河北省加油站地下水污染调查实例分析 下载本文

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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:苏亚南 田西昭 李红超


龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn

龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn

摘要:以华北平原区某石油类污染场地为例,从污染源分布勘察、场地水文地质模型建立、土壤及地下水的现场调查入手,采用物探取样等一些取样方法,对不同深度土壤及地下水的有机污染进行调查和样品分析。结果表明:整个场地的土壤和地下水受到不同程度的污染,项目场地内浅层地下水受到了加油站成品油泄露的污染,其污染因子为甲基叔丁基醚、苯系物、石油烃和多环芳烃类,深层地下水并未受到加油站成品油泄露的污染。 关键词:加油站;地下水污染;修复技术 中图分类号:X52文献标志码:A文章编号: 1672-1683(2015)001-0057-04

Example analysis of Hebei Province gas station of groundwater pollution investigation SU Ya-nan1,TIAN Xi-zhao2,LI Hong-chao2

(1.Hebei Provincial Environmental Scientific Research Institute ,Shijiazhuang 050037,China;

2.Hebei Institute of Environmental Geology Exploration,Shijiazhuang 050021,China) Abstract:To petroleum contaminated site of the North China Plain Area as an example,By the investigation from the distribution of pollution sources,Establish the site hydrogeological model and he investigation from the field soil and groundwater,Some sampling methods are used as

geophysical sampling,The investigation and analysis of samples of organic pollution on Soil and groundwater.it was concluded that The site of the soil and Groundwater are Contaminated in different extent,The shallow groundwater of Project site is polluted by Leakage of Refined oil in gas Station,The pollution caused by MTBE,Benzene,petroleum hydrocarbon and PAHs.While deep groundwater is not.

Key words:gas station;groundwater pollution;repair technology

