大学英语(四)模拟题2及答案 下载本文

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…………………………………………………………… 课程名称: 大学英语(四) 模拟试题2

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题号 得分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 装订 线………………………………………………… 一. Choose the right word to complete each of the following

sentences (每小题1分,共计20分):

1. The shop assistant brought ______ several different types of gloves for us to examine. A. up B. about C. out D. off

2. Henry stood on the snow-covered mountain peak, the bitter wind cutting ______ his


A. away B. into C. across D. through

3. Candidates are often urged to ______ a presidential race they lose several primary


A. wave aside B. withdraw from C. size up D. leave from

4. It is said that there is no real ______ for mother’s milk. A. substitute B. alternative C. equivalence D. exchange 5. While the Lawrence family was on vacation, their mail ______ in the box. A. assembled B. accumulated C. stored D. collected 6. Despite the pills which her doctor ______, Ellen still has trouble sleeping. A. described B. proscribed C. prescribed D. inscribed

7. A unique species, roundworms are so ______ that they even thrive on the peaks of

mountains and at the bottoms of the oceans. A. mobile B. distinct C. widespread D. short-lived

8. You will find that ______, your roommate will turn out to be your best friend. A. all in all B. for the most part C. in the long run D. at the end 9. Our hostess ______ to make sure we were comfortable. A. went to great lengths B. took pride C. was inclined D. was obliged

10. Amidst the crowd of happy, ______ looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of

the old man seemed pitiful and out of place. A. virtuous B. prosperous C. elaborate D. graceful 11. If the rain ______ we can set out a bit earlier. A. leaves off B. calms down C. breezes through D. winds to a close

12. Jane was ______ a man staring at her across the street. She bent her head and hurried on. A. detached from B. disappointed at C. sized up by D. conscious of

13. The police are trying to find out the ______ of the woman killed in the traffic accident. A. recognition B. status C. position D. identity 得分 第1页/共8页

14. Arthur and his sister Betty ______ quarrel when he comes home. There is no hope of their ever making it up. A. literally B. playfully C. invariably D. promptly

15. Philosophers commonly rely on argument to support their own theories and to ______ the theories of others. A. reflect B. refute C. reform D. refrain 16. Although John was cheerful in company, he was sad in ______. A. private B. public C. business D. class 17. Bob ______ his success to how hard he has always worked. A. assumes B. associates C. attributes D. contributes 18. The teacher of biology often goes to the mountains to collect insect ______. A. representatives B. specimens C. samples D. examples 19. Be careful with this ancient basin as it is ______ a lot. A. worthy B. cost C. worth D. worthwhile

20. The boss told his secretary that while he was on holiday she should ring him at his hotel only if there were any ______ messages for him. A. eager B. hasty C. anxious D. urgent

二. Choose the word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the underlined

得分 part in each of the sentences (每小题1分,共计10分):

1. He told me that he had finally got the permission to film The Last Emperor in China. A. offer B. authority C. promise D. consent

2. Women in that country are playing an increasingly important role in politics. A. contribution B. action C. function D. part 3. People respond to music in many ways. A. react B. reply C. relate D. refer 4. It was so cold that his hands were numbed and could scarcely hold the rifle. A. hardly B. roughly C. merely D. only 5. When I am alone at home, my dog makes me feel secure. A. cozy B. safe C. delighted D. comfortable 6. We had a marvelous holiday; only the last two days were slightly spoiled by the weather. A. damaged B. hurt C. wasted D. ruined 7. Peter liked to startle people by jumping out from behind a tree as they walked past it. A. thrill B. frighten C. attack D. threaten 8. The Prime Minister made a brief statement on TV last night about the current economic


A. announcement B. interview C. conversation D. argument 9. Diamonds were the hardest substance known to man. A. material B. matter C. jewel D. substitute 10. Our boss ordered a survey to learn how many people read the local newspaper. A. program B. review C. project D. study

得分 三. Reading Comprehension(每小题1.5分,共计30分) :

Read the following passages and then choose the right answer to each of the questions given:


Passage One

First of all science gives a picture or model of what we perceive by sense in so far as it can be expressed in terms of numbers, ratios, sizes, shapes, weights, and motions and all the qualities and units derived from these. Thus, science sums up in a rational way a great part of our relation with the external world. Some would say it could sum up all of it, but this seems to be quite unjustifiable, as is maintained in the following section. So the scientific view of the world is a way of relating ourselves to it; and we enlarge ourselves by relating ourselves to the whole of the universe that man can observe and has observed by the methods of science. Furthermore, we can deduce from this working-model of the universe that we call science, the best way in which to make the external world conform to our wills. Our wills are no part of science, and science cannot tell us what we ought to do: it can very often, however, tell us what will be the result of doing certain things. Thus when we have settled what we wish to do, science will tell us how to do it, and what will happen when we have done it, in so far as this is within the scope of that which science includes in its study. It cannot tell us how to sculpture (雕刻) a beautiful statue, for beauty is not a scientific conception, but it can tell us how to make an exact reproduction of an object, because this is a process concerned with one of the quantities (distance) that science studies. As regards to actual projects, science may in the future show us how to move anything anywhere at any speed. It may enable us to make an unlimited variety of new materials, of every kind. It can increase out available stock of knowledge indefinitely, but not complete it, for there will always be another question to ask. It can also increase the cruel and unjust powers over man and abuse of nature to unthinkable limits. Such are the powers of science.

