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living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. %ule\County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the city's first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the provincial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effects. \demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed \completed City issued annua task of 403%, ranking city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level \split\ advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the environment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires \dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off\cipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the city. Compared with the superior claim, \Gate of XX beautiful\d environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained \n. \d in the quality and low; short, value added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. \reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. \n\n production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, standardized, brand, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in \se. \sanitation situation has not changed. %ural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vetting \nomenon, heap lying there. \Bad\base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be \sistent\d\, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. \hat the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of property rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficultfor poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. \d\nts, peasants. Four water effects still lacks26. 马拉松可以追溯到何时?能追溯到公元前5世纪。

27. 那时马拉松是什么? 是希腊的一个小镇,距雅典城26英里。

28. 马拉松运动的起源是什么?它起源于公元前5世纪雅典长跑运动员费迪皮迪兹的故


29. 古代奥运会有马拉松运动吗? r没有。

30. 现代奥林匹克马拉松全程有多长?42公里195米。

31. 运动员要花多长时间跑完全程? 通常要花2个多小时。

32. 奥林匹克水上运动包括哪些项目?四项:游泳,水球,潜水,花样表演。

33. 历史上成绩最佳的跳高运动员,并打破世界记录13次? (撑高跳),乌克兰运动员


34. 在一次奥运会上赢得奥运金牌最多的运动员是谁?马克.斯毗茨在1972年慕尼黑奥


35. 中国何时起开始参加奥运会?于1928年。

a) 中国在何地开始参加奥运会?在荷兰。

36. 中国运动员参加过多少届奥运会?参加过七届。中国运动员共参加了哪几届奥运


37. 参加过15、23、24、25、26、27、28届奥运会。 38. 中国在历届奥运会上共取得过多少枚金牌?116枚金牌 39. 谁是中国第一个金牌获得者? 徐海峰

40. 中国第一位在奥运会平衡木比赛中获得冠军的选手是谁? 刘旋 41. 谁在男子体操比赛中获得第一块金牌?李宁 42. 谁在女子游泳比赛中获得第一枚奥运金牌?庄泳 43. 在第23届奥运会上谁获得三枚金牌?李宁。 44. 奥运会在哪一年首次在亚洲举行?1964.(东京)

45. 说出至少五种奥运会球类比赛项目。足球 篮球,拳击, 乒乓球, 跳水、游泳, 水球, 46. 北京申办奥运会的口号是什么 新北京,新奥运

47. 北京何时成功申办第29届奥运会 2001年7月13日 48. 2008年北京奥运会的官方会徽象的四层含义:

a) -----中国文化 b) -----红色中国

49. ----- 北京欢迎来自世界的朋友 50. ---- 挑战极限,挑战自我,“更快,更高,更强”。

51. 第29届奥运会什么时候开始到什么时候结束?2008,8,8-----2008,8,21 52. 第29届奥运会将有多少比赛场地? 37

53. 国家体育馆将能容纳多少坐席? 8万座位。 54. 第29届奥运会北京将使用多少训练场地?59. 55. 北京全年平均气温是多少?8—12 °C. 56. 北京有多少年的历史? 3000多年。 57. 北京有多少年的都城史?800多年。


ompelling.\h the \he flood of scientific enough, before the treatment and water quality improvement after the treatment effect is not obvious, county-wide focus on river still largely inferior five water, swimming the River could not be found. Five is \head. Notice of stock there, new construction did not receive timely treatment every year (such as ancestral hall as unauthorised repeated), contrary to the created work is very different from the provincial and municipal standards. Meanwhile, when implementation is not in place, generally only focus on illegal construction demolished, failing that split that is clear, combined demolition, insufficient attention to reconstruction of old residential areas, urban villages, shanty towns and promote poor. o solve these problems, we must enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, insist on problem-oriented, to take strong measures, efforts to make up the \culture\nd \construction of comprehensive safeguards, \Gate of XX beautiful\ng. II, and precision Shi policy, and manpower playing good \cultural\k protracted \cultural\al development the work of based, county levels the sector to according to \d agricultural, and and manpower rural, and development farmers\s, insisted agricultural rural based status not shake, insisted huinong kulak policy not weakened, insisted reform innovation test not stop, efforts created new era \w situation. (A) to make agriculture more. o establish the concept of agriculture around the people demand, and comprehensively promote the supply side of agriculture structural reform, strive to enhance the quality and efficiency of agriculture and competitiveness. Focus is on doing the four articles. One is the steady increase of grain article. Always tighten the string for food security, \nd in the adjustment of agricultural planting structure in the \ne.\construction of grain ribbons, improving agricultural infrastructure, enhance food production capacity, improve the quality of agricultural products, effectively \n \ndustry convergence article. Enhance the level of concentration, intensification of agriculture, creating production, processing, distribution, sales and service in one of the agricultural industrial chain, to break down the value chain, improve added value. Pushing forward \net + agricultural\o improve agricultural production, management, and service level, innovating the mode of e-commerce marketing of agricultural products, solve the difficult problem of saleof agricultural products. Agriculture and tourism, education, culture, health, pension and other deep integration, develop leisure, travel9.

