英语人教版四年级上册I have a friend 下载本文

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I have a friend

Teaching contents:

B Let`s talk Let`s chant C Let`s sing

Teaching aims:

a. Can understand and say “ What`s her name ? Her name is ……” And also can use them in some situations. b. Learn to speak “Let`s chant”

c. Can sing “ Friends” and have the emotional education

Teaching key and difficult points:

a. Learn to use these sentence pattern “What`s her name? Her name is ……”to some situations.

b. To deal with some hard places in the song “friends”

Teaching aids:

CAI , friends` photos

Teaching procedures: 1、

Warm – up

Greetings and sing the song “friends” 2、


Look and guess 3、


A a riddle to lead

T: My children , do you like gussing game? Ss: ……

T: OK. Let`s guess. Look ,4 girls. They are xiaoyanzi , xiaowanzi , zi wei and snow white. But one of them is Miss Hu`s friend ,after that ,please guess who is my friend ?

Make a summary and a comment.

B drills teaching

T: Today we`ll learn the new sentences “What`s her name ?”

C Practice

1, ask and answer in chain 2, Follow me to sing D Dialogue teaching

1, listen and answer 2 questions 2, Follow and study 3, Free communication


Extension : Happpy Hour

This is a wonderful party that everyone must show your good friends` photos. Everybody has to find a classmate to talk about your friend`s photo each other. After that, come to the front and show your dialogue.

T: (set an example) My best friend is a girl. She is an English teacher. She is quiet. She has long hair, big eyes and big mouth.. She is beautiful. She likes English and dancing. I like her very much.

(close to a student) What about you ? S1:……

T: May I have a look ? S1: Sure ,here you are. T: Oh, handsome! Good-bye!

Blackboard handwriting:

A: What`s her name ? B: Her name is …….