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一、交际用语 (共计10分,每小题2分)

1~5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 1. — Do you mind if I record your lecture? — _________________. Go ahead. A. Never mind

B. No, you’d better not C. Not at all 答案: C

解析:本题考核“征求对方同意或许可”的交际用语。根据问题内容“你是否介意我复制一下你的讲稿?”,只有选项C“Not at all”的意思为“一点也不,根本不”,符合上下对话的情景内容要求。因此选项C为正确答案。

2. —Would you like to go to the concert with us?

— _________________, but I’ve promised to help Jim with his Chinese. Thank you all the same.

A. I hate concerts B. I’ll go with you C. I wish I could 答案:C

解析:本题考核表“拒绝邀请”的交际用语。对话中说话人邀请听话人参加音乐会,而听话人先表示自己很想去,再解释不能去是因为已经答应帮助Jim学习中文,最后表示谢谢邀请。因此选项C为正确答案。 3. — —It might be a good idea to read some simplified books first. A. Have the books been sold out? B. What is about this one?

C. What books would you recommend? 答案:C


4. — Your plan is perfect and I believe that it will be a great success . — ________________ A. Yes, it is.

B. Thank you very much. C. I don’t think so. 答案:B

解析:本题考核“赞美语”的交际用语。在英语交际中,当对方向你表示赞美之意时,应该礼貌地表示感谢“Thank you.”。在该对话中,称赞“你的计划很完美,我相信这次活动一定会很成功”时,答案B最合适;答案A答非所问,不符合西方的交际习惯;答案C的回答太没有礼貌。所以答案是B。 5. — ? — It will take at least two weeks.

A. How soon will you finish our annual report B. When will you finish our annual report C. How long have you finished our annual report 答案:A

解析:本题考核“确定时刻”的交际用语。从答语“至少需要两周时间”可以推测问句在询问“需要多少时间能完成某事”。how soon常用来询问“过多少时间(就能……)”;how long常用来询问“多长时间”,其答语常用“for+一段时间”;when常用来询问“什么时间”,答语应为具体的时间。所以答案是A。



6. We think that Smith should be told about his ______ condition as soon as possible.

A. physic B. physics C. physical 答案:C



7. He is ________ this company.

A.in charge of B.in the charge of C.under the charge of 答案:A


解析:考查词组辨析。in charge of意为“掌管”;in the charge of意为“由...掌管(含被动之意)”;under the charge of 意为“在...的看管下/负责下”。根据句义,答案应该是A。 8. Hiring a good employ may cost much money and time, _______, it can win much more for the company in future.

A. what’s more B. at last C. however 答案:C

译文:雇佣到一个好员工可能要花很多钱和实践,然而,将来公司一定能获得更多的回报。 解析:what’s more意为“而且,另外”,表“递进”;at last意为“最后,最终”,表“结果”;however意为“然而,但是”,表“转折”,根据语意和句子结构,答案是C。

9. According to theirfeedback sheets, the participants are all _____with the training. A. satisfied B. satisfying C.satisfactory 答案:A


解析:过去分词satisfied表示“感到满意的”,be satisfied withsth. 意为“对……感到满意”;现在分词satisfying和形容词satisfactory都表示“令人满意的”,因此正确答案是A。 10. Are you familiar ______the saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know”? In event planning, networking is key! A. with B. to C. in


译文:你熟悉 这个说法“重要的不是你知道什么,而是你认识谁”吗?在活动策划中,社交圈是关键。

解析:此题的考点是Be familiar with 熟悉...。Be familiar to被某人所熟悉,没有be familiar in这个短语,所以答案是A。

11. - They have disagreement the plan of celebrating the founding of the community.

A. on B. in C. / 答案:A


解析:此题的考点是Disagree on sth或者disagreement on sth, 都要用介词on,意思是不同意某个事情或者东西。 所以答案是A。

12. The quality of questionnaire will_____how much information we know from our customers.

A. effect B. affect C. affections 答案:B

译文:问卷调查的质量会影响到我们可以了解到我们顾客的信息的多少。 解析:effect引起,产生。Affections是名词,affect影响。所以答案是B。 13. The Jiahe Community Service Center is about to ______ service for residents. A. provided B. provide C. providing 答案:B


解析:be about to意为“即将”,表示将要做某事或是发生某事,在含有be about to do的句子中,所以用动词原形,可以判断出正确答案是B。

14. I’d like to_______ that the staff member who served me didn’t really seem to know what he was doing.

A. point out B. point at C. point in