(完整版)110kV变电站设计毕业设计 下载本文

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题 目 110kV变电站一次系统设计 函 授 站 学生姓名 专 业 自动化 层 次 本 科 年 级

指导教师 ******大学

年 月 日

摘 要





The contents of this project is about the 110kV substation. The main programmers line’s choice , the short-circuit’s calculation and one-dimension equipments’s verification selection.

The substation is the electrical production’s crucial sector , it’s impact is to transform the voltage and allocate the electric power. The substation’s one-dimension electrical main line directly determine the voltage’s transform and the electric power’s allocation. This article takes the 110kV substation’s basic feature as pedestal and apply the theory learning of substation’s design to assay primitive datum and undertake the electric system’s secure and equable operation.

The short-circuit’s calculation and the equipments’s verification undertake the security, stability and economics for the transforming electric power facilities’s applyment.

KEYWORDS: Substation, Electrical power system ,Design