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Verbal: 两篇材料组成,每篇文章4道小题目,这部分共8分钟。


题目有词语替换(记得的有 “积极”“尤为突出”替换),还有细节分析(比如第二篇里两个人对于抑郁症的观点的不同看法在何处)。



题目比较简单,就是像大家说的,得注意时间,中间有题目卡住也一定得赶快决定答案,好给后面的题目留出时间。 Logical:两组题目,每组题目有4道小题目,8分钟时间。

这次题目不是类似于宝洁的图形推理,而是同论坛里发的Saville题库中的例题相同,有四个图形,将α、β等定义为一个程序,例如α=第一个图形与第三个图形替换,β=第一个图形颜色深浅变化等。注意!类型的题目,在例题时LZ还没有看懂,后来再仔细看题目指导才明白了意思。建议大家看看saville题库链接里的preparation for logical里面的例题。



1. 建议大家看一看 4c 4p 波特五力模型,不是要用来套进case,而是要有这样的思考方法。

2. 重视自己的逻辑思维,一定要清晰

3. 做一个好的teamwork ,有的组中间有激烈的对抗就会受到经理或par的批评。

4. Be yourself 小组讨论中的角色定位并不是做作的表现出来的,而是你三年内内涵与修养的结果,比如说笔者在入场前分享经验和安排角色定位时候就是一位小组的leader,但到面试时候我就做回平时的总结者和协调者,很多东西都是两年学生会经历锻炼出来的。

5. 一定要气氛和谐。


your personality profile has to make sense.

imagine that your personality is a puzzle with many pieces.similar to a puzzle,some pieces will match other pieces and some won't. in the end,though, all the pieces fit together to form a picture.

let's imagine that dominance is an important piece in your personality puzzle. dominance usually co-occurs related traits such as 'social confidence'.that is, dominant people tend to feel socially confident.dominance also oftern co-occurs with 'directness',(speaking your

mind). on the other hand, dominance generally doesn't co-occur with traits like 'shyness' or 'social anxiety'.

to give another example, two personality traits that are commonly assesed in personality tests are consulting and team playing. consulting is the extent to which a person tends to consult with other people when making decisions and team playing is the extent to which a person enjoys working in a team.it's hard to imagine someone who's a team player making decisions alone and failling to consult with colleagues.

Summary Table: Which Traits usally go Together?

Sales and Negotiation skills Dominance and Leadership skills Directness Individualism dominance, ambition, social energy, social comfort ambition,sales and negotiation skills, directness,creativity, low apprehension dominance,individualism, social energy, low humbleness directness, low rule following social comfort, social energy, low humbleness, directness, sales skills intellectualism,dominance,directness,creativity empathy, intellectualism,consulting skills low aversion to routine, low creativity ambition, critical thinking ambition, critical thinking. Social energy Critical thinking insight into people Conservativeness planning skills adaptability