living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. %ule\County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the city's first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the provincial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effects. \demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed \completed City issued annua task of 403%, ranking city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level \split\ advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the environment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires \dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off\cipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the city. Compared with the superior claim, \Gate of XX beautiful\nvironment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained \n. \d in the quality and low; short, value added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. \reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. \n\n production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, standardized, brand, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in \phase. \sanitation situation has not changed. %ural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vetting \nomenon, heap lying there. \Bad\base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be \sistent\d\, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. \hat the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of property rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficultfor poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. \d\nts, peasants. Four water effects still lacks

1. 奥林匹克运动的发祥地在何处?

奥林匹亚为奥林匹克运动的发祥地,位于希腊首都雅典西南约300公里的地方。 2. 古代奥运会创始人是谁?

古代奥运会的创始人是伊菲图斯。 3. 奥运火炬是如何起源的?

奥林匹克火炬起源于古希腊神话中普罗米修斯为人类上天盗取火种的故事。为了纪念这位神话中的英雄,古代奥运会采取点燃圣火的仪式。 4. 《掷铁饼者》是谁雕塑的?

由古希腊伟大的雕塑家米伦公元前5世纪雕塑,《掷铁饼者》一直保留至今,它栩栩如生地再现了运动员娴熟、优美的投掷姿态。 5. 现代奥林匹克创始人是谁?

代奥林匹克运动创始人是顾拜旦,曾任国际奥委会第二任主席。 6. 著名的《体育颂》作者是谁?

顾拜旦在第五届奥运会上发表了他的著名诗作《体育颂》。 7. 国际奥委会是何时诞生的?

1894年6月23日,在法国巴黎举办的\恢复奥林匹克运动会代表大会\上,正式成立了国际奥林匹克委员会。 8. 国际奥委会第一任主席是谁?

国际奥委会第一任主席是希腊诗人维凯拉斯。 9. 国际奥委会总部设在何处?

国际奥委会总部设在有世界\花园城市\之称的瑞士洛桑。 10. 国际奥委会是个怎样的组织?


11. 国际奥委会使用的正式语言是什么?

《奥林匹克宪章》规定,国际奥委会的正式语言是法文和英文,因此要求国际奥委会委员必须能讲英语或法语。近年来,又增加了西班牙语、俄语和德语,这5种语言为公用语,在会议上同声传出。国际奥委会的文件包括奥林匹克宪法章在内的重要文件,如遇英文本法文本有出入之处,则以法文本为准。 12. 奥林匹克运动的宗旨是什么?


ompelling.\h the \he flood of scientific enough, before the treatment and water quality improvement after the treatment effect is not obvious, county-wide focus on river still largely inferior five water, swimming the River could not be found. Five is \head. Notice of stock there, new construction did not receive timely treatment every year (such as ancestral hall as unauthorised repeated), contrary to the created work is very different from the provincial and municipal standards. Meanwhile, when implementation is not in place, generally only focus on illegal construction demolished, failing that split that is clear, combined demolition, insufficient attention to reconstruction of old residential areas, urban villages, shanty towns and promote poor. o solve these problems, we must enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, insist on problem-oriented, to take

strong measures, efforts to make up the \culture\nd \construction of comprehensive safeguards, \Gate of XX beautiful\ng. II, and precision Shi policy, and manpower playing good \cultural\k protracted \cultural\al development the work of based, county levels the sector to according to \d agricultural, and and manpower rural, and development farmers\s, insisted agricultural rural based status not shake, insisted huinong kulak policy not weakened, insisted reform innovation test not stop, efforts created new era \w situation. (A) to make agriculture more. o establish the concept of agriculture around the people demand, and comprehensively promote the supply side of agriculture structural reform, strive to enhance the quality and efficiency of agriculture and competitiveness. Focus is on doing the four articles. One is the steady increase of grain article. Always tighten the string for food security, \nd in the adjustment of agricultural planting structure in the \ne.\he construction of grain ribbons, improving agricultural infrastructure, enhance food production capacity, improve the quality of agricultural products, effectively \n \ndustry convergence article. Enhance the level of concentration, intensification of agriculture, creating production, processing, distribution, sales and service in one of the agricultural industrial chain, to break down the value chain, improve added value. Pushing forward \net + agricultural\o improve agricultural production, management, and service level, innovating the mode of e-commerce marketing of agricultural products, solve the difficult problem of saleof agricultural products. Agriculture and tourism, education, culture, health, pension and other deep integration, develop leisure, travel10

