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第二章 词义选择的准确性及其翻译 (翻译MTI用书)


Combustion aerosol baseband transmission ultra-high capacity construction joint System structure parameters speed dial Lithosphere metabolism Potentiometer desalinization Bivalve T-track 三、根据语境翻译句子

1. Find the area of a square whose side is 15cm.

2. All glass is produced by melting, but this stage is where the float glass process is unique. The molten glass flows out of the furnace onto a bath of molten tin. It floats on top of the tin, hence the name “float glass”.

3. Most of these single-celled forms make light whenever they are stimulated or irritated by something around them. Some kinds, however, produce light only at night.

4. Don’t rely on quick pick-me-ups like caffeine and alcohol. These may make you feel better temporarily but won’t get to the root of the problem.

5. The intention now is to intercept those flows at these pump stations and then discharge them, whether by gravity or by pumping, through a system of link sewer.

6. High resolution and accuracies can be obtained, and these devices may be mechanically coupled to provide a direct digital output of any parameter which gives rise to a measurable physical displacement.

7. This also anticipates an even more advanced platform which is the polar platform of the international space station, which the Americans are leading and in which various countries are taking part.

8. Each time a live wire is surrounded by a magnetic field, the force acting on the wire is proportional to the current and the strength of the field.

9. An amplifier may be defined as a device that receives an input signal and delivers an amplified output signal related to the input in a definite way. Many kinds of amplifying devices are available, and most are adaptable for use in control systems.

10. The reason that even minute concentrations of recalcitrant compounds can be harmful is the phenomenon known as biomagnification, whereby a concentration of toxic chemicals by organisms occurs not only in a series of steps up the food chain, but also by direct uptake from water.


1. More weight must be placed on the past history of patients.

2. Windows has its fans and detractors.

3. In the vertical faces, the glass is clear to take advantage of sunlight.

4. Quantum chemistry is now in its infancy.

5. The thermometer rises or falls accordingly as the air is hot or cold.

6. If a window freezes on your screen, press Ctrl+Alt+Del.

7. Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixtures and compounds.

8. The strom is circular, if we can draw circular isobars we can normally pinpoint the center of the storm.

9. The doctor may insert thin needles into the skin of a patient at key points along meridians.

10. The major problem in manufacturing is the control of contamination and foreign material.

五、翻译下列段落,注意科技词汇的处理 原文 译文 Semiconductor lasers are built on flat, layered chips. They include a layer or n-type semiconductor, which is laced with an impurity that gives it spare, gatively charged electrons, and a p-type layer, which is deficient in electrons, and so behaves as if it contained spare, positively charged “holes”. Supplying electrical energy to the chip elevates the electrons to an excited state. Light is generated when some of the excited electrons combine with holes in an intermediate junction layer between the two types of semiconductor. This sets off a cascade within the junction layer, as the light from the first electrons stimulates others to emit light.


Paragraph one 原文 译文 Have you ever suffered from jet-lag, the fatigue and depression that comes from long hours spent in a jet aircraft traveling across the world over many time zones? Or like many people in northern European countries, have you ever suffered the dark depression of winter blues, the feelings of gloom that comes from facing the somber December and January winter days under dark, cloudy skies? Maybe all you need is a little light—and merely on a small patch of your skin. In fact, in experiments investigating the effect of light in raising our spirits, american scientists have done all their research by using light played on the back of the subjects’ knees.

Paragraph two 原文 译文 What could be a key to jet-lag and winter blues is the hormone melatonin, which is known to regulate body rhythms. It is secreted as night falls and it can be used to help to overcome jet-lag and some sleep disorders. The low level of melationin we experience in winter when light is dull and daylight hours are shorter is said to be a cause of that common feeling many people get in dull weather—winter depression.

Paragraph three 原文 译文 For years experts have experimented with treating jet-lag and seasonal affective disorder (“winter depression”) with light. They counsel victims to sit in front of ights simulating the sun’s natural wavelengths to restore melatonin. In 1996, Diane Boivin and colleagues at Harvard Medical School found even dim reading lams worked in this way.