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顺序号 科目编码 科目中英文名称 科目类型 帐类 帐页格式 其它 account code account tittle 资产assets

1 1001 现金-cash on hand 资产 日记账 资产-借方 2 1002 银行存款-cash in bank 资产 银行日记账 有部分外币 3 1009 其他货币资金-others cash 4 1101 短期投资 short-term investment

5 1102 短期投资跌价准备provision for loss on realization of short term investment 贷方 6 1111 应收票据-notes receivable 7 1121 应收股利-dividends receivable 8 1122 应收利息-interest receivable

9 1131 应收账款-accounts receivables 资产 客户往来 10 1133 其他应收款-others receivables 资产 个人往来 11 1141 坏帐准备-provision for bad debts 贷方

12 1151 预付账款-advances to suppliers 资产 供应商往来 13 1161 应收补贴款-subsidies receivable

14 1201 物资采购-materials purchased 资产 个人往来

15 1211 原材料-raw materials 资产 成本核算 数量金额式 计量单位 16 1221 包装物-containers 资产 成本核算 数量金额式 计量单位 17 1231 低值易耗品-low cost and short lived articles 18 1232 材料成本差异-e/d for raw materials 19 1241 自制半成品-semi-finished goods

20 1243 库存商品-finished goods 资产 成本核算 数量金额式 计量单位 21 1244 商品进销差价-e/d for operating 22 1251 委托加工物资-materials in consignors 23 1261 委托代销商品-goods in consignors 24 1271 受托代销商品-goods in consignees

25 1281 存货跌价准备-provision for loss on realization of inventory 贷方 26 1291 分期收款发出商品-goods on installment sales 27 1301 待摊费用-prepaid expenses 资产

28 1401 长期股权投资-long-term investments -shares 29 1402 长期债权投资-long -term investments-debentures

30 1421 长期投资减值准备provision for loss on realization of long-term investments 31 1431 委托贷款-loan receivable

32 1501 固定资产-fixed assets 资产 数量金额式 计量单位 33 1502 累计折旧-accumulated depreciation 资产 贷方

34 1505 固定资产减值准备provision for loss on realization of fixed assets 贷方 35 1601 工程物资-construction materials 36 1603 在建工程-construction in progress

37 1605 在建工程减值准备-provision for loss on realization of construction 贷方 38 1701 固定资产清理-disposal of fixed assets 39 1801 无形资产-intangible assets

40 1805 无形资产减值准备-provision for loss on realization intangible assets 贷方41 1815 未确认融资费用-unrealizable mortgage expenses

贷方 42 1901 长期待摊费用-long term prepaid expenses 资产 43 1911 待处理财产损益 - P/L for assets taking

科目编码 科目中英文名称 科目类型 帐类 帐页格式 其它 liabilities and owner\\'s equity

2101 短期借款-short-term loans 负债 负债-贷方 2111 应付票据-notes payable 负债

2121 应付账款-accounts payable 负债 供应商往来 2131 预收账款-advances from customers 负债 客户往来 2141 代销商品款-consignors payable 负债 2151 应付工资-accrued payroll 负债 2153 应付福利费-welfare fund payable 负债 2161 应付股利-dividends payable 负债 2171 应交税金-accrued tax 负债 多栏式VAT 2176 其他应交款-accrued others payments 负债 2181 其他应付款-others payable 负债 个人往来 2191 预提费用-accrued expenses 负债 2201 待转资产价值-accrued assets 负债 2211 预计负债-accrued liabilities 负债 2301 长期借款-long-term loans 负债 2311 应付债券-debentures payable 负债 2321 长期应付款-long-term payable 负债 2331 专项应付款-specific term payable 负债 2341 递延税款-differed tax 负债 3101 实收资本- paid in capital 权益 贷方 3103 以归还投资-investment returned 权益 借方 3111 资本公积-capital surplus 权益 贷方 3121 盈余公积-surplus reserve 权益 贷方 3131 本年利润-current profit 权益 3141 利润分配-distributed profits 权益

4101 生产成本-cost of production 成本 成本核算 借方

4105 制造费用-manufacturing expenses 成本 成本核算 多栏式 借方 4107 劳务成本-labor cost 成本 成本核算 借方 5101 主营业务收入-sales 损益 贷方