living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. %ule\County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the city's first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the provincial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effects. \demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed \completed City issued annua task of 403%, ranking city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level \split\ advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the environment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires \dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off\cipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the city. Compared with the superior claim, \Gate of XX beautiful\d environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained \n. \d in the quality and low; short, value added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. \reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. \n\n production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, standardized, brand, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in \se. \sanitation situation has not changed. %ural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vetting \nomenon, heap lying there. \Bad\base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be \sistent\d\, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. \hat the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of property rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficultfor poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. \d\nts, peasants. Four water effects still lacks发展服务,以提高人类尊严;以友谊、团结和公平竞赛的精神,促进青年之间的相互理解,从而有助于建立一个更加美好的和平的世界;使世界运动员在每4年一次的盛大的体育节日--奥林匹克运动会中聚会在一起。 13. 奥林匹克的精神是什么?谁提出的?

奥林匹克精神集中体现在奥林匹克运动一贯遵循的宗旨及提出的格言和口号上。\和平、友谊、进步\是奥林匹克宗旨的高度概括。\更快、更高、更强\是奥林匹克格言。\重要的是参与,不是胜利\这句口号,反映了奥林匹克运动的国际性和广泛的群众性。 14. 奥林匹克运动的格言是什么?谁提出的?

奥林匹克运动的格言是\更快、更高,更强\。这个格言是顾拜旦的一位老朋友亨利-马丁?狄东1895年提出的。 15. 第一部奥林匹克宪章谁制定的?


国际奥委会执行委员会由1名主席、4名副主席、6名执行委员共同组成。 16. 国际奥委会第一位女执委是哪个国家的,叫什么?


17. 国际奥委会有过几任主席?第七届是谁?


18. 顾拜旦是第几任国际奥委会主席?皮埃尔?德?顾拜旦是国际奥委会第二任主席。 19. \奥林匹克之父\是对谁的尊称?坡埃尔?德?顾拜旦被人们誉为\奥林匹克之父\。 20. 奥林匹克日是哪天?

1894年6月23日这一天对现代奥林匹克运动的发展具有划时代的历史意义。1986年国际奥委会决定把每年的6月23日定为\奥林匹克日\。 21. 何谓奥林匹亚德,它的原则是什么?

奥林匹克运动会的周期称为奥林匹亚德。现代奥运会始终遵循奥林匹亚德的原则,即:因战争无法按期举办奥运会,每逢闰年仍旧算是一届。 22. 第一届奥林匹克运动会是哪一年,在什么地方举行的?

第一届奥运会是1896年在希腊雅典举行的。 23. 奥林匹克会旗图案是什么?有什么含义?


ompelling.\h the \he flood of scientific enough, before the treatment and water quality improvement after the treatment effect is not obvious, county-wide focus on river still largely inferior five water, swimming the River could not be found. Five is \head. Notice of stock there, new construction did not receive timely treatment every year (such as ancestral hall as unauthorised repeated), contrary to the created work is very different from the provincial and municipal standards. Meanwhile, when implementation is not in place, generally only focus on illegal construction demolished, failing that split that is clear, combined demolition, insufficient attention to reconstruction of old residential areas, urban villages, shanty towns and promote poor. o solve these problems, we must enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, insist on problem-oriented, to take strong measures, efforts to make up the \culture\nd \construction of comprehensive safeguards, \Gate of XX beautiful\ng. II, and precision Shi policy, and manpower playing good \cultural\k protracted \cultural\al development the work of based, county levels the sector to according to \d agricultural, and and manpower rural, and development farmers\s, insisted agricultural rural based status not shake, insisted huinong kulak policy not weakened, insisted reform innovation test not stop, efforts created new era \w situation. (A) to make agriculture more. o establish the concept of agriculture around the people demand, and comprehensively promote the supply side of agriculture structural reform, strive to enhance the quality and efficiency of agriculture and competitiveness. Focus is on doing the four articles. One is the steady increase of grain article. Always tighten the string for food security, \nd in the adjustment of agricultural planting structure in the \ne.\construction of grain ribbons, improving agricultural infrastructure, enhance food production capacity, improve the quality of agricultural products, effectively \n \ndustry convergence article. Enhance the level of concentration, intensification of agriculture, creating production, processing, distribution, sales and service in one of the agricultural industrial chain, to break down the value chain, improve added value. Pushing forward \net + agricultural\o improve agricultural production, management, and service level, innovating the mode of e-commerce marketing of agricultural products, solve the difficult problem of saleof agricultural products. Agriculture and tourism, education, culture, health, pension and other deep integration, develop leisure, travel11.

