新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book1-Unit1-sectionB课文及翻译 下载本文

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What we wish我们的期望 My dear child, 我亲爱的孩子:

You are about to participate in the next leg of yourjourney through life. For us, this part is bittersweet.As you go off to college, exciting new worlds willopen up to you. They will inspire and challengeyou; you will grow in incredible ways.


This is also a moment of sadness. Your departure to college makes it undeniably clear thatyou are no longer a child. There has been no greater joy than watching you arrive at thismoment. You have turned our greatest challenge into our greatest pride. Although we havebrought you to this point, it is hard to watch you depart. Remember above all things, we willmiss you. 这也是令人伤感的时刻。离家去上大学就明确意味着你不再是个孩子了。没有什么比看到你走到今天这一步更令我们欣喜的了。你曾经是我们最大的挑战,现在却成为我们最大的骄傲。虽然是我们把你带到了这一步,但是看着你离开仍然很不舍。记住,最主要的是,我们会想念你。

College will be the most important time of your life. It is here that you will truly discover whatlearning is about. You often ask,

\encourage you to stayinquisitive, but remember this:

\hool.\eheart of scholarship: moving from teacher-taught to master-inspired, on over to the pointwhere you become a self-learner. So, take each subject seriously, and if something doesn'timmediately engage you, don't despair. Embrace it as a challenge. Find a way to make it yourown.


Of course, you must still take care to sign up for courses which stimulate your passion andyour intellectual capacity.Don't be bound by what other people think.


Steve Jobs said, when you are in college, yourpassion will create many dots, and later in your lifeyou will connect them. So, don't worry too muchabout what job you will have; don't be too practical.If you like French or Korean, study

it even ifsomeone else tells you that it's not useful. Enjoypicking your \ Be assured that one day, youwill find your own meaningful career, and you willconnect a beautiful curve through those dots.


You know that we always want you to do your best, but don't let the pressure of grades getto you. We care only that you try your very best, and that you learn. It is better that yourgreatest effort earns a lesser grade than that no effort earns you a decent or higher grade.Grades in the end are simply letters fit to give the vain something to boast about, and the lazysomething to fear. You are too good to be either. The reward is not the grade but what youlearn 你知道我们总是希望你竭尽全力,但不要让分数的压力困扰你。我们只关心你已经尽了力,并且学到了知识。你尽了最大的努力而分数不高比你没有努力却得了像样的或更高的分数更有意义。分数只不过是虚荣的人用以吹嘘和慵懒的人所恐惧的数字而己。而你既不虚荣,也不慵懒。努力的回报不是分数,而是你所学到的东西。

More importantly, make friends and trust others. The friends you make in college can be thebest ones you will ever have. During these years, when you move into adulthood, the friendsyou make in college live closer to you than your family. You will form bonds of friendship that willblossom over many decades. Pick friends who are genuine and sincere. Select a few andbecome truly close to them. Don't worry about their hobbies, grades, or looks. Instead, trustyour instincts when you make new friends.


You are a genuine and sincere person; anyone would enjoy your friendship. So be confident, secure, and proactive. If you think you like someone, tell them. You have very little to lose. Don't be afraid to trust. Give others the benefit of the doubt, and don't reduce anyone to stereotypes. Nobody is perfect; as long as others are genuine, trust them and be good to them. They will give back. 你是坦率真诚的人,任何人都会喜欢和你做朋友,所以要自信,别害怕,要积极主动。如果你认为自己喜欢某个人,就告诉他。你不会损失什么的。不要害怕去信任别人。即使有所怀疑,也要相信别人,不要对任何人抱有成见。人无完人。只要他们真诚,就信任他们,善待他们。他们会给予回报的。

Remember also that your youth is full of strength and beauty, something that you will not comprehend until it is gone. You must guard and cultivate your strength and beauty. A healthy body and a sound mind are the greatest instruments you will ever possess. Enjoy life. Dance if you feel like it. Don't be afraid of what other people think. But also keep yourself safe and sound. Don't let the range of new experiences take your innocence, health, or curiosity away from you. Treasure your youth and the university experience before you.


