2019年上海市金山区高考英语一模试卷 下载本文

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likely to (1) I highly on the psychopathy scale than people who were into Dire Straits.

Over the past few years, Spotify has been enhancing its data analytic (2) H in an attempt to help marketers (3) F consumers with adverts tailored to the mood they're in. They infer this from the sort of music you're listening to, (4) A with where and when you're listening to it, along with third﹣party data that might be available.

Now, to be clear, there's nothing particularly (5) K about what Spotify is doing with your data. I certainly don't think that they are working with shadowy consulting firms to serve you ads promoting a culture war while you're listening to the songs that (6) G you might be in a casually racist mood. Nevertheless, I find it (7) D that our personal private moments with music are increasingly being turned into data points and sold to advertisers.

You can see where this could go, can't you? As ad targeting gets ever more complicated, marketers will have the ability to target our emotions in (8) J exploitative ways. According to one study, titled Misery Is Not Miserly, you are more likely to spend more on a (9) E if you're feeling sad. You can imagine some companies might take advantage of that. And on that note, I'm feeling a little down about all this. I'll (10) C off to treat myself to something expensive. 【考点】N8:选词填空.

【分析】本文讲述的是如果你感到悲伤,你更有可能在一种产品上花更多的钱. 【解答】I H F A K G D J E C

1.I.句意理解题.根据句意可知,纽约大学(New York University)去年的一项研究发现,喜欢艾米纳姆(Eminem)的《迷失自我》(Lose Yourself)和贾斯汀?比伯(Justin Bieber)的《你是什么意思?》









6.G.句意理解题.根据\I certainly don't think that they are working with shadowy consulting firms to serve you ads promoting a culture war \可知,我当然不认为他们是在与影子咨询公司合作,为你播放宣传文化战争的广告,而你却在听那些暗示你可能处于偶然的种族主义情绪中的歌曲.故选G.

7.D.句意理解题.根据\our personal private moments with music are increasingly being turned into data points and sold to advertisers\可知,然而,我觉得令人沮丧的是,我们与音乐的私人时光正越来越多地变成数据点,卖给广告商.故选D. 8.J.句意理解题.根据\, marketers will have the ability to target our emotions \可知,随着广告定位变得越来越复杂,营销人员将有能力以潜在的剥削方式来定位我们的情感.故选J.




Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

16.(15分)The constant working engine that drives the majority of human action is, undoubtedly, the fragrant dream of individualism. And while the presence of its scent is (1) D throughout the world entirely, its value is worshipped (敬奉) to such an extent in a land no other than that of America. As the framework of its history, America holds individuality as the ever



﹣popular green light, the essence of which becomes the symbol of hope for, well, almost everything. In fact, in America's current social status, individuality has become something of a birthright, and a (2) A applied upon the face of the media, where it was (3) B valued as the American dream. There is no denying the popularity of this idol in American society, and little hope for (4) D it.

However, (5) A most pride themselves in their individualistic state, perhaps humans, when stripped (剥) to their core (核心), are everything but. It is no new discovery that people are the sum of their experiences. The overwhelming majority of human experiences involve other humans, along with the (6) C and relationships between them. It is a (7) B occurrence when a life is built upon events without this stimulus. Indeed, interaction is the core of experience. Therefore, in order that humans are the sum of their experiences, they must be the sum of the people that they meet, just as well. As an Americanized teen, I found the discovery that not only my self﹣entitled individualism was (8) D , but that I, as a being, was a product, increasingly unsettling to accept. Questions (9) C me such as \I am bits and pieces of everyone I have met ﹣ my family, my teachers, all of my friends, and even strangers ﹣ then what is left that is just me? What part of me is just me? How much of myself is the combining of different parts of different people? Is such a (10) A between myself and others even possible?\

Such are inquiries that will continue to be thought about, as I have come to accept that they will remain a (11) B . Therefore, with the allowance of these questions, the response must be a (12) D in the definition of \. The previously mentioned questions no longer concern me, as I have put a stop to the idea that the \of an ocean of influence.

I realized that my personality cannot depend on a(n) (13) A between influence and individualism, as such is a line that cannot be distinct. (14) C , I must be a person whose calmness is a beautifully hazy mixture, and a



steady question. Thus, it is the commonly unnoticed durable mystery that is the frustration of those who can (15) D the lie of individualism. Hopefully, they will come into acceptance.

(1)A. unpredictable B. untrustworthy C. unreliable D. undeniable (2)A. necessity (3)A. later (4)A. destroying (5)A. though (6)A. conflict (7)A. common (8)A. right (9)A. affected

B. characteristic C. mark B. previously B. appreciating B. if B. tension B. rare B. justified B. interrupted

C. extremely C. chasing C. since

D. model D. publicly D. escaping D. as

C. interaction D. cooperation C. frequent C. unclear C. bothered C. contrast C. truth C. factor C. exchange C. Instead C. cope with

D. strange D. false D. surprised D. communication D. fantasy D. change D. medium D. Furthermore D. see through

(10)A. separation B. combination (11)A. secret (12)A. gap

B. mystery B. belief

(13)A. distinction B. connection (14)A. Therefore (15)A. break up

B. However B. make up


【分析】短文主要讲了现代社会人们所特有的个人主义是在社会活动活动中与人的相互作用所产生的,但仍然存在着一些无法解释的问题. 【解答】1﹣15:DABDA CBDCA BDACD


