RFID技术在仓储物流中的应用研究详解 下载本文

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摘 要



关键词: RFID 仓储物流 条形码

Research on RFID technology in Warehousing Logistics Application

Major: Logistics Management




Modern logistics warehouse as an important aspect in the role of its can not be ignored, is the production of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished the buffer pool for the sustained and stable production for the provision of protection and achieve the production and transport economy. This paper is to examine technology in warehousing logistics RFID applications in the thesis focus on RFID technology in the application of modern warehousing, storage for the RFID logistics in the modern play the save time, improve efficiency, reduce costs, reduce inventory, etc. research. Papers in RFID technology, including the structure, working principle, storage practices and processes, focused around the case, \warehouse management analysis of the accuracy of RFID,\RFID note to be brought about by the actual practical value.

In this paper, first of all made of the concept of warehousing logistics analysis; then introduces the concept of RFID technology machines use the principle of composition in the use of warehousing and logistics; Finally, analysis of actual cases to focus on the use of RFID technology brings practical significance

Key words: RFID Warehousing logistics Bar code

目 录

1导 论 .......................................................... 1 1.1选题意义 ...................................................... 1 1.2国内外研究现状 ................................................ 2 1.3文章结构安排 .................................................. 3



2仓储物流概述..................................................... 3 2.1仓储管理概述 .................................................. 3 2.2仓储管理中的先进技术 .......................................... 4 3 RFID简介 ....................................................... 4 3.1 RFID基本概念及分类 ........................................... 4 3.2 RFID射频标识关键技术 ......................................... 5 3.3RFID体统的组成 ................................................ 6 3.4 RFID体统的工作原理 ........................................... 6 3.5 RFID技术在仓储中的运用 ....................................... 7

3.5.1现行仓储物流形式........................................... 7 3.5.2基于RFID技术的仓储物流形式................................ 8 3.6 RFID仓储管理系统 ............................................. 8

3.6.1仓储管理系统(WMS)........................................ 8 3.6.2物流中心入库流程分析....................................... 9 3.6.3具有RFID体统的物流仓库具体流程........................... 10 3.6.4传统仓储操作与运用RFID形式改进比较....................... 12 4 RFID仓储物流案例分析 ........................................... 12 4.1沃尔玛简介 ................................................... 12 4.2沃尔玛在运用RFID之前对仓储管理的操作流程 .................... 14 4.3沃尔玛通过运用RFID技术以后的操作流程 ........................ 15 4.4对中国企业仓储物流管理的建议 ................................. 15 结 论 ............................................................ 16 参考文献 ......................................................... 19 致 谢 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。