College is the time when you have:the first taste of independence,the greatest amount of free time,the most flexibility to change,the lowest cost for making mistakes.


Approach these years enthusiastically! Make the most of your time. Become the great thinker you were born to be. Let your talents evolve to their fullest potential. Be bold! Experiment! Learn and grow! We are enormously proud that you've made it this far, and we can't wait to see what you will become. 用满腔的热情拥抱大学时光吧!充分利用好你的时间。成为一个你注定会成为的优秀的思考者。使你的聪明才智发挥出最大的潜力。无所畏惧!勇于尝试!坚持学习,并不断成长!我们对于你已经取得的成功深感自豪,我们也迫不及待地盼望看到你未来的成就。 Your father 你的父亲


Time slows down 那一刻,时光驻足


It's an April day in Virginia. He nods, puts his hands on the arms of his wheelchair, whispers something that makes little sense. I try to help him up, but he is too heavy and limp.


\“去散散步,然后呢——我给你带来了一个惊喜。” The white curtains surge in the breeze. 微风吹过,白色的窗帘飘了起来。

Shivering, he complains it's chilly. \他哆嗦着,抱怨天太冷。“冷,我累了。我们现在回家不行吗?”

Suddenly we're far away in a time long past in part of a harbor I've never seen before. December, Chicago, I'm five, and cold. One glove is lost. My feet are tired. His legs are longer; he strides quickly through melting snow, toward buildings like airplane sheds with immense doors.


This is the most exciting place I have ever been. Suddenly my fatigue is gone. I could walk along here forever, at least until I find out how to get aboard one of the boats.


We slow down our pace. Smaller sheds now. A green diner. Smells of fish and smoke. We enter a little hut. Barrels of salty water, string bags of shellfish, bundles of fish laid out on ice.

我们放慢了脚步。现在我们看到的是一些小一点的货棚,还有一间绿色的小餐馆。四周弥漫着鱼和烟的味道。我们走进一个小棚里。里面是一桶桶的海水,一网兜一网兜的贝类海鲜,还有一捆捆放在冰块上的鱼。 \“爸爸,快看那条蛇!”

\that's an eel,\says Daddy. \We'll take a portion home for supper.\

“不,那是鳗鱼,”爸爸说。“烟熏的。我们买一段回家当晚饭吃。” \“我才不吃那个东西呢!”

\about migrations of eels to the Sargasso Sea: how eels come down Dalmatian rivers and swim across the Mediterranean and then the whole Atlantic, until they reach the warm Sargasso Sea. Here they lay their eggs, and then the baby eels swim back to the native rivers of their parents.

“好吧,”他说道,然后拿起那包腥味很重的鱼。我们往回走的时候,他给我讲鳗鱼向马尾藻海洄游的故事:鳗鱼怎样从达尔玛提亚地区的河流游过地中海,再游过整个大西洋,直到抵达温暖的马尾藻海。它们在那里产卵,然后幼鱼再游回到它们的父母原先待过的河流。 Back at last in the apartment, he unwraps the eel,opens his pocket knife and slices carefully.

我们终于回到了公寓。他拆开鳗鱼包,打开折叠小刀,小心地切片。 \“我不吃,”我狐疑地说道。 “Try one bite, just for me.\“尝一口,就算为了我。” \“我不会喜欢它的。”

While he hangs up our coats, I test one pinch.Smelly, smoky, and salty. 当他在挂我们的外套时,我尝了一丁点儿。很腥,带着烟熏味,还咸咸的。

He goes into the kitchen to heat milk for me and tea for himself. I test another pinch. Thenanother. He returns with the steaming cups.

他去厨房帮我热牛奶,并给他自己热茶。我又尝了一丁点儿。然后,又尝了一点儿。他从厨房回来,端着热气腾腾的杯子。 The eel has vanished.
