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【点拨】hate 多作动词,意为\讨厌,不喜欢\。如: I hate that kind f anials with lng tails (尾巴).Peple hate being heated. 【上层楼】

1. hate作动词多用于hate (ding) sth.或hate t d sth.。如:

Althugh y grandfather is ld, he hates sitting still and ding nthing.

arrie hated the plan. It ade her t tired. 注意:hate后跟动名词时多指习惯性的行为或正在进行的动作;后跟不定式多指一次性的行为或未进行的动作。试比较:

The by hates getting up early every rning. The by hated t get up early the next day. 2. hate 也可作名词,意为\仇恨,憎恨\。如: She lked at the an with eyes full f hate. 3. hateful ad. \可恨的,可恶的\。如:

The authr takes thse peple as hateful eneies (敌人).

2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创

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【点拨】appreiate 为动词,意为\欣赏,赞美\。如: The anager appreiated the new wrker’s enthusias very uh.

Her parents dn’t appreiate her byfriend. 【上层楼】

1. appreiate还可表示\感谢,感激\用于appreiate (ding) sth.或appreiate + that从句。如:

I really appreiated yur ing t y birthday party. It was a big surprise fr e.

yur early reply wuld be highly appreiated. 您如果能早日回复,我会非常感激的。 I’d appreiate that sene give e a hand. 如果有人帮忙我会非常感谢的。

2. appreiate表示\感谢\也常用于固定句式I wuld appreiate it if ...,意为\如果……我将不胜感激\。如: I wuld appreiate it if yu give e the hane. I’d appreiate it a lt if yu lend e the bk. 3. appreiatin n.\感激,感谢;赏识\;appreiative ad.\感激的,表示赞赏的\。如:

The award is given in appreiatin f her great ntributins (贡献) t the wrld peae.

2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创

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The girl gave e an appreiative sile in return. 【词条3】adit

【点拨】adit 为动词,意为\承认,认可\。如:

Lily aditted that she had diffiulty in

understanding the lng artile.

He was unwilling t adit t his istakes. 【上层楼】

1. adit作\承认\解时常用于adit t (ding) sth.或adit (t sb.) +that 从句。如:

She adits t being strit with her hildren. I adit that it is stupid t say suh wrds. 2. adit还可表示\允许参加,允许进入\。如: Lateers will nt be aditted int the hall. hildren under six wuld nt be aditted int priary shl. 3. adissin n.\承认;许可;准许进入\;adissible ad.\可接受的\。如:

nly quite a few an gain adissin t the wrld-knwn universities.

N adissin t the park between 11 p.. and 6 a... I think yur request is adissible. 【词条4】respet


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用于:respet sb. / sth. fr (ding) sth.。如: She prised t respet ur wishes.

I think peple will respet yu fr telling the truth abut it. 【上层楼】

1. respet也可作名词,意为\尊敬,尊重;重视\常用于respet fr sb. / sth.。如:

All the students shwed their respet fr the headaster by sending flwers.

She has wrked hard t earn the respet f her wrkates. 2. respetable ad.\体面的,值得尊敬的\;respetful ad.\表示尊敬的;尊敬的\;respeted ad. \受人尊敬的,受人敬重的\。如:

The Greens ntinued t live a respetable life. The ladies kept a respetful distane fr the leader. This is a highly respeted language paper.


【短语1】as a result

【点拨】as a result 意为\因此,结果是\。如: He listens t the radi prgras in English every rning.

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