人教版九年级英语第一单元Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection B 2a-2d(阅读课) 下载本文

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英 语 组 导 学 案

Unit 1 How can we become good 九年级上 课题 learners? Section B 2a-2d(阅读课) 第5课时 【学习目标】 1.重点单词: born(v. adj.),ability(n.),create(v.),brain(n.), active(adj.) attention(n.),connect(v.) ,review(v.&n.),knowledge(n.) ,wisely(adv.) 1.be 2.重点句子:(1)Everyone is born with the ability to learn. (2)Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting. 【重.难点】 1.掌握单词和句型。 2.通过交流表达和阅读训练,了解好的英语学习习惯和学习策略。 【自学检测】翻译官 1. 与生俱来的;生来就有的 2. 依赖于;依靠 3. 一致的;共有的 4. 注意 5. 把……和……连接成联系起来 6. 是否 7. be not afraid of doing sth 8. get bored 9. take notes 10. keep doing sth 【合作探究】 一.pay attention to意为: ,to是 词,后跟 词或 词作介宾结构。 eg: 1. We should pay attention to (practice)our spoken English? 2. The teacher told us (pay) attention to (keep)the lab clean. 二. 害怕做某事有:be afraid of加 sth,sb或动词 , be afraid to后加动词 . eg: Mr Black is afraid (climb)the trees,because he is afraid of (fall)down them. 【巩固练习】一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。


\\ 1. Tom is a naughty(顽皮的)boy. He often (创造) strange ideas. 2.When we finish learning a text, we must (复习) it. 3.My grandfather often reads history books. He has a wide k of history. 4.You can learn the a to live in the forest from the program 5.You’d better pay a to your pronunciation when you read after the tape. 6.Don’t be afraid of making m .You can learn more quickly from it. 7.The problem is very c to many English learners. 二.用下列的短语填空。 (depend on, be born with, in common, pay attention to,get bored) 1. I’m you to get this thing done. 2. He the ability to play the piano. 3. I have a lot with my sister. 4. Don’t what he said. 5. Children easily with the same toys. 【拓展练习】完型填空(用单词的适当形式填空) (laugh, difficult, note, watch, afraid, listen,quick,completely, amaze, find,) My English class was last year. To begin with, the teacher spoke too to understand every word. Later on, I was to speak English in class, because I thought my classmates might at me. I couldn’t make sentences, either. Then English-language TV gave me lots of help. I think becoming a good language learner’s secret is to do lots of practice. At the same time, I English grammar to be difficult, too. So I took many grammar in English class. I used the grammar to write my own original sentences. It’s how much this helped. Now I like learning English. I got an A this term. My English teacher is very impressed.





1.be born with 2.depend on 3.in common 4.pay attention to 5.connect.... with 6.whether or not 7不害怕做某事 感到疲倦 9做笔记 10.一直做..... 【合作探究】

一注意,介词,名词,动名词eg:1.practicing,2.to play ,keeping 二. 动名词,动词不定式eg: to climb,falling



1.creates,2.review,3.knowledge,4.ablity,5.attention 6.notes,7.common 二.用下列的短语填空。

1.depending on 2.was born with, 3.in common,4. pay attention to, 5.get bored


difficult,quickly,afraid,laugh, complete,watching,listening,found,notes, amazing,