年产4万吨味精工厂初步设计_毕业设计 下载本文

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which we chose the factory of suitable fermentation production equipment and the reasonable technological processes to produce, in order to improve the quality and output and to low the cost at the same time, both giving the reasonable theory base to the progress of factory production of monosodium glutamate and providing the data support to the environment protection and sustainable development .So, the factory preliminary process design is comparative necessary.

After a series of calculation, we gain the following important data required for this design: the mass of the 100% MSG with corn starch as raw material is 119.06 t, the mass of 86% corn starch is 181.88t, the number of tank needed to work is 4, which demands of 4times of filling.

This design adopts 3mechanical agitated fermentor with the nominal of 300m3 to ferment, with 3 operating a day.This kind of fermentor technical parameters is as follow : The height is 11.2m, , the thickness is15 mm, the thickness of end socket is16 mm, the revolving speed is 62r/min, the shaft power is167 kw, the working pressure inside the tank is 0.15MPa. The total quantity of steam is1092/d, the average is 145.6t/h, peak consumption is51t/h. the fresh water is25324.3 t/d, secondary water is18996.6 t/d, condensed water163.1 is t/d, draining water a day is 18565.6t. Then, we accomplish the design.

Because of being curbed by the theory calculation and the process data, this design is only to guide the actual production, its practical applicability is waited to being further test and research.

Key Words:MSG; Fermentation ;

Process Design ; Fermentor;

目 录

第一章 文献综述 .......................................... 1 1.2 味精生产常用设备及常用菌种 ........................... 2 1.3 味精的各种制法 ....................................... 2 1.3.1 水解提取法 ....................................... 2 1.3.2 合成法 ........................................... 3 1.3.3发酵法 ........................................... 4 1.4我国未经发展现状 ..................................... 4 1.5本设计的意义及目标 ................................... 5 第二章 全场设计概论 ...................................... 7 2.1 味精的设计依据及主要技术参数 ......................... 7 2.1.1 味精的产品规格 ................................... 7 2.1.2 味精工厂设计的主要技术参数 ....................... 8 2.2 味精生产预采用的工艺流程 ............................. 8 第三章 基础恒算 ......................................... 10 3.1 物料恒算 ............................................ 10 3.1.1 生产过程的总物料衡算 ............................ 10

3.1.2 制糖工序的物料衡算 .............................. 12 3.1.3 连续灭菌和发酵工序的物料衡算 .................... 14 3.1.4 谷氨酸提取工序的物料衡算 ........................ 16 3.1.5 精制工序的物料衡算 .............................. 17 3.2 热量衡算 ............................................ 19 3.2.1 液化工序热量衡算 ................................ 19 3.2.2 糖化工序热量衡算 ................................ 21 3.2.3 连续灭菌和发酵工序热量衡算 ...................... 21 3.2.4 谷氨酸提取工序冷量衡算 .......................... 25 3.2.5谷氨酸钠溶液浓缩结晶过程的热量衡算............... 26 3.2.6 干燥过程的热量衡算 .............................. 28 3.2.7 生产过程耗用蒸汽衡算汇总 ........................ 29 第四章 水平衡 ........................................... 31 4.1 糖化工序用水量 ...................................... 31 4.2 连续灭菌工序用水量 .................................. 31 4.3 发酵工序用水量(使用新鲜水) .......................... 31 4.4 提取工序用水量 ...................................... 32 4.5中和脱色工序用水量 .................................. 32 4.6 精制工序用水量 ...................................... 32 4.7 动力工序用水量 ...................................... 33 4.8用水量汇总 .......................................... 33 第五章 发酵罐及其附属设备 ............................... 35

5.1罐体 ................................................ 35 5.1.1罐体主要尺寸比例 ................................ 35 5.1.2罐的容积计算 .................................... 35 5.2搅拌器和挡板 ........................................ 38 5.2.1搅拌器 .......................................... 38 5.2.2档板 ............................................ 40 5.3空气分布装置 ........................................ 40 5.4罐的换热装置 ........................................ 41 5.4.1罐的换热装置的形式 .............................. 41 5.4.2换热面积的计算 .................................. 41 5.5轴封装置,联轴器和轴承 .............................. 42 5.5.1轴封装置 ........................................ 42 5.5.2联轴器和轴承 .................................... 44 5.6消 泡 装 置 ......................................... 44 5.7传 动 装 置 ......................................... 44 5.8溶氧速率和溶氧系数 .................................. 45 5.8.1溶氧系数的计算 .................................. 45 5.8.2溶氧系数的换算 .................................. 46 5.9 发酵罐技术性能表 .................................... 47 参考文献 ................................................ 48 致谢 .................................................... 49