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Oral English

课程编码: 540252 学分: 2.0 课程类别: 专业任选课 计划学时: 32 其中讲课: 28 实验或实践:4 上机: 0 适用专业:国际经济与贸易

推荐教材:王战平主编,《商务英语口语》,华中科技大学出版社,2010年 参考书目:康夫特等,《剑桥商务英语口语教程》,北京大学出版社,2000年

谢春萍,伊睿,《国际商务英语中级口语》,武汉大学出版社,2006年 邓长慧主编,《商务英语口语(第二版)》,武汉大学出版社,2011年






(2)增加一定量的听力和阅读训练,提高语言输入与储备。 (3)采用模拟情景、角色扮演、多媒体演示等立体交叉的教学方法。



Unit 1: Applying for a Job Class Period: 4

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements]

To make a detailed self-introduction to the interviewer To respond to the interviewer’s questions

To inquire about the requirements for the job opening To ask about your expectation for compensation package To call back to query about the interview result [Key and Difficult Points]

To make a self introduction during the interview

To communicate with the interviewer during the interview

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1. Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 2: New Employee Orientation Class Period: 2

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements]

To make an introduction to the employee’s daily routine To give a tour of the facilities

To introduce to the new employee、the company and the colleagues

To explain the employee benefits, personnel policies, safety measures, relations, ect [Key and Difficult Points]

To know things on the employee’s first day of the job

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1. Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 3: Job Descriptions Class Period: 2

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements] To describe one’s position in a company To describe the department one works in To describe jobs and responsibilities [Key and Difficult Points]

To describe different positions、departments and job titles of a company

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1. Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 4: Telephoning Class Period: 2

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements] To master basic business telephone tips To practice basic telephoning skills

To learn useful expressions in business calls [Key and Difficult Points]

To master basic telephoning skills and communication skills

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1. Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 5: At a Conference Class Period: 2

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements]

To develop skills in organizing and conducting meetings To ask for and give opinions or suggestions at a meeting To agree or disagree with an opinion at a meeting [Key and Difficult Points]

To give personal opinions at a meeting

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1. Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 6: Corporate Hospitality Class Period: 4

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements]

To identify channels associated with seeking and establishing business relations To use social skills and cultural awareness in business and entertaining guests To take a business associate to dinner [Key and Difficult Points]

To master social skills for corporate hospitality

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1.Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 7: Business Travel(1):Airport Departure Class Period: 2

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements] To book an air ticket in advance To check in at the airport

To make declaration at the customs To claim your luggage at the airport [Key and Difficult Points]

To understand words that in the airport

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1.Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 8 Business Trayel(2):Hotel Room Reservation Class Period: 4

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements] To make a hotel reservation To check in the hotel To check out the hotel

[Key and Difficult Points] To master how to book a hotel room

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1.Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 9: Business Negotiations Class Period: 2

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements] To understand business negotiation basics To prepare for business negotiations To develop negotiation skills

To be able to maintain business relationship with business partners [Key and Difficult Points]

To master language skills used in negotiations

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1.Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 10: Corporate Presentation Class Period: 2

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements]

To make a detailed company introduction to the listeners To talk about the company profile

To be able to answer to the listeners’questions [Key and Difficult Points]

To master and develop presenting skills as a qualified speaker

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1.Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 11: Product Presentation Class Period: 4

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements]

To make a detailed product introduction to the listeners To be able to talk about the feature of a product

To be able to respond to the listener’s questions [Key and Difficult Points]

To learn skills to promote the product

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1.Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

Unit 12: Work and Life Balance Class Period: 2

[Teaching Purposes and Requirements]

To talk about things happened in one’s work and life To describe specific problems arising from work To learn to strike a balance between work and life [Key and Difficult Points]

To give opinion about job satisfaction and own life

[Teaching Methods] Task-based & Student-centered Approach;Group work; Listening; Role-play [Contents]

1.Lead-in Activities

2.Useful Words and Expressions 3.Sample Dialogues

4.Functions and Structures 5.Speaking Workshop 6.Supplementary Reading

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