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Journal of Economic Surveys

Green Barriers Trade and its Influences on

China's Foreign Trade

Thomas J. Sargent


In recent years, green consumption has become a main trend of the consumption in many developed countries and these countries began to make strict standards to restrict the entry of foreign products below their standards of environmental protection.

Key words:Green Barriers; products; Trade

In recent years, green consumption has become a main trend of the consumption in many developed countries and these countries began to make strict standards to restrict the entry of foreign products below their standards of environmental protection. These regulations have many unfavorable influences on the export of developing countries and are generally known as \on Green Barriers to Trade of WTO, \the compulsory and arbitrary Green regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures of the importing countries in the name of the protection of human health and environment that actually form barriers to

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trade with an aim to protect its home market and domestic products.

1. Analysis on the causes of formation of \Trade Barriers\

Firstly, the worsening of ecology is the major reason for \Barriers\With the development of industry and technology, the economy increases very fast and the human life has been improved. But at the same time, the development of economy is at a cost of the destruction of environment. The environmental problems have aroused public attention and the international society has begun to make laws to protect environment. In June, 1972, the United Nations published the Stockholm Declaration and stressed the importance of the protection of environment. From then on, more and more people concern about the environmental problems. The concept of environment has influenced the life of humankinds in every layer and the developed countries began to make very strict

environmental protection rules under the pressure of public, which forms a barrier to the international trade.

Secondly, the differences between countries in technology, environmental standards and investment directly cause the \Trade Barriers\in science and technology. Even if they make very strict environmental standards, their domestic products can reach the requirements of strict

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