5102 其他业务收入-income from other operations 损益 贷方 5202 投资收益-returns on investments 损益 贷方 5203 补贴收入-subsidies income 损益 贷方 5301 营业外收入-non operating income 损益 贷方 5401 主营业务成本-cost of sales 损益 借方

5402 主营业务税金及附加-sales and additional tax 损益 借方 5405 其他业务支出-expenses for other operations 损益 借方 5501 营业费用-selling expenses 损益 借方

5502 管理费用-general and administrative expenses 损益 多栏式 借方

5503 财务费用-financial expenses 损益 借方 5601 营业外支出-non-operating expenses 损益 借方

5801 以前年度损益调整-adjusted P/L for previous year 损益

1911 待处理财产损益 - P/L for assets taking 1002 银行存款-cash in bank

191101 待处理流动资产损益-P/L for current assets taking 100201 银行存款-人民币 191102 待处理固定资产损益-P/L for fixed assets taking 100202 银行存款-美元 2171 应交税金-accrued tax 100203 银行存款-欧元(结算户)- 217101 应交增值税-accrued VAT 100204 银行存款-欧元(外债户)- 217102 未交增值税-unpaid VAT 5503 财务费用-financial expenses

217103 应交营业税-accrued operating tax 550301 财务费用-银行手续费-bank fee

217104 应交消费税-accrued consumption tax 550302 财务费用-汇兑损益-P/L for exchange 217105 应交资源税-accrued resource rent tax 550303 财务费用-利息收入-interest gain 217106 应交所得税-accrued income tax 5502 管理费用-genernal and administrative expenses 217107 应交土地增值税-accrued land VAT 550201 管理费用-差旅费-office travel 217108 应交城市维护建设税-accrued construction tax 550202 管理费用-电话费-telephone 217109 应交房产税-accrued property tax 550203 管理费用-工作餐-working meal 217110 应交土地使用税-accrued land tax 550204 管理费用-办公费-stationery

217111 应交车船使用税-accrued Vehicle and Vessel Usage Tax 550205 管理费用-交际费-entertainment 217112 应交个人所得税-accrued individual income tax 550206 管理费用-交通费- taxi & bus 217113 应交关税-accrued customs duty 550207 管理费用-汽车费-car 3111 资本公积-capital surplus 550208 管理费用-邮电费-postage 311101 资本溢价-share premium 550209 管理费用-工资-salary

311102 接受捐赠非现金资产准备-provision for donation of not cash assets 550210 管理费用-折旧费-depreciation

311103 接受现金捐赠-donation of cash 550211 管理费用-其他-others

311104 股权投资准备-provision for share investment 4105 制造费用-manufacturing expenses 311105 拨款转入- funds from head office 410501 制造费用-交通费-taxi and bus

311106 外币资本折算差额-e/d of foreign exchange capital 410502 制造费用-劳保费-labor protection 311107 其他资本公积-other capital surplus 410503 制造费用-水暖电-water lighting & heating 3121 盈余公积- surplus reserve 410504 制造费用-运费-transportation fee

312101 法定盈余公积-compulsory surplus reserve 410505 制造费用-办公费-stationery 312102 任意盈余公积-general surplus reserve 410506 制造费用-邮电费-postage 312103 法定公益金-compulsory welfare fund 410507 制造费用-工资-salary 312104 储备基金-reserve fund 410508 制造费用-伙房-food

312105 企业发展基金enterprise expansion fund 410509 制造费用-其他-others

312106 利润归还投资profits capitalized on return of investment 410510 制造费用-物料用品-consumer 3141 利润分配-distributed profits 2151 应付工资-accrued payroll 314101 其他转入-others transfer in 215101 个调税-personal tax

314102 提取法定盈余公积-compulsory surplus reserve 215102 工厂-factory 314103 提取法定公益金-compulory welfare fund 215103 办公室-office 314104 提取储备基金-reserve fund 215104 董事会-lorentz

314105 提取企业发展基金-enterprise expansion fund 215105 加班费-overtime working fee 314106 提取职工奖励积福利基金-staff and workers\\' bonus and welfare fund 314107 利润归还投资-profits capitalized on returns of investment