新牛津译林版五年级英语下册Unit3 第1课时教案 下载本文

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Unit3 第1课时教学设计

第1课时:Story time;Fun time 一、板块介绍

本部分的场景和话题是Unit 2 Story time 的延续。Yang Ling想去Su Hai的新家看一看,但是不知道怎么走。课文由两个场景组成,场景一是Yang Ling在电话里询问Su Hai去她家的路线,场景二是Yang Ling 在途中迷路了,向警察问路。 二、教学目标

1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写ask the way, get to, take, get on, station, get off, walk ,bookshop, next to, sun, ask…for help, excuse me, along, turn right, traffic light, on your right等。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读Story time中的故事。

3. 句型:How do I get to …?及其回答You can take …/Go along this street./Turn right at the traffic lights … 三、教学重难点

1. 句型:—How do I get to …?

—Go along …/Turn left …/Get on/off …/You can …

2. 词汇:a cinema, a hospital, a shop, a zoo, get on, get off, turn right, turn left. 四、教学过程

Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in 1. 歌曲热身

教师可以和学生一起演唱Unit 2的歌曲The wheels on the bus,导入新单元话题。 2. 猜谜活动,复习词汇

教师可以和学生用猜谜的形式复习Unit 2交通工具类的词汇。如: T: It can fly. It’s fast. We usually take it to go to a city or country far away. Ss: It’s a plane.

3. 问答活动,复习句型

教师可以和学生进行简单的问答,复习Unit 2关于住处和交通方式的句型,为新单元的话题呈现做准备。如: T: Where do you live? S1: I live on/in/at...

T: How do you come to school? S1: I come to school by .../on foot. T: Where does Su Hai live?

Ss: She lives on Moon Street, near City Library.

T: Su Hai has a new home. Do you want to go to her home and have a look? Ss: Yes.

Step 2: Presentation & Practice Story time

1. 猜谜游戏,教授交通工具类词汇

教师可以用多媒体或在黑板上呈现本单元出现的七种交通工具的图片,并用简单的语言描述它们的特点,然后让学生猜出相应的交通工具。如: ? It has two wheels. There is usually a basket on it. (bike) ? It is long. It runs under the ground. (metro) ? It is big. It can fly. (plane) ? It is a big boat. (ship)

? It is long. It runs very fast. It usually travels between cities. (train)

? It is big. It runs on the road. It usually travels within a city. It can carry many people. (bus)

? It is small. It has a driver and it can carry one to four passengers. (taxi) 2. 问答活动,教授新句型

教师可以先介绍自己住在哪个城市,可以具体到城区和街道,教授live及其和介词in, on的搭配。教师可以列出自己所在城市的主要城区和街道,供学生回答时选用。如:

T: Where do we live? China? Jiangsu? Nanjing? All these are right. We live in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. We all live in this city, but I still don’t know where your homes are. Which district? I live in Gulou District. What about you? S1: I live in Xuanwu District. Where do you live? S2: I live in Qinhuai District.

T: I know the district you live in, but I still don’t know where your homes are. Which street/road? I live on Hunan Road. What about you?

S1: I live on ... Street/Road. S2: ...

3. 问答活动,教授near和far from

在活动2的基础上,教师可以进一步和学生进行问答活动,介绍自己住处附近的地标性建筑或住处和学校之间的远近,教授near和far from。教师可以列出自己所在城市的一些地标性建筑或场所,供学生回答时选用。如: T: I live on Hunan Road, near Fenghuang Bookshop. What about you? S1: I live … S2: I live … …

T: I live on Hunan Road. I don’t live near school. My home is far from school. What about you? Who lives near school? Whose home is far from school? S1: I live/My home is near school. S2: My home is/I live far from school. …

4. 问答活动,教授介词by

在活动2和3的基础上,教师可以自然地导入本单元的另一个重点句型How do you come to school? 及其回答,教授介词by的用法。如:

T: My home is far from school, so I come to school by bus. How do you come to school?

S1: I live near school. I come to school by bike/on my father’s bike. T: (做走路状) Do you walk to school? S2: Yes, I do.

T: He/She walks to school. He/She comes to school on foot. What about you? S3: I come to school on foot too.

5. 看图说话,预测课文内容 教师可以出示课文中的两幅图片,要求学生仔细观察,发现图中人物上学所用的方 式,并口头表述。如: T: How do Su Hai and Su Yang come to school? Ss: They come to school by bus. T: How does Yang Ling come to school?