车辆保险理赔中存在的问题和对策研究 下载本文

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毕 业 论 文


所属系别 车辆工程系

姓 名 石兵辉

电 话 18239909629

撰写日期 2013 年 04 月

摘 要

俗话说“天有不测风云,人有祸福旦夕”。人不能掌握自己的命运,对自然规律的不可预见性的一种无可奈何的总结。当人们遇到不幸的事件时,终究会造成人身伤亡或者财产毁损的结果。面对生活中存在的各种各样的风险事件,保险是人们应对风险的一种有效方式,即人们可以通过进行风险转嫁并取得相应的保障。在车险经营的许多环节中,车险理赔成为许多人关心的重点问题。因为理赔时保险服务的重要环节,它经营的好坏直接关系到整个保险公司的经营质量。现在很多公司为了扩大业务规模,不断降低费率,利用应收等一系列的非法手段去争取市场。面对这些不良的现象,各家保险公司在理赔环节都非常重视并大力投入,特别是金融危机的冲击下,提高汽车保险理赔服务和如何提高理赔服务质量已经成为保险发展的重要问题 。我国为了建立合理完善的车险行业,有效应对国外同行业的竞争,促进国内汽车保险市场健康、快速的发展,已在逐渐完善法制体系。本文结合实际对汽车保险理赔常见问题进行深入研究,从相关方面提出了创新汽车保险理赔的相关措施,以促进国内汽车保险行业的健康发展。



As the saying goes %unexpected situation, people have always happen overnight\laws of nature are not predictable. When people meet the unfortunate event, will eventually cause personal injury or property damage results. In the face of risk events of life in a variety of existence, insurance is an effective way to deal with the risk of people, namely, people can obtain the corresponding security through risk transfer and. In many aspects of auto insurance business, insurance claims have become key issues of concern to many people. Because of the importance of link claim insurance services, its operation is directly related to the insurance company's management quality. Now many companies in order to area the size of the business, continue to lower rates, illegally use of accounts receivable and a series of strive for market. In the face of these undesirable phenomena, the insurance company in the adjustment process will attach great importance to and vigorously investment, especially under the impact of the financial crisis, to improve the car insurance claims service and how to improve the quality of service has become an important problem to claim insurance development. In order to establish a reasonable and perfect the insurance industry, to effectively deal with foreign competition, promote the healthy development of domestic automobile insurance market, fast, this paper deeply research on common problems of automobile insurance claims, puts forward the measures of innovation of automobile insurance claims from the relevant aspects, in order to promote the healthy development of the domestic automobile insurance industry.

Key Words: Automobile insurance, claims, research