牛津译林版七年级上册英语教案:Unit2 Reading2 下载本文

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课 题 使用者 Unit 2 Reading 2 Lu Li 主 备 课 型 Zhao Xiurong New 主核 使用日期 Ma Haixia 2015.9.18 【学习目标】1. To learn some useful expressions. 2.To learn to introduce one’s favourite sports star. 第一次集体备课(通案) 第二次备课(个案) 【导入新课】 Revision: answer some questions 1.Who is Simon’s favorite football star? 2. What does Li Hua do? 复习旧课,导入新3. Which football team does Li Hua play for? 课,并会用相关的单词组织语言来回4. Does he enjoy music? 答问题。 5. What makes Li Hua happy? 6. What does he want to do? 【学习目标】 1. To learn some useful expressions. 2.To learn to introduce one’s favourite sports star. 通过小游戏让学生【自学指导】 回忆所学内容,并学会用语言来组Task 1 Revision 织。 Reading and performing 1 .To get the students to read the four passages together. 2.To get some students to come to the front to introduce the information about Li Hua. Task 2 Language points 1. my favourite football star 2. 22 years old 3. a member of Huanghe Football Club 4. come from = be from 通过创设情境、与 5. look strong 学生真实交流和例 6. in his free time 句展示等方式,帮助学生掌握上述语 7. enjoy listening to music 言点的用法。 8. make him happy

9. in the next World Cup 10. come true The teacher can show more exercises on the screen to consolidate the usages of these useful phrases. I Li Hua is my favourite basketball player. 2. He is 20 years old. 3. He is a new member of Changjiang Football Club. 4. He comes from Jiangsu. 5. He looks thin and plays football very well. 6.ln his free time , he studies French . 7.He also enjoys swimming . 8.He doesn't want to play in the next World Cup. l. Li Hua is Simon's ___________football star. 2. Li Hua is a ________of Huanghe Football Club. 3. Li Hua plays football __________. 4. Li Hua ________English in his free time. 5. Li Hua also __________ listening to music. It makes him _______. 6.Li Hua has a _________. He wants to play in the _______ World Cup. Task 3 To introduce one’s favourite sports star. (根据文章,口头准备一篇作文,以“my favourite sports star'为题。写得好的可为小组加五分,加油!) 【堂清知识】 【当堂检测】 翻译: 1. Daniel喜欢阅读有关电脑的书。 2. Jim为我校排球队效力。 3. Mike想参加下一届世界杯。 4. 刘老师今天看起来很高兴。 5. Jack在足球队中表现很好。 6. 我希望他的梦想变成现实. 通过做练习来加深巩固所学内容。先自我检测,独立完成,再小组讨论,重点难点用▲做记号。

日清内容 1. Recite the whole text. 2. Do more exercises after class. 3. Make a profile about your favourite sport. 第三次备课(反思) 得:让学生熟练掌握本单元单词,词组句型知识点,多做练习题以便巩固所学内容。 失:个别同学对于短语及句型的掌握还不够,做练习题时还是会出现一些错误。 改:课后组长再次检查该小组成员的短语默写,课代表负责把练习题做错的同学教会。