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内容发布更新时间 : 2024/6/2 4:33:17星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

/u /的发音

1. 舌尖离开下齿,但不触碰到上齿

2. 舌的后部向软腭抬起,明显高于/ ?: /的舌位 3. 双唇圆而小,略微向前突出 4. 牙床半合,嘴自然张开 单词

wolf狼 woman女人 bosom胸 put放 full满的 bush矮树丛 book书 good好 look看 could能 should应该 would愿意,将 短语

on foot步行 wool felt羊毛毯 in the woods在树林里 full of books满是书 bull market牛市 put in some sugar放一些糖 cooked goose无可救药的人 a good-looking woman一个漂亮的女人 谚语

A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。

A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者善终。

Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事今日毕。 Books and friends should be few but good.读书如交友,宜少且精。 短句

The cook is looking for some sugar.厨师正在找些糖。

We could take a short walk in the woods.我们可以在树林里散会步。 You should take a good look at the novel.你应该好好看看这本小说。

The butcher pulled the bull out of the stable.屠夫把牛从牛棚里拉了出来。 The hunter took up his gun and shot the wolf.猎人拿起枪,射中了那匹狼。 对话

Would you mind if I put the cooker here?我把炊具放在这儿你不介意吧? No,I wouldn’t mind at all.我一点也不介意。 Where is the cookbook?食谱在哪里? I put it on the table. 我把它放桌上了。

/u: /的发音

1. 舌尖离开下齿

2. 舌的后部抬高,很靠近但不接触到软腭 3. 双唇尽量收圆且向前突出,唇形很小 4. 牙床接近全合,嘴的开口度很小 单词

do做 who谁 lose失去 move移动 rule规则 rude粗鲁的 June六月 truth真相 new新的 few很少的 dew露珠 crew全体人员 shoe鞋子 canoe独木舟 food食物 school学校 too也 moon月亮 you你 soup汤 group团体 routine日常事务 blue蓝色 clue线索 true真实的 fruit水果 juice果汁 suit适合 短语

fruit dish水果盘 soup spoon汤匙 fast food快餐 rule of law法治 go to school上学 in the soup陷于困境 new broom新雇员 cool house冷藏库 a pair of shoes一双鞋 group by group分批地 blue movie色情电影 lose one’s temper发脾气 谚语

True blue will never stain.真金不怕火炼。

Four eyes see more than two.三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮。 Beauty is truth,truth is beauty.美就是美,真就是真。 短句

Luke bought a pair of blue shoes.卢克买了一双蓝色的新鞋。

Susan is not in the mood to see a movie.苏珊没有心情去看电影。 That rude man was now in the soup.那个粗鲁的人现在陷入了困境。

Bruce always plays loose with the traffic rules.布鲁斯总是不遵守交通规则。 I liked to eat noodles in my junior high school.初中的时候,我喜欢吃面条。 Ruth tried to keep cool before the shooting.在射击前鲁思设法让自己保持冷静。 对话

Whose blue shoes are these?这双蓝色的鞋是谁的? It’s Susan’s .是苏珊的。

What do you do?你做什么工作?

I’m a crew member on the train.我是火车上的一名乘务员。


1. / u: /比/ u /唇形更圆且更向外突出 2. / u: /比/ u /嘴的开口度小 3. / u: /比/ u /肌肉紧张度高 单词

full满的 fool傻瓜 book书 boot靴子 pull拉 pool 池子 wood木头 food食物 put放 pood普特 look看 loot掠夺 cook厨师 cool凉爽的 good好 group团体 should应该 shoe鞋子 bush矮树丛 blue蓝色 短语

full moon满月 in full bloom盛开 look blue神情沮丧 in a good mood好心情 do the cooking做饭 push through完成,挤过 book a room预订房间 shoot the bull吹牛,闲聊 bullet-proof car防弹汽车 put a screw on对……施压 谚语

Too many cooks spoil the broth. 厨师多了难烧汤(人多误事)。

The proof of pudding is in the eating. 布丁好坏,一尝便知(空谈不如实践)。 A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.身正不怕影子斜。 短句

Mrs. Cook can cook French food.库克夫人会做法国菜。

Mr. Hood’s room is full of shoes.胡德先生的房间里满是鞋子。

The students sat on a stool reading books.学生们坐在凳子上读书。

Wood couldn’t move the table into the room.伍德无法将桌子移进房间。

It’s rude of you to make a fool of that woman.你愚弄那个女人的行为很无礼。 对话

Do you go to school by bike or on foot?你骑自行车还是走路上学? On foot. I live near the school.步行,我住得离学校很近。 Your boots look nice.你的靴子很漂亮。 They’re warm, too.它们还很暖和。 绕口令

The woman in blue is looking for her book in the zoo.穿蓝色衣服的女人正在动物园找她的书。 The cook took the advice of Mr. Cook and bought this good cook-book. 厨师听取了库克先生的建议,买了这本好食谱。

He would chuck as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would. 他努力扔掉尽可能多的木头,扔掉的木头和一只土拨鼠所能扔掉的一样多。