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新视界大学英语综合教程 第三单元课文翻译及练习答案
Active Reading
我正要进公用电话亭,那小个男人走上前来,问我有没有火柴。 我说:“对不起,我不抽烟,没有火柴。你还是问问别人吧。”
我回答说:“对不起,恐怕我不能借钱给你,因为我没有随身带很多钱的习惯。你难道 不觉得向警察求助最管用吗?他们可以告诉你哪儿有旅店,哪儿有可以帮得上忙的组织。”
他犹豫了一下,轻声地说:“我不敢找警察。要是我去了,他们就会把我送回国,我怕 的就是这个。我实在没办法了。” 我问道:“你为什么到这儿来?你怎么来的?你肯定还是有点儿钱的。”
他回答道:“我本来是有的,但在宾馆房间被偷了,我不敢申诉。至于我是怎么来的, 我不能讲。我无法忍受在那种政府体制下生活,本来是我自己的国家,我却活不下去了。 我有一个朋友同意帮我逃走,我永远都感激他。”
我再次说道:“对不起,你为何不去找警察呢?也许他们帮得上忙。像你这样的人,当 局一般是人道对待的。”
他悲哀地摇了摇头,脱帽致意后,就离开了。我上了火车,很快也就忘掉了这件事。 三周之后,我碰巧瞄了一眼一份过期晚报,看到了头版末尾的一小段话:“昨日,泰晤士河上发现一具无名男尸,小个、秃顶、脸颊上有刀痕。警方认为此人系自杀。”我注意到了日期:正好是两周半之前发生的。
Dealing with Unfamiliar Words
⑤ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. 1. shake 2. approach 3. complain 4.hesitate 5. continual 6.emerge 7. conscious 8.accompany
⑥ Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. 1. impression 2.resembled 3.insert 4.inclined 5. appeal 6. firm 8. committing suicide 9. cruelty 10.grateful to ⑦Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. 1.sympathetic 2. tend 3. urgent 4.authorities 5. combination 6.victims 7. Somehow 8. refusal ⑧Answer the questions about the words.
1. a 2. b 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.b 8.a Language in Use
①.Present Participles in adverbial phrases
1.Thinking about what to do next, I turned the corner.
2.Trying to find his telephone number in the directory, I dropped my pen. 3.Having breakfast in my room, I read the news about the man.
4.Thinking about whether I should lend him the money, I left the station. 5.Talking together like old friends, we arrived at the station. 6.Thanking everyone for their help, she left the room.
②.Look at the sentence from the passage and answer the question.
Now complete the sentences with your own ideas using the adjectives in brackets and as … as. 1.The writer was as surprised as a swimmer meeting a shark. 2.The stranger was as polite as a hotel receptionist. 3.The train station is as near as the supermarket. 4.The river in winter is as cold as the North Pole.
5.The job they gave me to do is as demanding as a detective’s. 6.The actor was as clever as the detective.
③.Now complete the sentences with a suitable preposition + whom / which. 1. with whom / to whom 2. under which 3. in which 4.with whom 5. of which 6.from which 7. to whom 8. from which
④. Now rewrite the sentences using It + be … who / that … to give emphasis to the underlined parts. 1. It was a friend of mine who told me this story.
2. It was the way in which he asked for money that impressed me. 3. It was right at the bottom of the page that I saw the article. 4. It was the description of the man that convinced me. 5. It was the sight of the blood on his face that upset me. 6. It was the next day that I realized what had happened.
⑤. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or adverb. 1. of 2.in 3.Under 4. in 5. of 6.through 7. around 8.to ⑥ Translate the sentences into Chinese.
1. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial.
2. Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog.
3. He had an unusually deep voice which suggested a strange combination of shyness and self-confidence.
4. I cannot accept the system of government under which I have had to live and life in my own country has become unbearable to me.
5. I felt half inclined to let him have a few pounds on the chance that he was telling the truth, but I was rather short of ready cash anyhow, and might have needed what I had with me on the way home.
⑦.Translate the sentences into English.
1 人们往往凭第一印象去判断一个人,虽然有时第一印象并不可靠。(tend to; impression) People tend to judge a person by first impressions, though sometimes the first impression is not really reliable.
2. 他非常感谢那些在他困难时期给过他帮助和支持的人。(be grateful to) He is very grateful to those who offered help and support when he was in trouble. Language in Use
3. 总的来说,中国人比较含蓄,一般不怎么愿意和陌生人交谈。(reserved; be inclined to) Generally speaking, Chinese people are more reserved; they are less inclined to talk to strangers. 4. 正是他乐于助人的品德使他赢得了人们的尊重。 (It + be … that …; earn)
It is his virtue of being ready to help others that earns him people’s respect. Language in Use
5. 他们之间建立了良好的关系,这给双方都带来了很多好处。 (from which)
They established a good relationship, from which both of them benefited a lot.
Further Reading