2019-2020中考英语预测押题卷(含答案) 下载本文

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(一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Good job.

B. That’s OK.

C. Thank you, Mr. Woods.

2. A. Bad luck. B. Be careful. C. Sorry, I haven’t. 3. A. She is great. B. She is healthy.

C. She is good-looking.

4. A. Really? B. Good idea. C. Congratulations. 5. A. You can take a bus. B. Sorry, I am new here. here.


6. What kind of class does the man prefer?

A. Gym class. B. Art class. C. Music class. 7. Which language does Mr. Black speak best?

A. French. B. Chinese. C. Japanese. 8. Where does Miss Smith come from?

A. Canada. B. America. C. Australia. 9. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a park. B. In a garden. C. In a supermarket. 10. How much will the woman pay if she rents the room for two weeks? A. 50 dollars. B. 100 dollars. C. 160 dollars.

(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有40秒钟的读题时间) 11. When will the visitors come?

A. In April. B. In May. C. In June

] C. It’s about 2 kilometers from

12. How many visitors are coming?

A. 11. B. 14. C. 15. 13. What will the visitors do on the second day?

A. Have a party. B. Give a talk. C. Visit the schools 14. How long will the visit be?

A. Three days. B. Five days. C. Two weeks. 15. Where will the visitors go sightseeing the last two days?

A. Schools. B. New York. C. Niagara Falls.


(四)听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。短文读三遍。 16. Daming thinks that Jackie Chan's movies are ________.

A. cheerful B. great C. exciting 17. Darning likes Jackie Chan because he is ________.

A. friendly B. famous C. cool 18. Jackie Chan is now living in ________.

A. New York B. Hong Kong C. Beijing 19. Jackie Chan likes the famous movie ________.

A. Hero B. The Lion King C. Sleepless Night 20. Jackie Chan is an ________.

A. officer B. actor C. astronaut 二:单项选择:(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21..My uncle bought a car yesterday._________ car was made in Guangzhou. A.A 22.– Who is it?

-- . I took this photo when I was 4. A. I

B. Me

C. Mine

D. Myself.




23.Steve Jobs is one of the persons founded Apple Computer Company. His death marked the end of an era (时代). A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. /

24. excellent basketball player Jeremy Lin (林书豪)is! I really love this talented guy. A. How

B. What

C. How a

D. What an

25.There a football match and a concert this weekend. Which one would you like to go? A. is

B. are

C. will be

D. will have

26. he is old, he can walk fast.

A. Or B. But C. So D. Although. 27.How old is your son?

- Nine. We had a special party for his birthday last Sunday.

A. nine B. ninth C. fifteen D. fifteenth. 28.A Disneyland Park _____ __ in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future. A.builds B.has built C.will build 29.—How long can I _________ the book?

—For three weeks.But you can’t lend it to others. A.see




30.He wanted to know ___________. A. where Lucy lives C. where does Lucy live

D.will be built.

B. where Lucy lived D. where Lucy lives in.


31.----How much did you _________ for this computer?

----Five hundred dollars. A.cost




32.The bridge is over _________ meters long. A.eight hundred and sixty-three C.eight hundred, sixty-three A.in, in

B.eight hundreds and sixty-three D.eight hundred, sixty and three.

D.in, on

33.A terrible earthquake hit Ya’an, Sichuan Province ____ the morning _______ April 25.

B.at, on C.on, of

34.----I called you at eight yesterday evening, but nobody answered.

----Oh, I _________ in the library at that time. A.read


C.am reading

D.was reading.

35.---Must I hand in my homework today?

---No, you____ . you can do it tomorrow. A.mustn’t






Long long ago,there was a man and his wife who worked for an old man.One day,the old man pointed to a big box in his living room and said,“There’s only one thing you mustn’t do:Don’t open this 36 .”After saying this,he 37 home.

The woman said to her husband,“There must be 38 expensive in the box.Let’s open it,shall we?” Her husband didn’t want to do that, 39 the woman didn’t give up.

A few days later,the woman made a 40 to find out what was in the box.Before her husband could stop her,she opened the box and looked into it.To her 41 ,there was nothing in it.She tried hard to 42 the box,but she failed.

That evening,the old man came home and found that the box was open.He was very 43 and he asked the woman and her husband to leave his home at once.

“But there was nothing in the box,” the woman said,“We haven’t 44 anything at all.”

The old man shouted,“The box is not important.Now I know that I can’t trust(信任)you.That’s what’s 45 !” 36.A.bag 37.A.left 39.A.so 41.A.joy 42.A.close

B.case B.went B.nothing B.and

C.box C.came C.or


D.backpack D.arrived D.anything D.but D.pleasure D.carry


40.A.suggestion B.decision C.mistake D.living

B.fun B.open

C.surprise C.throw