金帝巧克力校园推广策划方案 下载本文

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金帝巧克力校园推广策划方案 摘要:有人说,巧克力是上帝赐予人类的美好礼物。浪漫的日子,伴随着巧克力的浓郁香醇,与最爱的人一起,分享美丽、分享爱。小心翼翼的打开每一颗巧克力,闪耀爱的光泽。细细品味,可可的香醇如美丽的爱情,浓郁的芬香中渗透着无限的温柔。发现有种味道在心里,叫做爱情......金帝巧克力,只给最爱的人。巧克力文化充满着西方浪漫温馨的色彩,对年轻人有着不可估量的魔力。其中大学生是最重要的消费群体,大学生时代的恋爱更是最纯真、美好的爱情。所以针对大学生消费群体,本策划案将以河北旅游职业学院为重点市场,承德市大学城为范围对金帝巧克力进行校园推广策划,对营销环境进行分析,对营销战略进行研究,明确金帝校园市场发展前景,制定出以“大学生”为主体的年轻人群体作为目标顾客,进行“情侣文化”营销,主打“情侣”系列巧克力,在目标顾客心中树立“金帝就是表达爱意或送给喜欢的人的最合适的选择”的行动方案,让金帝巧克力,见证最美好的

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爱。 关键词:巧克力 市场分析 营销战略 效果分析 在线营销 Abstract: some say, chocolate is god give human good gifts. Romantic days, with rich chocolate delicious, and favorite people together, to share, to share the beautiful love. Carefully open every chocolate, shine the luster of the love. Carefully taste, mellow cocoa as beautiful love, strong fragrant permeation of the infinite tenderness. Find a taste in the heart, called love... Gold emperor chocolate, just to give love the most. Chocolate culture full of western romantic and warm color, to the young immeasurable magic. The college students are the most important consumer groups, college students in the age of innocence, love is the most beautiful love. So according to the college students’ consumption group, this paper will be to hebei tourism vocational college as the key market for chengde city, area for gold emperor chocolate on campus promotion planning,

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marketing environment were analyzed, and marketing strategy, clear gold emperor campus market development prospect, and work out the \\\\\\\\\\\\culture\\\\\\marketing, main \\\\\\series of chocolate, the target 1 customer heart set up \\\\\\most suitable choice\\\\\\action plan, let the gold emperor chocolate, witness the best love. Keywords: chocolate, market analysis, marketing strategy, the effect analysis, online marketing 一、企业介绍 中粮金帝食品有限公司,成立于 1990 年。公司致力于为消费者提供优质、美味的食品。秉承纯正瑞士风味,采用世界一流技术,引进全套欧洲先进设备,是亚洲最大的巧克力生产基地之一,也是第一个进入中国市场的高档巧克力。目前,金帝产品覆盖了巧克力、糖果和膨化食品。金帝食品中粮国际及BVI公司合资共建,中粮集团是国务院所属44家大型国有企业之一,自1994年以来,已连续10年入选《财富》世界500强。 企业的目标和任务 金帝巧克力是金帝公司的主要产品,在中国市场有着很高的知名度,市

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