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Key to Model Test One

Part I Writing 【参考范文】

Styles of Living

Some people enjoy living together with their parents after they have grown up. They think that by living with parents they can take better care of their parents and vice versa. Meanwhile, they can turn to their parents for help if they get into trouble or have some difficulties. To them, life in a big family seems to be more enjoyable than that in a small one.

Others, however, prefer living separately. They cherish/hold the idea of being independent, and wish to have a place of their own. Besides, they don't want to be overprotected/ spoil

ed by their parents, but long/yearn for the opportunities to face the society by



As for me, I like an independent life style. Different generations have different life styles and values. What one generation likes may not be another generation's fondness. In order to avoid conflicts, the best way is to live separately. In addition, by leading an independent life, I can develop my own ability to deal with the difficulties in my life. So I want to live by myself.

Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)


1. B)。【定位】由题干关键词a guide dog可将答案定位至第一个标题下第一段第三句:To do this, a guide dog must know how to keep on a direct route, ignoring distractions such as smells, other animals and people.

【解析】原文指出,一条导盲犬在导盲时必须知道如何做到保持一条直达的路线,不被别的气味、动物或者人吸引。文中的keep on a

direct route与选项B)中的walk straight 属于同义转述,且都指的是导盲犬的行为,故答案为B)。 2. D)。【定位】由题干关键词any command可将答案定位至第一个标题下第二段第一句:Additionally, a guide dog must know to disobey any command that would put the handler in danger.

【解析】本句指出,对于那些险的命令,导盲犬必须学会不服从。题干中的any command指任何命令,显然过于绝对化了,与本句相矛盾,故D)为正确答案。 3. C)。【定位】由各选项中的关键词可将答案定位至第一个标题下第三段。【解析】该段并没有提及notify the handler的相关信息。所以答案是C)。 4. B)。【定位】由题干关键词guide dogs will enjoy可将答案定位至第二个标题下第一段第一句:Guide dogs enjoy their work immensely, and they get a lot of satisfaction from a job well done,


but there is no room for typical dog fun during the work day.

【解析】原文表明,导盲犬非常热爱它们的工作,会从做好工作中得到很强的满足感,因此它们真正enjoy的是工作本身,即答案B),而选项D)的satisfaction是由做好本职工作而产生的感觉,并不是它们enjoy的直接对象。 5. C)。【定位】由题干关键词guide dog work, the best thing可将答案定位至第二个标题下第二段第三句:People are very impressed with guide dogs and so we have a natural inclination to praise them, but the best thing you can do to help a guide dog is to leave it alone... 【解析】本句表明对待导盲犬最好的方式就是不要在它工作的时候打扰它,这样它便可以把全部的注意力放在观察周围环境和主人身上,故正确答案为C)。 6. B)。【定位】由题干关键词play和work可将答案定位至第二个标题下最后一段第二句:Guide dogs make the distinction between work and play based on their lead harness.

【解析】原文表明导盲犬是靠它们的挽具来区分工作还是休息的。本题题干中的tells与原文中的make the distinction是同义转述,表示区分,题干中的by对应原文中的based on,故根据原文,得出答案为B)。 7. D)。【定位】由题干关键词evaluated at the guide dog school可将答案定位至第三个标题下第二段第一句:In some schools, if a dog is suited for training but not quite ready, it may go back...


8. food【定位】由题干关键词Different from ordinary obedience training,可将答案定位至第三个标题下末段首句:Unlike ordinary obedience training, guide dog training does not use food as a reward for good performance.

【解析】此处需要填入名词来做介词instead of的宾语,表示不用…来作为奖励。原文中指出,训练导盲犬不能以食物来作为其良好表现的奖励,后面又指明了原因,因为导盲犬必须能够在周围都是食物的地方工作而不会因为食物分心,因此填入答案为food。

9. the new masters【定位】由题干关键词At the end of training可将答案定位至第四个标题下首段首句:The final stage of a guide dogs training is learning to work with its new master.

【解析】此处应填入名词性成分,作介词with的宾语,原文指出,作为导盲犬训练的最后阶段就是学习与主人一起配合好,一起合作。由于题干中从句的主语为复数the dogs,因此此处应填入the new masters。

10. each other’s every movement【定位】由题干关键词handler and the guide dog,learning可将答案定位至全文最后一句:By the time they graduate from the guide dog school, they can read each other’s every movement.

【解析】此处应填入名词性成分,作动词read的宾语。原文中指出,当他们可以互相了解对方的每一个动作时,就可以从导盲学校里毕业了,因此此处填入each other’s every movement。

Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【全文翻译】

