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一. 时态问题:


一般现在时表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性的状态或者动作:谓语动词用第三人称单数,例如: 打工对一个人的将来的事业有深远的影响。(过去现在未来都有影响,客观,单数) Taking part-time jobs exerts profound impacts on one’s future career. 国际旅游业促进经济发展。(过去现在未来都促进,客观,单数) International tourism promotes the economic development.

现在进行时:表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在”, 表示逐渐的过程

is developing rapidly/dramatically.

现在完成时: 1.表示结果和影响,一般表示变化大,发展了。2. 表示过去的动作或状态持续到现在 注意常用搭配:In recent years, In the past decades… 最近几十年期间,世界发生了巨大的改变。

In the past decades, dramatic changes have taken place in the world. 最近几年,科技极大的改变了人们的生活。

In recent years, technology has reshaped people’s life. 犯罪率已经急剧上升了。

The crime rate has increased sharply.

一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态:will do


Computers will play an increasingly critical role in education, but it is not possible that they could replace teachers in the classroom. /but it is impossible for them to replace teachers in the classroom.

二. 语态问题:

常见被动语态结构:be done 一般现在时 Am, is, are done 正在进行时 Is being done 现在完成时 Have/has been done 一般将来时 Will be done


Priorities should be given to education. 很多动物的栖息地正在被破坏

Many habitants of animals are being destroyed 书信已经逐渐被先进的科技所代替

Letters have been replaced by advanced technology gradually.

三. 简单句:

1)简单句:主流句型,主要结构会使用就可以了。 主谓(宾),例如:

例句1 人们在这个问题上的观点不一样。 People have different views on this question。 People’s ideas vary/differ on this issue. 1. 主系表,例如:

例句2 代沟是我们现在所面临的问题。

Generation gap is a problem that we are confronted with. Generation gap is now a problem we have to face. 环境问题是现代社会中一个严重的问题

The environmental problem is a serious problem in modern society.

切记:不能出现没有谓语,或者双谓语的情况,否则分数不会高于5分!(仔细阅读作文反馈) 2)并列句:既然叫并列,那就是连接两个句子。说明连接词前后的两个句子都要有谓语! And, but, or both…and…, not only…but also…, neither…nor…, either…or…

可以并列主语,谓语,宾语,状语(并列的两个部分词性和结构要相同) 主语+谓语 + by either doing A or doing B 通过A方法或者B方法,….可以得到… 主语+谓语 + by not only doing A, but more importantly/seriously,doing B

主语+谓语not only in terms of A, but more importantly/seriously,in terms of B 不止在A方面,更重要/严重的是,在B方面


Most children are spoilt, not only in terms of care and attention, but more seriously, material ways.


Students’ behaviors can be improved by either encouraging students to wear well-designed uniforms or guiding 形式统一them to participate in activities which reveal the spirit of team work.

例句3:肥胖症可以减轻,方法是不但要养成良好的饮食习惯,更重要的是要多做运动,比如慢跑,跳绳等等。 Obesity can be relieved by not only forming good dietary/eating habits, but more importantly taking more exercises, such as jogging and rope skipping.

四. 复杂句:

宾语从句: 宾语由句子充当。连接词可以省略。掌握度较好


认为: insist, maintain, hold, suggest, argue, believe 支持:favor, propose, support, agree, advocate, (be for, be in favor of) 反对:object, oppose (be against)

Some people do believe that

Some people are fully convinced that Some people assert that Some people deem that Some people argue that Some people claim that Some people doubt that Some people deny that


1. It is suggested in the graph that…+句子(indicate, demonstrate, illustrate)it指代的是什么? It is reported that/estimated that/proved that

It is well-known/generally accepted/universally acknowledged that 以上that不能省略

2. Whether S +V is a controversial issue.

Whether we should make effort to/endeavor to preserve endangered species is …