living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. %ule\County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the city's first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the provincial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effects. \demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed \completed City issued annua task of 403%, ranking city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level \split\ advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the environment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires \dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off\cipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the city. Compared with the superior claim, \Gate of XX beautiful\nvironment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained \n. \d in the quality and low; short, value added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. \reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. \n\n production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, standardized, brand, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in \phase. \sanitation situation has not changed. %ural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vetting \nomenon, heap lying there. \Bad\base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be \sistent\d\, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. \hat the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of property rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficultfor poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. \d\nts, peasants. Four water effects still lacks 24. 奥林匹克会歌歌名叫什么,词、曲作者分别是谁?

这支乐曲是由希腊人斯皮罗斯?萨马拉斯作曲,科斯蒂斯?帕拉马斯作词的《奥林匹克颂歌》。 25. 奥林匹克勋章何时设立的,分哪几种?

奥林匹克勋章是国际奥委会于1974年决定设立的奖励,分金、银、铜质三级。金质勋章授予以对发展奥林匹克运动有杰出贡献的国家领导人;银质勋章授予为体育运动建立了卓越功绩的国家奥委会或体育界领导人及知名人士。 26. 中国已有几人获得奥林匹克勋章?

中国已有19人获得勋章,他们是万里,荣高棠、钟师统、黄中、李梦华、陈先、路金栋、宋中、伍绍祖、李铁映、徐寅生、徐才等。 27. 奥林匹克杯何时设立,授予何种团体?


28. 中国何时获奥林匹克杯?1986年4月28日。

29. 奥林匹克运动会竞赛项目是如何规定的,遵行什么原则?


30. 奥委会比赛项目至少要包括几个?

奥林匹克运动会的比赛项目至少要包括15个项目。 31. 奥运会百年历史以来,取消了哪些项目?

取消后又恢复的是什么项目?板球、槌球、高尔夫球、网球戏、兜网球、汽艇赛、马球、罗克球、墙网球、橄榄球。网球自从第一届奥运会列入比赛项目,1928年第九届取消,1988年第二十四届奥运会又恢复为正式比赛项目。 32. 奥运会运动员的宣誓词通常由谁来念,内容是什么?

根据国际奥委会决定,从1920年第七届奥运会开始安排运动员宣誓。由东道国最著名的运动员左手持旗帜一角,举右手宣读誓词:\我代表全体运动员宣誓,为了体育的光荣和本队的荣誉,我们将以真正的体育精神,参加本届运动会比赛,尊重和遵守各项规则。\自1968年奥运会又增加了裁判员宣誓。 33. 奥运会吉祥物最早在哪届上出现?


34. 世界上第一套奥林匹克纪念邮票哪个国家发行,共几枚?

ompelling.\h the \he flood of scientific enough, before the treatment and water quality improvement after the treatment effect is not obvious, county-wide focus on river still largely inferior five water, swimming the River could not be found. Five is \head. Notice of stock there, new construction did not receive timely treatment every year (such as ancestral hall as unauthorised repeated), contrary to the created work is very different from the provincial and municipal standards. Meanwhile, when implementation is not in place, generally only focus on illegal construction demolished, failing that split that is clear, combined demolition, insufficient attention to reconstruction of old residential areas, urban villages, shanty towns and promote poor. o solve these problems, we must enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, insist on problem-oriented, to take

strong measures, efforts to make up the \culture\nd \construction of comprehensive safeguards, \Gate of XX beautiful\ng. II, and precision Shi policy, and manpower playing good \cultural\k protracted \cultural\al development the work of based, county levels the sector to according to \d agricultural, and and manpower rural, and development farmers\s, insisted agricultural rural based status not shake, insisted huinong kulak policy not weakened, insisted reform innovation test not stop, efforts created new era \w situation. (A) to make agriculture more. o establish the concept of agriculture around the people demand, and comprehensively promote the supply side of agriculture structural reform, strive to enhance the quality and efficiency of agriculture and competitiveness. Focus is on doing the four articles. One is the steady increase of grain article. Always tighten the string for food security, \nd in the adjustment of agricultural planting structure in the \ne.\he construction of grain ribbons, improving agricultural infrastructure, enhance food production capacity, improve the quality of agricultural products, effectively \n \ndustry convergence article. Enhance the level of concentration, intensification of agriculture, creating production, processing, distribution, sales and service in one of the agricultural industrial chain, to break down the value chain, improve added value. Pushing forward \net + agricultural\o improve agricultural production, management, and service level, innovating the mode of e-commerce marketing of agricultural products, solve the difficult problem of saleof agricultural products. Agriculture and tourism, education, culture, health, pension and other deep integration, develop leisure, travel12