最新-2017河南省中考英语作文真题(含范文)) 下载本文

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据标准答案和评分标准规定,英语书面表达的满分为15分,分4档评分: 第一档(13~15分),符合题目要求,内容完整,层次结构清晰, 表达清楚,语言无误。

第二档(9~12分),基本题目要求,内容较完整,层次结构较清晰, 表达较清楚,语言有少量错误。

第三档(4~8分),部分内容符合题目要求,内容不够完整,层次 结构不够清晰,表达不够清楚,语言有较多错误。





园节约从我做起”的主题班会。大家讨论了校园常见的浪费现象。请你针对这四种现象以班级名义写出一份倡议书。要求:1. 词数80左右; 2. 倡议书的开头和结尾已给出,


Dear teachers and schoolmates,

We are sorry to see so much waste in our school!




Class1, Grade 9

What we often see in our school

★leave the taps(水龙头) on after cleaning hands ★leave the lights on when leaving ★waste paper and other school things ★throw the food away after meals 精品文档



Dear teachers and schoolmates,

We are sorry to see so much waste in our school! We students often leave the taps on after cleaning our hands, and leave lights on when we leave. In the classroom, we often see a lot of paper is wasted. At the dining hall, we can see food left on the tables after meals.

I think we should save water and electricity. We should make good use of our school things. Don’t throw food away. Let’s try to make a good habit and save things around us. Let’s do it from now on!

Class 1, Grade 9




1、学习任务重,睡眠不足,缺少体育活动。同学间缺乏沟通和交流。 2、在家不允许看电视、上网、听音乐等。

3、词数80左右。文中不得出现真实的校名、姓名。 4、开头和结尾已给出。不计入总词数。 范文: Dear Ms Li,

How are you?

I have a lot of troubles these days. Every day I have a lot of homework to do at school. I don’t have enough time to sleep. I nearly have no time to do sports. My friends and I can hardly find time to talk, or play together. When I get back home from school, I’m not allowed to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to my favourite music. I feel worried about them. I don’t know what I should do. Could you please give me some suggestions?

Best wishes.

Zhang Meng



以“A person I will never forget”为题,写一篇英语短文。 要求如下:

1.短文内容应包括人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘之处等; 2.短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;




A person I will never forget

___________________________________________________________ 范文:

The person I’ll never forget is my English teacher. He’s a tall man with thick glasses. He likes sports and often plays football and basketball with us. He’s humorous and always makes his classes lively and interesting. He’s kind but is strict with us. He never allows us to pretend that we know what we don’t know. He often tells us that it’s no use memorizing new words without understanding. My English has greatly improved with his help.



请“ is fun”为题写一篇英语短文。 要求:

1. 先把题目补充完整(空格处可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句); 2.短文中不得出现真实的地名或人名等信息; 3.词数80左右。

Is fun


Cooking is fun Why is cooking fun? Here are two reasons.

First, it is a good way to show my love to my parents. Both my parents are very busy. So when I come back home early,I’11 cook for them. After they return,we sit together and enjoy the meal. I can see them smile happily.

Second.It is a kind of creation. I always try to cook different dishes. When my new dish is praised by others, I feel proud. I like cooking. It brings me a lot of fun.


刘伟,无臂钢琴演奏者。他十岁时在一次意外中失去双臂,但他并没有放弃成为一名钢琴家的梦想。经过刻苦用脚练习弹琴,他最终在“中国达人秀”(China’s Got Talent)的舞台上实现了自己的梦想。请根据以上内容写一篇英语短文。
