高考英语代词专项讲解 下载本文

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1、 物主代词、疑问代词、反身代词和指示代词的基本用法 2、 定代词的指代含义以及数的情况 3、it的基本用法

第一节 知识点概述


1. 人称代词不仅仅指人,也可以指事或物。 2. 第三人称的人称代词分阳性he(him),阴性she(her)和中性it(it),复数和宾语形式


3. 选用什么人称代词,取决于所要代替的名词。在数和性上要与所代替的名词保持一致。




(1)形容词性物主代词放在名词前作定语。例如: His pencil box is on the desk. This is our school. (2)名词性物主代词作名词用,本身就相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,因此,后

面不可再加名词。 作主语:

Richard’s school bag is blue and mine is black. 理查德的书包是蓝色的,我的书包是黑色的。(mine=my school bag) 作表语:

It’s his. 这是他的(东西)。 作宾语:

He borrows your dictionary and you may borrow mine. 他借你的字典,你可以借我的。(作及物动词的宾语)

“of+名词性物主代词”可以放在名词后作定语,表示强调: He is a friend of mine. 他是我的一个朋友。 ·注意:


This is a photo of mine. 这是我的一张照片。(照片是我拥有的,但不一定照的是我本人) This is a photo of me. 这是一张我本人的照片。(照片上是我本人)





this 这; that 那; these 这些; those 那些; such 如此的; same 同样的


(1)this、 that、 these、 those 在句子中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。

(2)such 一般在句子中作定语或主语。such “这样的”,such a 这样一个,such as 像…这样的。

(3)same 可作定语、表语、主语和宾语。 例如:

1) That is our English teacher. (主语)

2) This storybook is thicker than that one. (定语) 3) I prefer this (these) to that (those). (宾语) 4) What he likes best is this/that. (表语)

5) I have never read such an exciting book. (定语) 6) I like such sports as basketball and swimming. (定语)

7) Such is our trip plan. (主语) (指上文提到过或刚说过的内容)。 8) She wants the book and I want the same. (宾语) 9) We were born on the same day. (定语) ·注意:

1) this、 these 指空间上离说话人较近的人或物,可以与 here 连用;that、 those 指

空间上离说话人较远的人或物,可以与 there 连用。

2) 打电话或其他场合,本人这一方用 this 或 these. 反之用 that 或 those。 3) such 作定语时,如名词前有不定冠词,应把such置于不定冠词之前 。 4) 在 same 之前必须加冠词 the 。


1.Who 用于询问别人姓名,身份或关系。What 用于询问别人职业。 2.Which 指的物有范围限制,侧重于哪一个;What 指的物无范围限制,侧重于种类。 3.Whose 用于明确所有者。whom 在口语中,多为 who 代替。


不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫不定代词。常见的不定代词有all, both, each, every, some, any, many, much, (a)few, (a)little, one, ones, either, neither, other, another, no, none以及含有some-, any-, no-等的合成代词(如:anybody, something, no one)。这些不定代词大多可以代替名词,在句子中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。但none和由some, any, no, every 构成的复合不定代词(如somebody等)只能作主语、宾语和表语。而every和no只能作定语。



1. 指代天气、时间、距离、季节和自然现象等。例如:

It rains continually in the south in June.

It is a half hour’s walk to the factory.

2. 指代上文中提到的无生命的东西。例如: Where is my notebook? It was here just now. There is air all around us, but we cannot see it.

3. 代替有生命但不能或不必分阴阳性的东西(包括婴儿)。例如: The baby cried because it was hungry.

Someone is knocking at the door, who can it be?


句型结构:It is(was)+强调部分+that。例如: It was last night that they left for H.K.

It was I that(who) his sister in the park yesterday.



I found it interesting to study English.

It is of great help to master a foreign language.

第二节 实战演练




例:Much has been done to fight pollution;each of them has got a present. 3.many, few和both用于可数名词,表示复数概念。

4.All, both和each和含有every的复合代词用在否定句中只表示部分否定。 例:Not all the students have been to the Austrlia. She can’t work out both of the difficult problems.

Everybody cannot work out the problem.

5.Neither,none和含有no的复合代词表示全部否定。 例:None of us can answer the question.

Neither of the questions is right.


例1、No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of ____.