, automobile, promote, mobility, mobilize, demobilize, mobbish, immobile 词缀:-ile(易于···的)—— docile

pro-(向前)—— profess

59. noct, nox

词根考古学:意为night,表示“夜晚” 词汇:equinoctial, nocturnal, noctilucent, noctambulate, pernoctation, noxious, noturne, equinox 词缀:-ial(···的)—— confidential

-al(···的)—— pastoral -ent(表性质)—— fervent

60. nomin


词汇:nominate, nominee, nominative, denominate, cognominal, denomination, ignominious, ignominy

词缀:-ate(使,做)—— populate

-ee(被动的人)—— absentee -ive(···的)—— permissive

61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 61. par


词汇:parity, disparage, compare, imparity, disparity, comparison, nonpareil, parenthesis 词缀:-ity(···的行为)—— amenity

dis-(不)—— disapproval com-(一起)—— comparison

62. pass, path

词根考古学:意为to feel, to suffer, 表示“感觉;遭受(痛苦)”

词汇:impassive, compassion, antipathy, passion, apathetic, sympathy, pathology, psychopath 词缀:-ive(···的)—— permissive

-ion(表状态)—— permission -y(···的行为)—— longevity

63. ped


词汇:pedestrian, quadruped, expedite, impede, impediment, centipede, biped, peddle

词缀:-ian(···的人)—— vegetarian

quadru-(四)—— quadruple ex-(出去)—— explore

64. pel, puls

词根考古学:意为to drive, 表示“驱逐,驱赶”

词汇:dispel, impel, repellent, propel, expel,compel, impulse, repulse 词缀:dis-(离开)—— disseminate

im-(里面)—— import -ent(···的)—— indigent

65. philo, phil

词根考古学:意为loving,found of,表示“爱,喜爱”

词汇:philanthropy, zoophile, philosophy, philology, philia, philogynist, bibliophilist, zoophilous 词缀:-y(表状态)—— jealousy 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 66. phon(e)


词汇:symphony, telephone, microphone, phonetics, phonograph, euphony, cacophony, gramophone

词缀:sym-(相同)—— sympathy

tele-(电的)—— telescope

micro-(微小的)—— microscope

67. photo


词汇:photograph, photosynthesis, photon, photography, phototropism, photographer, photographic

词缀:syn-(一起)—— synthesis

-on(···的物)—— electron

68. pon, pos

词根考古学:意为to put, to place,表示“放置”

词汇:depose, repose, purpose, compose, dispose, juxtapose, transpose, proposal 词缀:de-(去掉)—— deforestation

re-(后面)—— retract pur-(提前)—— purport

69. port

词根考古学:意为to carry, 表示“搬运,携带”

词汇:export, support, transport, portable, comport, disport, importance, deport 词缀:ex-(出去)—— exclude

sup-(sub-)(在下面)—— suppress trans-(穿过)—— transgress

70. press

词根考古学:意为to press,表示“压” 词汇:compress, suppress, repress, compression, depression, expression, oppression, suppression 词缀:com-(一起)—— compose

sup-(向下)—— support