2019届高考英语一轮复习北师大版单元基础过关测试(必修五 Unit13-14) 下载本文

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2019届高考英语一轮复习北师大版单元基础过关测试(必修五 Unit13-14)



1.associate vt. 联想,联系→________ n. 联系;协会 2.________ n. 失败→fail v. 失败

3.________ n. 满意→satisfy v. 使满意→________ adj. 满意的

4.________ n. 忧虑,担心→anxious adj. 焦虑的→________ adv. 焦虑地 5.sharp adj. 锋利的;尖的→________ vt. 使锋利;削尖→________ n. 磨具,削具6.________ adj. 不合法的,违法的→legal adj. 合法的;法律的 7. reward n. & v. 奖赏→________adj. 有回报的 8. ________ n. 指导→guide n. 向导 v. 带领 9. commit vt. 投入→________ n. 委托;承诺 10. ________ n. 存在→exist vi. 存在

11. comfort n. 舒适,安逸 v. 安慰→________ adj. 舒服的→________ adv. 舒服地 12. ________ n. 基础,根据→base n. 基础 v. 以……为基础→________ adj. 基本的

Ⅱ.短语检测 1.以…告终,以…结束 11.帮助 2.禁不住要做某事 3.想出,提出 4.起草 5.指控某人某事 6.理解 7.复习 8.怒视 9.最后使人受不了的事 12.控制,接管 13.出现;到来 14.编造;构成;打扮 15.假称; 听出 16.讨论,细谈 17.站立 18.取得成功;还清债务 19.跟上,赶上 20.解决,算出;估计出 10.如果有什么不同的话 III. 英译中

1.One good turn deserves another.

2.The foggy weather is to blame for the series of traffic accidents.

3.I didn't have a good sleep last night with an upset stomach.

4 .I was greatly relieved at the news.

5. You will never gain success unless you are fully devoted to your work.

6. Child as/though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.

7. We had never stayed in such an amazing room, and we weren't charged extra.

8. When considering how to choose a job, you can consult an experienced successful businessman.

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2019届高考英语一轮复习北师大版单元基础过关测试(必修五 Unit13-14)

9. The branches could hardly bear the weight of fruit.

10. Now he can live in comfort for the rest of his life.

11. They usually get paid by the hour

12. The first price increases are due to come into force in July.

13. The girl couldn't help jumping with joy the instant she heard the news.

14. What I admire is not what you have, but what you are.

15. They desired that the manager (should) receive them on Monday morning.

IV. 补全句子

1.Hardly ________________ when it began to rain. And the two teams agreed to put it off till the next weekend.比赛一开始天突然就开始下雨了。因此这两个队商定把比赛推迟至下周末。 2.He was filled with ________ at having failed his parents.他因辜负了父母而深感内疚。 3. He could tell________________ who was dishonest.他一眼就能看出谁不诚实。 4.________________his research,he almost forgot everything about himself.


5.He and his neighbours are no longer______________________.他和他的邻居不再和睦。 6.His proposal was ____________ at the meeting. 被拒绝

7.Smith, who happens to be my cousin, is ____________________ the office.


8.__________________, she gave her agreement to the project.


9.As time went on, the teachers found their efforts to respect their students_____________.


10.The company makes a promise that in no case ______________ the quality of products be cheapened.公司承诺在任何情况下都不降低产品的质量。

11.____________ our hard work, the project was carried out perfectly.


12.I was greatly ________________ at the news. 听了这个消息,我甚感宽慰。

13. The fact is that the smarter a child is, ________________ he gets addicted to TV.越不可能

14.________________ going into an office, I prefer to be connected to the Internet and work home. 不去办公室,而是连接因特网,在家里办公. 15.He's warm-hearted,________________ being generous and honest.除...之外,他心肠也好.

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2019届高考英语一轮复习北师大版单元基础过关测试(必修五 Unit13-14)

单元基础过关测试(U13-14) 参考答案

I. 单词

association 2.failure 3.satisfaction; satisfied 4.anxiety;anxiously sharpen; sharpener 6. illegal 7. rewarding 8..guidance

mitmen 10. existence.11 comfortable;comfortably 12. basis; basic


1.end up 2.can't help doing sth e up with 4.draw up 5.accuse sb of sth/charge sb with s th 6.figure out 7.do some revision/go over 8.glare at 9.the last straw 10.if anything 11.give aid to 12.take charge of 13.turn up 14.make up 15.make out 16.go into detail(s) 17.be on one's feet 18.pay off 19.keep up with 20.work out



2.这一连串的交通事故都是大雾天气造成的 3.我的肠胃不舒服,因此昨晚没睡好。 4.听了这个消息,我甚感宽慰。

5.除非你全身心投入到工作中去,否则你永远不可能获得成功。 6.虽然他是小孩,他却知道什么事该做。

7.我们从来没有住过这么好的房间,而且没有额外收我们的钱。 8.在考虑如何选择工作时,你可以向有经验的成功商人请教。 9.树枝几乎不能支撑水果的重量 10.现在他可以在安逸中度过余生了 11.按小时计酬


13.女孩一听到这消息非常高兴,情不自禁地跳了起来。 14.我所羡慕的不是你所拥有的东西,而是你的为人。



1.had the match begun 2.guilt 3.at a glance 4. Devoted to

5. on good terms (with each other) 6.turned down 7.in charge of 8.After a moment of hesitation 9.paid off 10.will 11. Due to

12. relieved at 13. the less likely 14. Rather than 15. in addition to

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