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Unit Seven Education and employment Passage one
1.Fourteen years of higher education and a handful of Ivy League degrees, and there I was, stiff and stupid, struck dumb by my own dumbness.“Ivy retardation,”a friend of mine calls this.
2. To consider that while some opportunities are being created, others are being canceled and that while some abilities are being developed, others are being crippled is, within this context, not only outrageous, but inconceivable.
3. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in one’s intellect or knowledge. There is something wrong with the smugness and self-congratulation that elite schools connive at. 3.对自己的智慧或者只是感到自豪没有任何不对的地方,问题出现在名牌大学录取通知书进入家门的时刻起,是名牌大学所纵容的沾沾自喜和自我吹捧。
4.Not the most abject academic failure, not the most heinous act of plagiarism, not even threatening a fellow student with bodily harm—I’ve heard of all three—will get you expelled. 4.不管是最绝望的课程不及格,还是最可恶的抄袭劣行,甚至对其他同学的身体伤害的威胁等都不会被开除,这三种情况我都听说过。
5.Long before they got to college, they turned themselves into world-class hoop-jumpers and teacher-pleasers, getting A’s in every class no matter how boring they found the teacher or how pointless the subject, racking up eight or ten extracurricular activities no matter what else they wanted to do with their time.
Passage two
1.Certainly many neurotic boomer parents-and their stressed-out ,resume-building teenagers—assume that it is always better to choose Harvard over Big State U. because of Harvard’s presumably superior educational environment, better alumni connections, and more lucrative on-campus recruiting opportunities.
2.It’s true that big law firms, major teaching hospitals, and investment banks—heck, even the offices of FORTUNE—are stuffed with Ivy Leaguers. It’s also true that if you want a career at what passes for the American establishment—Sullivan&Cromwell, McKinsey, Goldman Sachs—a gilt-edged diploma is a distinct advantage.
事实上,大型法律公司,主要示教医院和投资银行,甚至是财富杂志的办公室,满是常春藤学生。这也是事实,如果你想在被当做美国经济基石的公司谋得一份职业,如苏利文*克伦威尔律师事务所,麦肯锡,高盛等,那么一份镶金的学位证书无疑是一个独特的优势。 3.The advantages of Harvard, in other words, confer few benefits on the class slacker. Robert Zemsky. An education professor at the University of Pennsylvania, who believes a prestigious
undergraduate degree does pay off, puts it this way: “It’s like the brass ring on a merry-go-round. If you go to a high-prices, highly selective school, you have a better shot at the brass ring. But you have to grab it.”
换句话说,哈佛的优势在于不会给偷懒者带来太多的好处。宾夕法尼亚大学的教育学教授Robert Zemsky认为读有名的大学是划算的,他这样说:“这就好比是旋转木马上的铜环。如果你选择一个昂贵的高选性的学校,你就有更好的机会能够击中铜环。但是你必须得抓住它。”
4.So listen up, high school seniors: Your life is not over if you end up at the University of Oklahoma. In fact, if you want to be governor of Oklahoma when you grow up, you’re probably better off graduating a sooner.
请高校的高年级学生注意听好了:如果你仅仅只是毕业于俄克拉马荷马州立大学你的人生并没有完蛋。而事实上,如果你想长大后成为俄克拉荷马州的州长,你还能近水楼台先得月。 5.Most studies use future income, the favorite yardstick of those dead souls called economists. But knowing the cost-benefit ratio of a purchase is not the same as knowing it value. 很多研究运用未来收入,因为这是那些被称为经济学家的老家伙们最青睐的计算标准。但是,知道一件所购之物的成本效益率并不等于知道了它的价值。
Unit Eight Travel Passage one
1. As darkness fell on the olive trees and the grazing deer, I slipped into the jacuzzi in my tree house and listened to the Pacific breakers roll in.
当夜幕落在橄榄树和吃草的鹿上,我滑进我树屋中的浴缸,听着太平洋的波涛滚滚的声音。 2. Kaikoura is not a name that trips off the tongue when you list those lucky places that offer encounters with nature and a touch of luxury.
3. There’s a shock of cold water and a heave of ocean swell, even though we’re within sight of the mountains ,not half a mile from the shore. 尽管我们的视线还能看到山脉,离海岸不超过半英里,却感到一股冰冷的水袭和湍急的海涌。 4. Today, the hunt is for thrills not kills.
今天,追踪鲸鱼只是为了刺激而不是杀戮。 5. It’s a view that the modern world is starting to share .And here in Kaikoura, you can experience it for real.
Passage two
1.It often puts a strain on water resources and it can force local populations to compete for the use of critical resources.
2.Because of the hot climate and the tendency of tourists to consume more water when on holiday than they do at home, the amount used can run up to 440 liters a day. 2.因为炎热的天气和越来越多旅游者的趋势,比起平时待在家里,水消耗在假期会变得更多,总使用量高达440公升/天。
3.In areas with high concentrations of tourist and appealing natural attractions, waste disposal is a
serious problem and improper disposal can be a major despoiler of the natural environment - rivers, scenic areas and roadsides.
4.Often tourism fails to integrate its structures with the natural features and indigenous architecture of the destination.
5.It can also cause the loss of biodiversity when land and resources are strained by excessive use and when impacts on vegetation, wildlife, mountain, marine and coastal environment and water resources exceed the carrying capacity.
Unit nine Beauty and Fashion Passage one
1. On any day, the average US consumer is exposed to constant messages about beauty and appearance.
2. Cosmetic interventions are about normalizing-thatis, striving to achieve the current cultural norms of appearance.
3. The more devoted society becomes to physical looks, the more difficult it is for regular people who may feel that they do not measure up.
4. The organization encourages patients to become educated about their options 4.这个组织鼓励患者对自己的选择要有所认识和了解。
5. So, too, does the amount of time and money we spend on what is ultimately a futile goal: changing time.
Passage two
1. The government’s sudden decision to ask for a halt to breast-enlargement operations because they might be unsafe has terrified 2million women who have had them.
2. Until recently the most remarkable thing about cosmetic surgery in America, was how unremarkable it was. 在美国美容业当前最引人注目的事是它过去多么为人们所忽视。
3. New rules may discipline the industry, but they are unlikely to stop it growing unless the American obsession with physical beauty sours. 新的规定可能会对这行业有所约束,但不大可能阻止它的发展,除非美国人不再那么迷恋于体形美。
4. When pushed to defend their trade, cosmetic surgeons argue that “vanity surgery” is often just an extension of reconstructive surgery.