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Unit 1 General Introduction to the Exhibition Industry


1. 介绍中国会展业的发展和现状

2. 了解中国新兴产业—会展业的产生、特点、分类和发展趋势。

3. 培养学生关注缩在城市的各种形式的会展,了解组展的原因和动力。 4. 通过网络搜索了解世界会展的产生背景和重要的主展国家。


1. 使学生初步认识中国会展业发展情况、 2. 能够用英语介绍展会特点和情况。 3. 掌握会展业基本词汇




Step 1 Exhibition Pictures Demonstration (with ppt)

Step 2 Lead-in Questions:

1. Have you ever participated/visited an exhibition? If yes, describe your experience.

Group discussion:

2. What kinds of people are involved in an exhibition? (visitors, exhibitors and organizers)

3. What are the benefits of exhibiting in an exhibition? (Why do exhibitors take part in an exhibition?) 5-minutes discussion

Ask for results of their discussion and give comments Show students the teacher’s list.

4. What are the benefits of visiting an exhibition? (Why do visitors take part in an exhibition?)

5-minutes discussion

Ask 2 students to come to the front to give a short presentation on their findings. Give comments and show the teacher’s list

Step 3 Brief introduction to the course Main topics that are going to be covered. Assessment Methods -

Step 4 Reading I

Article: China Becomes an Important Market for International Exhibition Industry

Annual economic growth rate of 8 percent and open economic system has made China one of the largest markets for sale of raw material and products in the world. This has attracted attentions of international exhibition industry, which not only organizes trade fairs of various types in China, but also hopes Chinese enterprises to go overseas as participant or visitor to international exhibitions.

Recently Wolfgang Pech, VP of the Hannover based Deutsche Messe AG(德国汉诺威展览公司高级副总裁)came to Shanghai to promote the Industry Expo, one of the most important expo for technologies in the world, which is to open in Hannover April 2005. A total of 11 industries will get together at the expo. Mr. Pech says 323 enterprises from the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and 120 from Taiwan will present; majority of them are private enterprises. \force for the global industry, especially for the market of automation technology,\says Mr. Pech.

Professional exhibition companies from the UK, the US and Australia have also begun cooperation with Chinese governmental departments, trade unions and their counterparts. Exhibition industry is a \for economic growth. \industry has a bright outlook in China due to China's economic status in Asia,\comments Anton H. Innemee, VP of Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs.

In China, the annual income from exhibition and conference has reached 4bln yuan. With continuous development of international exhibition industry, the market of conference and exhibition in China, and the proportion of international exhibitions will rise dramatically.

Purpose: to give student a brief idea of the current situation of the International

Exhibition Industry

* Keep reminding students that they should try their best to ignore the new words and expressions and get the general idea of one article/paragraph) Guide the reading one paragraph after another

Ask students to summarize the main meaning of each paragraph

Step 5 Reading II

Article: The Show of Fair Industry

China’s exhibition industry has been booming in the past two decades with the sustained and rapid growth of national economy. As a developing and large market in Asia, China has been attracting more and more investor since the implementation of opening and reform policy. Exhibition industry has been playing an important role in

introducing advanced technology and equipment to China.

Purpose: to provide students background information about the current situation of

the Exhibition Industry in China

? Listen to the tape while reading the article ? Ask students what the title means.

? Ask students the main ideas of the article.

(China’s exhibition industry has been booming in the past two decades so “we” are organizing shows to introduce the latest and advanced displaying technology, facility and equipment in the world, as well as the highest level of China’s exhibition service and displaying technology.)

? Briefly explain to students some new words and expressions in the article. (Use


Step 6 Sum up words & expressions boom decade

a period of ten years sustained advanced

ahead or far or further along in progress participation facility expertise professional assurance specialization industrialization impetus symbiotic

After class tasks:

Have students discuss the following questions

1. What do you think are the main reasons for the booming of exhibition industry in China?

2. How many exhibitions of various kinds were held in China in 2007? What historic situation did it reflect?

3. What can exhibition industry benefit a nation, according to your understanding of the text?

4. Could you expect the prospect of exhibition industry in China next year?