1. From the first paragraph we may infer all of the following EXCEPT that ______.

A. science gives a picture of an orderly system of nature B. there are things that science cannot do

C. not everything can be expressed in terms of number, ratios, sizes, shapes, weights, and motions

D. science is essentially a matter of measuring in some way those things which can be measured

2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the second paragraph?

A. Science can tell us how to make an exact copy of a beautiful statue.

B. By applying the scientific method, man will one day know all there is to know. C. Distance is one of the quantities that science includes in its study. D. Science may do man good as well as harm.’

3. Most probably this piece would later go on to tell us ______.

A. why it is groundless to say that science can summarize all of our relation with the external world

B. how scientific theories vary in the degree of certainty which can be attached to them C. how the perception of a pattern in the working s of nature is an important part of science D. that science may one day afford man the power to destroy his fellows 4. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage? A. What Science Sums Up B. The Common Sense of Science C. What Science Can Do D. The Need for Science

Passage Two

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualities of money some 2,000 years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry abut. When we think of money today, we picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal which we


call coins, or as printed paper notes. But there are still parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use. They will buy nothing, and a traveler might starve if he had none of the particular local ―money‖ to exchange for food.

Among isolated people, who are not often reached by traders from outside, commerce usually means barter. There is a direct exchange of goods. Perhaps it is fish for vegetables, or meat for grain. For this kind of simple trading, money is not needed, but there is often something that everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavour food, shells for ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. These tings—salt, shells, or metals—are still used as money in out-of-the –way parts of the world today. Salt may seem rather a strange substance to use as money, but in countries where the food of the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an absolute necessity. Cakes of salt, stamped to show their value, were used as money in Tibet until recent times, and cakes of salt will still buy goods in Borneo and parts of Africa. Sea shells have been used as money at some time or another over the greater part of the Old World. Metal, valued by weight, preceded coins in many parts of the world.

Nowadays, coins and notes have replaced nearly all the more picturesque forms of money, and although in one or two of the more remote countries people still store it for future use on ceremonial occasions such as weddings and funerals, examples of primitive money will soon be found only in museums.

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the four chief qualities of money summed up by Aristotle? A. Distinct B. Divisible C. Portable D. Precious

6. Nowadays we think of money as ______. A. made of either metal or paper B. useful for starving travelers C. useful for barter D. ornamental 7. In some parts of the world a traveler might starve ______. A. if he did not know the local rate of exchange B. even if his money was of the local kind C. even if he had plenty of coins and notes D. if he had no money made of high-quality materials 8. Barter usually takes the place of money transactions where ______. A. there is only salt B. metal tools are used C. money is unheard of

D. the people’s trading needs are fairly simple

9. Salt is till used as money ______. A. in Tibet B. in several countries C. over the greater part of the Old World D. only for ceremonial purposes 10. primitive types of money are sometimes used ______. A. to replace more picturesque forms B. in museums, as entrance fees C. on occasions like wedding ceremonies, etc. D. at country markets

Passage Three

Read the following passage and then answer the questions given:


1) You must bring your College Membership card to each and every session of the examination and place it on your desk.

2) You are not allowed to have any books or papers with you in the examination room except


your timetable, membership card and the appropriate question paper and answer paper as supplied by the supervisor. Rough paper will be provided, but must not be taken away. 3) Your are not allowed to keep coats or bags near you during the examination. You will be told to put these in a corner of the room, after you have found your desk.

4) If you are late you will be given a question paper at the discretion (任……自行处理) of the supervisor. If you are more than thirty minutes late you will not be given a question paper. You cannot leave with a question paper during the first thirty minutes. You cannot leave during the last ten minutes of the exam, even if you have finished.

5) If you want extra paper, do not move from your desk or stand up. Put up your hand and wait for an invigilator (监考者)to come to you.

6) If you need to leave the room, you may only do so and return under supervision and at the discretion of the supervisor.

7) When you have finished leave your papers on the desk and ask an invigilator for permission to leave. Walk out quietly. Do not stand and wait outside the room. Leave the area immediately.

11. What are you not allowed to do if you forget your membership care according to the


12. When is a decision made by the supervisor?

13. Is it against the rules to leave your rough paper on the desk at the end? 14. What must you do if you finish during the last ten minutes? 15. How should you ask for extra paper if you need it?

Passage Four

Read the following passage and then fill in the blanks to finish each of the sentences:

Generation gap refers to the difference in ideas, feelings and interests between the older and younger people. It is especially considered as causing a lack of communication and understanding between the two generation.

There is apparent generation gap between the young and the old nowadays .The younger

generation is essentially different from the older generation .The young people live in a new age completely different from the old .They have frown up more happily and are not so dependent on adults as their parents were .They are better educated and enjoy more freedom. They easily accept new things and ideas. They are more concerned with the present and the future, whereas the world of the older people has vanished ,and they do not understand all of the problem of the modern world. They grew up in a world which was different from today’s world. They often talk about ―the good old days‖ and tend to assert old things and ideas. They don’t like to feel that their beliefs and values are being questioned and threatened .They would the young to learn from them ,but the young refuse to accept their values .They cannot understand why the young complain about the convention things and old systems and why they want to make changes in these things to fit the needs of modern society .As a result, the old people think the young are not what they were ,and most young people are unable to learn from their parents and elders who they will never be.

In order to reconcile the differences ,both generation should realize that the world has

changed ,and that new responses are necessary for many of the problems of society .Besides, some forms of organizations should be established to help the young and the old exchange their ideas and strengthen their mutual understanding so as to bridge the gap.

16. One important reason for the difference existing between the young and the old is that

______________________________. 17. In the sentence ―They are more concerned with the present and the future‖, ―they‖ refer to
