新人教八年级下册英语Unit 5 基础练习(无答案) 下载本文

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新人教八年级下册英语Unit 5 基础练习(无答案)

新人教八年级下册英语Unit 5 基础练习

Section A

一. 翻译词组

1. 在公交站_______________________ 2. 在街上________________________________ 3. 等车___________________________ 4. 在暴风雨的时候_________________________ 5. (闹铃)响______________________ 6. 洗一个热水澡____________________________ 7. 雨开始下达了_____________________ 8. 误了车_________________________________ 9. 接电话, 捡起_____________________ 10. 在厨房________________________________ 11. 到目前为止_______________________ 12. 淋雨_________________________________ 13. 立刻____________________________ 二. 根据汉语意思完成句子

1. 我需要你立刻来学校。 I need you to come to school ___________________. 2. 他在我家时,我正在吃晚饭。 _______ he was at my home I ______________ dinner. 3. 当我弟弟在踢足球时,我正在照相。

My brother ______________ soccer _______ I ________ photos. 4. 当她听到这个消息时,她正在图书馆看书。

________ she heard the news she ___________________ in the library. 5. 昨晚九点你在看电影了吗? 不,我在打扫房间。

_________ you ________ the film at nine last night? No, I _______________ the room. 6. 他们当时在干什么? 他们正在写作业。

What were they doing _________________? They _____________________. 三. 用所给词的正确形式填空

1. What ______ (be) you ______ (do) when he arrived? 2. Jim _____________ (sleep) when I came in.

3.They _____________ (watch) TV at 8:00 yesterday evening. 4. Now he __________ (read) and _________(write).

5. Mother _____________ (wash) clothes when I ________ (get) home from school yesterday afternoon.

6. Look, my sister _______ (be) there in the barber’s shop. The barber _____________ (cut) her

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新人教八年级下册英语Unit 5 基础练习(无答案)


7. ---When _______ you ________ (see) the accident?---I ______ (see) it fifteen minutes ago. 四. 从方框中选择适当的词补全句子。 alarm, begin, heavy, strange, sudden

1. It was raining __________ when I wanted to go home.

2. If you hear the __________, get up quickly, or you will be late for school. 3. ---When did you ________ learning English? ---- At the age of 5. 4. She was __________ hit by a car yesterday while she was walking home. 5. It is _______ that he didn’t pass the exam. He worked hard enough. 五. 用所给词的适当的形式填空

1. I’m against _____________(build) a bridge over the river. 2. She is a little afraid of a _______________(strange). 3. The baby is sleeping. Don’t wake __________(he) up. 4. She isn’t ___________(sleep) and her eyes are open. 5. Hailstones(冰雹) b___________ against the window.

6. I got up late this morning, so I _________(arrive) late for school.

Section B


1:While we (have)dinner, the telephone rang.

2: When it began to rain (heavy),Linda was watching a soccer match. 3:Could you tell me what (happen) last night? 4:I (take) a shower at nine yesterday evening.

5:We were talking on the street when the rainstorm suddenly (come ). 6.I was cutting my hair when the s_____________(奇怪的) man passed the door. 7.Ben’s mom was putting some candles and m_____________(火柴) on the table. 8.Robert and his friends were c_____________(完全)surprised to hear the news. 9.The news on TV r_____________(报道) that there was a rainstorm in the area. 10.Ben didn’t fall asleep until the wind ___________(die down)at around 3:00 a.m. 11.He had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in__________ (silent). 12.I was too tired and still sleeping when my alarm ___________( go off).

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新人教八年级下册英语Unit 5 基础练习(无答案)

13.Kate didn’t think her friend was telling the ____________(true) about the event 14.The l in the room is too weak, I can’t see it clearly.

15.The rain was b heavily against the windows. 16.Are you for or a the plan? 17.He was very tired and fell a after dinner. 18.I know the person because I remember (see) him in your school. 19.He has trouble in (learn) English. 20.Her mother (cook) at 6:30 yesterday. 二、根据汉语意思完成句子

1.雾正在渐渐消退。The fog was . 2.当你听到重要事件的新闻时, 你在干什么?

What _______ you ________ when you heard __________________? 3.她因车祸而死。 She________________ by a car accident. 4.今天早上他起晚了,因为他的闹钟没有响。

He got up late this morning because his alarm didn’t .

5.那时他正在等他爸爸。He was his father ___________________. 6. 他们继续默默地吃晚饭。They kept on eating dinner ________ ________.

7. 当我向窗外看时, 我完全被震惊了。 When I ____________________, I _______________. 8. 人们意识到恐怖分子撞到了世贸大厦。

People____________ that ___________________ the World Trade Center.

9. 完成剩余的工作,我有困难。 I____________________ finishing _____________ the work. 10. 1976年对于中国人来说,意义重大。1976 _________________________ Chinese people. 三、短文填空

pull carry somebody girl realize quick swim car once possible

Mr. Black was1 a policeman. He was a kind person. He liked to have a walk in the park after breakfast.

It was very cold on a winter morning. Mr. Black was walking along the street when he heard a cry for help. He turned around but could see2 . He stopped and looked here and there. At the moment, a boy ran up to him. The boy was in such a hurry that he couldn’t say a word except pointing towards the river. Mr. Black 3 what had happened and ran to the river as soon as 4 . Both of them ran along the river and saw a girl in the water. She was holding a piece of wood. It was 5 her away. It was too dangerous.

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