2018届江苏省高三高考学科基地密卷英语试题(四)(word版) 下载本文

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第一部分 听力 (略)

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. The spokesman says that the UN system will be in a to support the extensive relief effort needed in any stricken area. A. cooperation

B. commitment

C. position

D. procedure

22. The Chinese people consciously S. Korean Lotte products and services because of its land offer for THAAD. A. block

B. boycott

C. abandon

D. abolish

23. Researchers found that men in the study were less able than they were before they slept a negative memory after they slept. A. to handle C. to be handled

B. handling D. being handled

24. —Sad news! The director Yang Jie has passed away. —Really? She in a TV show last time I saw her. A. was participating C. participated

B. had participated D. has participated

25. Not only is the toilet paper used to wipe away germs from the screen, but it also includes information about WiFi and a travel app, called jspeak, appealing function features voice translation. A. what

B. how

C. which

D. whose

26. “Not far away,” the man says, “ you that you will find a little supermarket around where you can wash your hands.” A. I promise

B. do I promise D. have I promised

C. I have promised

27. You will probably have taken notice of, if you’ve into reading, a brand new book has a rather special smell. A. what


B. how


C. where D. why

28. I at them because of their misbehaviors, at the top of my lung, were it not for the class regulations. A. screamed

B. will scream D. would scream

C. have screamed

29. President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade on Monday, as China’s influence in the region rises. A. gradually

B. sincerely

C. literally

D. formally

30. So much homework lo be done at the weekend, we attend classes at school. A. might as well

B. mustn’t

C. may well

D. have to

31. During the campaign, they not only need to resist I heir rival candidates. They need to build power they can. A. however

B. whenever

C. whatever

D. wherever

32. —What about the dinner, honey?

—Terrific. In addition to wonderful dessert, they served rare and precious fruit . A. beyond our reach

B. for good measure D. in our favor

C. among other things

33. The world doesn’t need our novels. But the world does need people who know how to commit to a project and work to it . A. pull, through C. take, hack

B. see, through D. hold, hack

34. —Daniel, you have a well-paid job!

—Eh, not had. I have to quit my job this September because of my further study, by when I for more than 2 years. A. have worked

B. worked D. will have worked

C. will be working

35. —Don’t be a wet blanket. Come on. Let’s play! —I’m not feeling well. So . A. I’m not in the mood C. It’s not like me

B. Don’t get me wrong D. Tomorrow is another day

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36 -55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

I have received many Christmas gifts. But the best gift was presented by a 36 . I never knew his name



and I only had 37 him for less than 60 seconds. His gift changed the way I think about people and Christmas.

I 38 Black Friday sales. It’s often a gathering of people who are there for many different reasons. Some are looking for a (n) 39 on that one item for their loved one, or perhaps themselves. Bui their intentions are completely 40 to the festival, and can be 41 one word, “EBay!”

It was several years ago when my wife asked me to 42 her at the local department store on Black Friday morning. They had 43 a child’s hike she wanted to purchase for our son. We stood with a very large 44 , waiting for the manager. After a while the manager 45 the whistle, it was like throwing a basin of fish into a 46 of sharks. I told my wife if we 47 a bike, fine, hut if we did not, I was OK too.

48 the crate (装货箱) of bikes began to decrease in size, I saw my polite opportunity to 49 my hands around the comer of one of the boxes. I lifted it off and suddenly fell some mild 50 I looked up to see a larger man. He has tattoos (纹身) on his arms and even his neck. 51 was not the word to describe his presence. I started to 52 I he box but he pushed it back into my hands 53 . He looked at me, smiled, and said, “Merry Christmas.”

All the way home I was thinking I his present was by far the best gift I had ever received. The kindness of a stranger broke all 54 I may have had. The softness of a human heart 55 in a simple act. 36. A. friend 37. A. contacted 38. A. hate

B. child B. accessed B. adore B. pleasure B. unsuited


C. colleague C. consulted C. curse C. deal

D. stranger D. assisted D. anticipate D. investment D. unreachable

39. A. choice

40. A. unacceptable C. unrelated B. come up with D. filled up with C. pick

41. A. summed up with C. put up with 42. A. meet

B. induce

D. call D. promoted D. proportion D. waved D. tank D. afforded D. Until D. expand

43. A. invented 44. A. crowd 45. A. raised 46. A. pack

B. produced B. audience B. blew B. couple B. obtained B. As

C. allocated C. population C. spun C. handful C. selected C. After C. wrap

47. A. sought 48. A. While 49. A. slick


B. stretch