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(限时:37分钟 语法填空2篇+完形填空+阅读理解1篇) Ⅰ.语法填空

A Once there were two mice, a city mouse and a country mouse. They were 1.________ (distance) relatives, One day the city mouse, 2.________ lived in a big house, wrote a letter to the country mouse inviting him for a visit.

Delighted, the country mouse accepted the 3.________ (invite) and came to the city mouse's house. He was greeted by the city mouse cheerfully. The country mouse was surprised 4.________ the house was so big. The city mouse was pleased 5.________ led the country mouse to the kitchen. Then 6.________ climbed up the table, and they found a large piece of bread, fruit and cheese on it. But just as they began to eat, they heard a great noise. The city mouse cried,“Run!Run!The cat 7.________ (come)!”They ran away quickly and hid.

8.________ (breathe) heavily after hiding in the mouse hole, the country mouse said to the city mouse,“I should go 9.________ to my house in the country. Even if I eat nothing but beans, I can live 10.________ (peace). Why don't you come with me to the country?It is nicer to be poor and happy than to be rich and afraid.”


Officer:Hello. Police station. Can I help you?

Janet:Yes. I'm calling to report a 1.________ (miss) credit card. Officer:What's the card number, Miss? Janet:Oh, I don't remember.

Officer:What's your 2.________ and address?

Janet:Janet Wilson. W-I-L-S-O-N, 1275 Greenlake Road, Florence, Italy.

Officer:I see. Janet Wilson, 1275 Greenlake Road, Florence, Italy. You are not 3.________ American citizen, are you?

Janet:No, I'm an 4.________ (Italy). Does that matter?

Officer:Oh, no, no. Did you say your card 5.________ (lose) or was stolen? Janet:Stolen. I left my purse on the counter in the shopping mall while I went to the fitting room to try the dress 6.________.

Officer:7.________ did you discover it was stolen?

Janet:I didn't discover it until I went to pay. Do you think there is anything I could do?I guess someone 8.________ be charging things to my credit this very minute.

Officer:9.________ need to worry, Miss Wilson. Once we get your card number, your card won't work all over the world simply by 10.________ (inform) the bank.

Janet:Oh, I'm so relieved to hear that. Thank you very much. Officer:That's all right. Ⅱ.完形填空

Most people hate to be criticized; most people hate to fail. But people respond __1__ when criticized or when failure has befallen them. I would like to tell other people to __2__ criticism which is good and valuable. I have gotten to that point where I __3__ people who criticize me because the criticism enables me to improve.

I started writing. My __4__ would sometimes say to me, “Gishma, I have written some harsh (严厉的) words on your paper but I like your ideas and I see some __5__ in your writing.” My response would be “No problem, Prof. I prefer it.” I __6__ that I would learn better through the criticism and I wanted to improve. So I __7__ the criticism; the harsher the criticism was, the better it was for me. If I had to give my __8__ to someone else to read, I'd also advise them to be very critical

of it and to be __9__. You would tell me so, __10__ I wrote a load of nonsense. I would rather revise it than have someone else ask __11__ I was writing actually. So when your teacher or parent is being critical of you, keep __12__, accept criticism with an open mind, __13__ having him/her provide you with substandard (不够标准的) criticism. Of course, you can challenge (质疑) him/her when you believe in __14__ or you have the facts to __15__ you are right.

I have learned that criticism and failure are two __16__ factors and not negative as most people tend to find them to be. You will be __17__ through your learning process and you will fail many times, so __18__ them and come to realize the wealth that lies beyond these two concepts. What I have __19__ from appreciating criticism and failure has improved my critical __20__ skills, and helped my mind mature.

1.A.strangely B.obviously

C.differently D.actively 2.A.accept B.explain C.change D.ignore 3.A.dislike B.value C.know D.analyze 4.A.professor B.friend C.partner D.classmate 5.A.news B.advice C.information D.progress 6.A.believed B.guessed C.realized D.announced 7.A.refused B.expected C.welcomed D.developed 8.A.message B.note C.record D.writing 9.A.honest B.curious C.fair D.serious 10.A.before B.if

C.as D.although 11.A.whom B.when

C.what D.where 12.A.smart B.calm

C.excited D.appreciative 13.A.more than B.other than C.rather than D.less than 14.A.understanding B.god

C.love D.truth 15.A.prove B.think

C.hope D.report 16.A.bad B.positive

C.useless D.common 17.A.encouraged B.forced

C.criticized D.directed 18.A.deal with B.watch out for

C.make up D.get used to 19.A.met B.gained

C.suffered D.kept 20.A.working B.studying

C.living D.thinking


(2014·广东省“六校联盟”第三次联合考试)When it comes to parenting, Chinese fathers say the most important role they play is that of the family chauffeur.

In a survey of 500 Chinese fathers released earlier this week by communications company JWT, respondents ranked driving their children to extra-curricular activities and to school first and second, respectively, as the main childcare responsibilities of the male in the family.More than two-thirds of Chinese fathers surveyed said they saw these tasks as their responsibilities, not their wives'.

Fathers ranked handling doctor visits, disciplining children and helping with homework third through fifth on the list of daddy jobs.

Zhang Xiaoyan, a housewife in Shanghai, complained that driving the children is the only task her husband does at home.“Men are under greater stress to support the family by working long hours, so they want ‘easy’tasks that don't involve a lot of thinking,” she said.

“Since those long hours prevent many fathers from spending much time with their children, they don't want to be the one to scold them for not doing their homework,” she added.

“They want to make up for not being there most of the time, and they want to be the good cop,” Ms.Zhang said. “So moms are always the bad cop, which is fine because kids have a stronger bonding with us.”

Kids have long been an obsession in China, but the chatter (喋喋不休) about family has increased this past week after the government announced that it would ease restrictions on its longstanding policy of restricting most families to having just one child.

Fathers' roles have also been featured in the media limelight in recent weeks after a reality show called Where Are We Going, Dad? became a hit last month on Chinese television and the online video site Tudou.

The show, which is an adaptation of a Korean reality series of the same name, takes five celebrity dads and their young kids to the countryside where the father-son duos compete against one another in various tasks.

Many Chinese moms, like Ms.Zhang, have encouraged their husbands to watch the show, hoping it will inspire them to be more active in parenting duties.

1.What does the underlined word “chauffeur” in the first paragraph mean? A.Breadwinner. B.Car driver.

C.Homework instructor. D.Housework participant. 2.With heavy workloads, Chinese fathers would do the following EXCEPT________. A.voicing their anger when kids fail to do their homework B.devoting most of their time to their career

C.making up for their absence from parenting duties

D.only taking family tasks that don't demand much thinking 3.The show Where Are We Going, Dad? highlights________. A.the teamwork spirit of the participants B.the wisdom of kids