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The Design Of The Grain Form Chocolates Fruit Packer
This article firstly analyzes the demanding for the chocolate packing machine in modern life. After checking enough data, I figure out the scheme, method and procedure of the design of the machine. This design primarily aims at the circle pillar chocolates' aluminum foil packing. The main contents of the design contain three sides: Design project design, machine hand and I/O sugar mechanism design and the transmission system design.
It is the most important whether the function of the machine hand and I/O sugar mechanism’s design can carry out in the machine. It is also one of the design points of this design. It must realize the importation, fold of the chocolates the sides and other functions. Until it finally is outputted by belt conveyer. In whole system function realizing, the machine hands realize many important function, for example: clip the sugar, fold of the chocolates the sides, transfer...etc. Therefore the shape of the machine hand, clip the tight dint and turn the cape also bring up the different design request. When designed the machine hands, it is also proceeding with the center of these points.
System, power is necessary. Certainly it is particularly important of the power transmission system. In the system function, it must realize moving the machine hands, moving the sugar dish, providing the paper, cutting paper, curling, connecting the sugar, cresting the sugar and dialing the sugar etc. All these functions need the different size of power. It can be controlled by the transmission system. Such as the function of turning machine hands, it needs the sheave of the transmission to regulate in order to realize a function of intermittent turning. After the machine in the exact position, the mechanism must stop over time, then it can take enough time to crest sugar, connect the sugar and dial sugar. At the same time it can be controlled the rate of production at 100 ~ 150 r/ min.
Key words: Packer; drive system design; machine hand
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