最新版2019-2020年人教版高中英语高一必修二Unit1-5单元综合测试题及答案-精编试题 下载本文

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32 pages, US $16.95 Children's books can quickly take little readers into new worlds, such as the big city, 1930s Georgia, or outer space. This book takes us on a little trip to some European capitals. Cherry is fat and likes books, and she has few friends until she meets a stray Shar-Pei puppy (迷途的沙皮犬). She names it Olive. Through it she finds confidence and friendship. But what will happen when its owner returns? 40. In Book 2, the character .

A. can make buildings out of anything B. is a kid who likes to play tricks on teachers C. keeps lots of chickens D. likes to run after chickens

41. Which of the following can best describe the fly in Book 3?

A. Lazy and proud. C. Brave and courageous.

B. Stupid and funny. D. Loyal and honest.

42. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Strange students are mentioned in Book 1 and Book 3. B. Book 4 introduces lots of farm animals. C. A fly is a superhero in outer space in Book 2. D. Book 1 is the cheapest of the four books.

43. If you are interested in European cities, you may want to read the book by .

A. Benjamin Lacombe C. Andrea Beaty

B. Janice N. Harrington D. Doreen Cronin

44. What's the purpose of this passage?

A. To buy some books. C. To show some information.

B. To sell some books. D. To tell some stories.



Home can be a great place for children to study. It's important to provide a workplace of their own where they can read books or just write a letter to their friends. Location

46. Kitchen and dining room are not so well suited for regular study, since books and pens get in the way of the day-to-day uses of those areas. Set up a place where a child can settle in and leave papers and pens at hand without having to clear everything away each night. For a child that likes being alone, set aside a corner of his bedroom, but keep it separate from things like games, music and other hobbies not related to studying. Keeping things in order

Parents should encourage their child to spread out, but to leave it neat and orderly when he isn't using his workplace. Ownership is very important for self-respect, 47. The workplace should be personal, but not another part of the playroom. 48.

Encourage the whole family to help build a supportive environment that children need for success in school. Give them a good example of how to deal with problems, how to manage time and get things done in the right way. 49. Study will be more enjoyable and effective when supported by the whole family.

A. Attitude is everything.

B. Bring organization into your home.

C. Here are several ways to choose a location. D. Building a good home learning environment.

E. Hold a can-do attitude and your child will follow your example.

F. Setting up a space in a common area of your home can be a good idea for


G. A child who learns to organize his space will carry organization into every

corner of his life.



Today I was having a PE lesson while I fell down and hurted my foot. I was in great pain at that moment but I tried to act as if nothing happened until the class was over. Though I had difficulty walk back to my classroom, but I still didn't tell anyone and even refused the offer of help from my classmates. As the result, the hurt on my foot became worse. Now I know I am wrong. We can tell other our need for help and accept their help. Someday we can help him in return. In this way, we can get along with each other happily and peacefully.


60. 你是你校校报的小记者,最近对一位在华的外国志愿者进行了一次采访。以下是这次采访的情况。写作内容: 时间:上周末

对象:在中国农村教书的志愿者卢安克(Eckart Loewe) 主题:他的志愿者之路

基本情况:1968年出生在德国汉堡(Hamburg);1990年夏天,短短3个月的中国之旅,让他深深地爱上了广西的乡村。 从教过程:

1. 1999年,在广西的一个乡村成为一名志愿者教师; 2. 发现中国家长重视成绩却忽视孩子的天性和兴趣。

教育理念:如果一个人只是为了别人的理念而生存,他就永远找不到自我的方向和力量。 写作要求:只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。




1. C 6. C

2. A 7. C

3. B 8. B

4. D 9. A

5. A

10. D

11. D 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B 二、补全短文 16. on 17. visiting 18. had been 19. what 20. Arriving 21. was impressed 22. others

23. Though/Although 24. widely 25. which 三、阅读理解

26. C 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. B 36. A 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. D 41. C 42. D 43. A 44. B 四、短文7选5(5选5等) 45. D 46. F

47. G 48. A 49. E

五、短文改错 50. while改为when 51. hurted改为hurt 52. nothing后加had 53. walk改为walking 54. but去掉

55. As the result改为 As a result