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49. A growing number of teenagers wake up in the middle of the night to _________. A. use the bathroom

B. have a snack D. do homework

C. check social media

50. The missing part of the passage can be _________.

A. I’m sure you already know that you should go to bed at a reasonable hour B. Experts are worried about the trend and the report lists some worrying numbers C. Eight hours’ sleep has been widely accepted for as long as I can remember D. Experts suggest teenagers sleep well so that they won’t be tired 51. The writer writes the passage mainly to _________. A. talk about the importance of missing out

B. advise teenagers to stop worrying about missing out C. call on teenagers not to use social media D. encourage teenagers to be brave


Six months before she died, my grandmother moved into an old people's home and I visited her there when I was in Britain. She was sitting in the living room with about 15 other people, mostly women, half of them asleep. The room was clean and warm, with flowers and pictures. People only moved when they needed to be helped to the bathroom. It was depressing. My grandma talked a lot about how much she missed seeing her grandchildren, but I knew that they hated going to visit her there. And to be honest, I couldn't wait to get away myself.

So I was interested to read an article about a new idea in old people's homes in France. The idea is simple, but creative: combining(结合)a home for the elderly with a nursery school in the same building. The children and old people eat lunch together and share activities such as music, painting, gardening and caring for the pets. In the afternoons, the old enjoy reading or telling stories to the children. There are trips out and birthday parties, too.

This new type of old people’s home brings many advantages. The children are happy because they get a lot more attention because someone has time for them. And of course, they see illness and death and learn to accept them. The old are happy because they feel useful and needed. They are more active and more interested in life when the children are around.

Nowadays there is less and less contact(联系) between the old and the young. There are many reasons for this, including working parents with no time to care for the elderly, families that have moved away and smaller houses with no room for grandparents. But the result is the same: increasing numbers of children without grandparents and old people who have no contact with children. It's a main problem in many societies.

52. In the old people’s home that the writer's grandmother was in, _________. A. old people were lonely

B. children weren't allowed to visit C. rubbish was littered everywhere D. everyone was very happy

53. The underlined word “depressing” in Paragraph One means _________ in Chinese. A. 高兴的 B. 压抑的 C. 兴奋的 D. 恐怖的

54. _________ get(s) many advantages from this new type of old people’s home. A. The persons who take care of the old B. Old people

C. The old and the children D. The writer

55. According to the writer, which of the following is a main problem in society today A. There isn’t much contact between the old and the young. B. There are not enough old people’s homes now. C. There are more and more newly-born children to raise.

D. There is no room for grandparents in their children’s houses.


Has such a scene ever come to your mind You're sitting in the hot sunshine beside the swimming pool of your international hotel, drinking your expensive whisky. In front of you is the beach, only for hotel guests. Around the hotel are fancy international restaurants.

Is this your idea of paradise (天堂) or would you prefer something different Nowadays, many of us try to live in a way that will harm the environment as little as possible. We recycle our newspapers and bottles, we take public transport to get to work. And we want to take these attitudes on holiday with us. This is why ecotourism(生态旅游) is becoming more popular all over the world.

Everyone has a different idea about ecotourism, but most people agree that ecotourism must: protect the wildlife and culture of the area; do no harm to the nature; offer an experience that tourists want to pay for.

So, for example, in a true ecotourism project, tourists stay in local(当地的) houses with local people, not in specially built hotels. They travel on foot, by boat, or bicycle so that there is no pollution. And they have a special experience that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

This type of tourism can only involve(涉及)a small number of people, so it can be expensive. And if you want to have an ‘eco’ holiday wherever you go, remember these basic rules:

Be prepared. Learn about the place that you're going to visit. Find out about its culture and history. Think of your holiday as a chance to learn something.

Have respect for the local culture. Wear clothes that will not annoy people. Always ask permission(允许) before you take a photograph. Remember that you are a visitor.

Don't waste resources. If the area doesn't have much water, don't take two

showers every day.

Stay in local hotels and eat in local restaurants.

But before you get too excited, think about how you are going to get to your dream 'eco' paradise. Flying often causes air pollution. So don't forget that you don't have to fly to foreign places for your 'eco' holiday. There are probably places of natural beauty in your own country that you've never visited. 56. The passage is led in through _________.

A. an introduction B. imagination C. a story

D. advice

57. If you want to have an ‘eco’ holiday, you are supposed to do the following EXCEPT _________.

A. taking photos when you are allowed to B. saving resources

C. wearing whatever you like

D. learning about the place you’re going to visit 58. We can infer from the passage that _________. A. eco-tourism may be welcomed by the local people

B. international restaurants and hotels have a lot to do with ecotourism C. choosing holiday places that don’t need air travel can be a part of ecotourism D. people can only travel to places in their own country to have an “eco” holiday 59. The best title for the passage is _________. A. How to Choose Holiday Places B. The Advantages of Tourism C. How to Protect the Environment

D. Ecotourism – A Different Way of Taking a Holiday

第II卷 (共60分)

V. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)