2018-2019南昌市十校联考七年级(初一上)期末英语答案 下载本文

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1.Geography is my favorite subject. 2.Happy Teachers’ Day, Miss White!

3.These socks are on great sale! Come to my store, now! 4. I like hamburgers, they are delicious!

5. Don’t watch too much TV. It is not good for your eyes! 6. John has a school trip on September 20th .

B)听短对话。 每段对话后有一小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。

7. W: I like tennis, what about you, Jack?

M: I like tennis, too. But my favorite ball game is volleyball. 8. M: Maria, is your birthday on October 1st, the National Day? W: No. It’s on October 30th.

9.W: How much are these two sweaters?

M: 15 dollars for two! You can also have one for 10 dollars. 10.W: Bill, Let’s have tomatoes and hamburgers for breakfast. M: I don’t like tomatoes. I like bananas. 11.W: What do you sell at your store, sir?

M: We have bags for $15 and shorts for $30. C)听长对话和独白。

请听两段长对话, 听完后从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑,每段对话读两遍。 Conversation 1

W: Hi, John. Is the basketball under the chair yours? M: Yes, it is . My uncle buys it for my birthday. W: Oh, when is your birthday?

M: It’s on August 12th. What about yours? W: My birthday is three days after yours. M: Oh, I see. Conversation 2

M: Hi, Linda. Are you OK? W: No, I’m not.

M: What’s wrong with you? W: It’s Monday . M: So?

— 七年级(初一)英语答案第1页 —

W: I have two math classes and one history class today. And do you want to have 6 math classes、2 history in a week ?

M: :You don’t like math and history?

W: No, math is so difficult and history is so boring. Although my sister likes math very much. It’s also her favorite!

M: So what’s your favorite subject?

W: English. It’s interesting. We have fun in English classes. 听一段独白,回答第17-20小题。

Hello, everyone! Do you have breakfast every day? Breakfast is good for you. You must have it before going to school or work. What food can you usually have for breakfast? I have some ideas for you. You can have a bottle of milk , bread and an egg. Tea or coffee is not good for you to drink in the morning! Remember not to eat too many eggs, one is enough! You can also have some vegetables, porridge or noodles. You don’t need a big bowl of them. A small one is OK. And you can’t have much meat in the morning. If you follow these, you will be a healthy person. D)听下面一段短文, 根据短文内容完成句子, 每个空格不超过三个单词,将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。(每小题1分,共5分)

A lot of students are at the train station. When the train comes, they get on the train before anyone else. An old man and a young boy aged 15 sit next to the students.When the train starts moving, the young boy says, “Dad, the trees are green in color and run backward very fast.”When a fruit seller passes, the young boy says “Oh, apples look sweeter than they taste!I love their color.”Hearing that, one student asks the father, “Is there anything wrong with your son?Why is he doing things so differently?”The father says “My son was born blind. He can’t see at all. He got the vision a few days ago. He is seeing the things in his life for the first time.”The student says sorry for the father and the son. 一、听力测试(每小题1分,共25分)

1-5 BACAA 6-10 BCCBC 11-15 BBCAC 16-20 CABCA

21. students 22. fifteen/15 23. green trees/trees 24. son’s 25. first 二、语音知识(5分) 26-30 BCACC


31-35 IECDA 36-40HGJFB 四、口语交际(共15分)

41-45 ECABD 46-50 CEBGA 五、阅读理解(25分)

51-55 ACBCC 56-60 CACBB 61-65 FFTFF 六、初级写作(10分)(略) 七、学习技能(10分)

66. I have a basketball game in September. It is exciting! 67. We have a school trip in October. It’s fun! 68-70略


— 七年级(初一)英语答案第2页 —